Syllabus Checklist

Syllabus Checklist
Guidelines /Explanation
Required Information Specific to the Course
Instructor contact information
Instructor name, Office Location, Telephone, Email Address, Office
hours, Class days/time or specify online/hybrid, Classroom or specify
online, Prerequisites, GE Category, Courses Fees
Course Description
Course description from the catalog and/or departmental description,
including course prerequisites
Course Goals and Student Learning
State the course goals and objectives. Objectives must be measurable,
specific, and time-related
Complete Class Schedule
The syllabus should include a complete schedule of the class.
List specific course topics for each week, their scope and coverage, as
well as due dates for all assignments, projects, labs, and exams
Best practice: Explain the learning sequence for each unit. Each
sequence includes an overview and learning goals.
Required Texts/Readings
Textbook: Specify where students buy text and information
needed to locate text: Title, Author, Edition, ISBN or a link to
where students can purchase the textbook or access it.
Other equipment/material
Specify details of any specific software or hardware students need for
Classroom Protocol
Set clear expectations for classroom protocol, including
participation, attendance, and mobile device use.
Dropping and Adding
Students responsibility to understand the policies and procedures
about add/drop, academic renew, etc. Make them aware of deadlines
through campus link:
Assignments and Grading Policy
Itemize the course assignments with brief descriptions, alignment
with LO, due dates and grading (determination of grade with
weights). Include statement late assignments, missed work or if
there is extra credit.
CAL STATE L.A. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning 2015
Syllabus Checklist
University Policy/Statements
Include the following:
Student Handbook:
 Academic Dishonesty Statement
 Standard of Conduct
 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Printer-friendly course schedule
Include due dates for all assignments, identify the assignments that are
completed online or face-to-face, topics, and readings.
Course caveats
This syllabus may be subject to change.
For our Campus policy on syllabi: See the Cal State L.A. Faculty Handbook, Chapter 5
CAL STATE L.A. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning 2015
Syllabus Checklist
Quality Matter Standards - Additional Headings to include in Online/Hybrid Courses Syllabus
 Course Structure
Statement introducing students to the course structure
online/hybrid. Define what online/hybrid courses are. Explain the
Learning Management System usage Moodle and how to access it.
 Technology Requirements
Example Statement to include:
Mention the use of LMS (Moodle) include statement of frequency they
will need to be working logging in to the online course, where it is
hybrid or fully online. Direct them for an assistance with Moodle to
this link:
You will need to have an up-to-date browser, operating system and
some additional software on your computer to take this class. Check
the Internet Browser configurations. Some of the documents in this
course will be available to you in PDF form. If you do not have Adobe
Acrobat Reader software on your computer, you can download it by
going to
 Student Support Services
Include any information with links that facilitates student access to
institutional support services. For example technical support,
accessibility support (OSD), academic services and student services.
Include these links in your course as well as a Moodle Page or HTML
Here are some suggested links:
Support Services:
Technical Support Resources
Student Support Resources
Academic Support Resource
Moodle Mentor website
CAL STATE L.A. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning 2015
Syllabus Checklist
 Course Communication
Subheadings include:
Communicating with instructor:
 best method of communication and frequency
 email/messaging
 course announcements News Forum
Questions: Discussion Board ‘Muddiest Point’ course related
Discussion Forums: if using frequency, requirement.
Virtual office hours:
 method used Adobe Connect or Moodle Chat
 frequency
Turnaround/Feedback: what is your policy of checking messages
indicate the day/time during the week. Indicate your response time
24 or 48 hours.
Netiquette: see below on what to include in this statement.
Helpful Statements to include
TURNITIN Statement
Etiquette Expectations (in Online
Learning it is called Netiquette)
Include a statement to let students know that they will be using
TURNITIN to submit their work. Here are some helpful
Helpful to indicate to students how you are expecting them to
communicate online via discussion board, email, online chat or other
forms of communication.
Examples of etiquette considerations:
 Tone & civility
 Email content: speaking style, English grammar, spelling
 Awareness to cultural sensitivity
 You may provide links. Here is one suggested link.
Create your Netiquette statement and place it in the instructions for
any discussion or assignment where students are communications
with one another.
CAL STATE L.A. Center for Effective Teaching and Learning 2015