ENG102 Quiz

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
College of Education in Zulfi
English Department
Group (199)
English Language/ ENG 102
A)- Choose the correct answer: (2.5 Marks)
1. …………………….is this woman?
A) Who
B) Whose
Mrs. Newton.
C) What
2…………………………..is Sue going?
A) Who
B) When
To the shops.
C) Where
3. ………………………do you play football?
A) Who
B) When
C) What
4. ………………………is your father's name?
A) Who
B) Whose
On Sunday.
C) What
5. ………………………are the children?
A) Who
B) Where
At the park.
C) Whose
B)- Circle the correct pronoun: (2.5 Marks)
1. Tom gave us / we a computer game for Christmas.
2. I’m going to phone they / them now.
3. Mother took me / I to the Natural History Museum.
4. His older brother helps he / him with the homework.
5. The taxi driver drove her / she to the theatre.
C)- Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are: (2.5 Marks)
1- This ………………..James.
2- Hello. I……………..Sandra.
3- How ………………..you?
4- My name …………….Tariq.
5- What ……………….your name?
D) Read the text and answer the questions: (6 Marks)
Deborah and Carlos Vega are from Madrid. They are in Oxford. Deborah is from Texas, in
the United States, and Carlos is from Spain. They are married. Deborah is a student. Her school is
in the centre of Madrid. Carlos is a doctor. His hospital is in the centre of Madrid, too.
1- Where are they from?
2- Where is she from?
3- Where is he from?
4- What’s his name?
5- Where’s her school?
6- Where’s his hospital?
E)- Answer the following questions about yourself: (2.5 marks)
1- What's your favorite dish ?.................................................................................................
2- How do you do? ………………………………………………………………………….
3- How old are you?…………………………………………………………………………
4- What are you doing now? …………………………….…..……………………………...
5- What do you do? ………………………………………………….……………………...
F)- Complete the sentences using the following words: (4 marks)
A pilot- An architect- A postman- An interpreter- A journalist- A barman- A nurse- An accountant
1- ……………………………….designs buildings.
2- ………………………………..looks after people in hospitals.
3- ………………………………..flies planes.
4- ……………………………… looks after money.
5- ………………………………writes for newspapers.
6- ………………………………delivers letters.
7- ………………………………serves drinks.
8- ……………………………….translates things.
Good Luck: Moustafa El Ashry