بنك اسئلة1

1. Data are raw facts.
2. Information is data that has been organized and converted into meaningful and useful context for end
3. System is a set of interrelated components working together to achieve a common set of objectives,
By accepting inputs and producing outputs in an organized transformation process
4. the basic functions of any system are Input , Processing and Output.
5. a _ Information system_ is a set of interrelated components that collect, manipulate, and disseminate
data and information and provide a feedback mechanism to meet an objective.
6. the functions of a self-regulating system are Input , Processing , Output., Feedback and Control
7. give an example on self-regulating system.
Information system, Business system
8. a _ Computer-Based Information system__ consists of hardware, software, databases,
telecommunications and people.
9. a _Information technology__ consists of hardware, software, databases, telecommunications.
In information systems, Input Activity is gathering and capturing of data .
In information systems, Processing Activity is manipulating data to be converted into information
In information systems, Output Activity is producing information.
the Information System components are People Recourses, Hardware resources, Software resources,
telecommunications networks resources and Data resources
14. Mention the two types of people resources of Information System explain both of them and give an
example on both of them.
a. IS specialists: the people who develop and operate IS
(e.g: systems analysts, software developers, system operators )
b. End users: who use information systems or who use the information which is produced by
information systems.
(e.g. customers, salespersons, clerks or accountants)
15. In business systems, economic resources represents Input
a. Input
b. processing
c. Output
d. Feedback
e. Control
16. In business systems, goods and services represents Output
a. Input
b. processing
c. Output
d. Feedback
e. Control
17. In business systems, marketing, developing, delivery the products and services represents processing
a. Input
b. processing
c. Output
d. Feedback
e. Control
18. In business systems, information system represents Feedback
a. Input
b. processing
c. Output
d. Feedback
e. Control
19. In business systems, management unit represents Control.
a. Input
b. processing
c. Output
d. Feedback
e. Control
20. Match between the information system components and what they represent
1.People Recourses
2.Hardware Resources
3.Software Resources
4.Network Resources
5. Data resources
(1) IS specialists and End users
(2) Machines, data media, Peripherals
(3) Programs and Procedures
(4) Communications media , processors and infrastructure
(5) Databases, facts, Information