2 Values and Types  Types of values.

Values and Types
 Types of values.
 Primitive, composite, recursive types.
 Type systems: static vs dynamic typing, type completeness.
 Expressions.
 Implementation notes.
© 2004, D.A. Watt, University of Glasgow
Types (1)
 Values are grouped into types according to the operations
that may be performed on them.
 Different PLs support different types of values (according
to their intended application areas):
• Ada: booleans, characters, enumerands, integers, real numbers,
records, arrays, discriminated records, objects (tagged records),
strings, pointers to data, pointers to procedures.
• C: enumerands, integers, real numbers, structures, arrays, unions,
pointers to variables, pointers to functions.
• Java: booleans, integers, real numbers, arrays, objects.
• Haskell: booleans, characters, integers, real numbers, tuples,
disjoint unions, lists, recursive types.
Types (2)
 Roughly speaking, a type is a set of values:
• v is a value of type T if v  T.
 E is an expression of type T if E is guaranteed to yield a
value of type T.
 But only certain sets of values are types:
• {false, true} is a type, since the operations not, and, and or operate
uniformly over the values false and true.
• {, –2, –1, 0, +1, +2, …} is a type, since operations such as
addition and multiplication operate uniformly over all these values.
• {13, true, Monday} is not considered to be a type, since there are
no useful operations over this set of values.
Types (3)
 More precisely, a type is a set of values, equipped with
one or more operations that can be applied uniformly to all
these values.
 The cardinality of a type T, written #T, is the number of
values of type T.
Primitive types
 A primitive value is one that cannot be decomposed into
simpler values.
 A primitive type is one whose values are primitive.
 Every PL provides built-in primitive types. Some PLs also
allow programs to define new primitive types.
Built-in primitive types (1)
 Typical built-in primitive types:
= {false, true}
Character = {…, ‘A’, …, ‘Z’,
…, ‘0’, …, ‘9’,
PL- or implementation-defined
set of characters (ASCII, ISOLatin, or Unicode)
= {…, –2, –1,
0, +1, +2, …}
PL- or implementation-defined
set of whole numbers
= {…, –1.0, …,
0.0, +1.0, …}
PL- or implementation-defined
set of real numbers
 Names of types vary from one PL to another: not
Built-in primitive types (2)
 Cardinalities:
#Boolean = 2
#Character = 128 (ASCII), 256 (ISO-Latin), or 32768 (Unicode)
= max integer – min integer + 1
 Note: In some PLs (such as C), booleans and characters are just
small integers.
 Some languages provide not one but several integer types. For
example, JAVA provides
byte {−128, . . . ,+127},
#byte = 28
short {−32 768, . . . ,+32 767},
#short = 216
int {−2 147 483 648, . . . ,+2 147 483 647},
#int= 232
long {−9 223 372 036 854 775 808, . . . ,+9 223 372 036 854 775
#short = 264
Defined primitive types
 In Ada we can define new numeric types.
 In Ada and C we can define new enumeration types
simply by enumerating their values (called enumerands).
 ADA type definition:
type Month is (jan, feb, mar, apr, may,
jun, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec);
 C++ type definition
enum Month {jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun,
jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec};
Example: Ada numerics
 Type declaration:
type Population is range 0 .. 1e10;
 Set of values:
Population = {0, 1, …, 1010}
 Cardinality:
#Population = 1010+1
Example: Ada enumerations
 Type declaration:
type Color is (red, green, blue);
 Set of values:
Color = {red, green, blue}
 Cardinality:
#Color = 3
Composite types
 A composite value is one that is composed from simpler
 A composite type is a type whose values are composite.
 PLs support a huge variety of composite types.
 All these can be understood in terms of a few concepts:
• Cartesian products (tuples, structures, records)
• mappings (arrays)
• disjoint unions (algebraic data types, discriminated records,
• recursive types (lists, trees, etc.)
Cartesian products (1)
 In a Cartesian product, values of several types are
grouped into tuples.
 Let (x, y) stand for the pair whose first component is x and
whose second component is y.
 Let S  T stand for the set of all pairs (x, y) such that x is
chosen from set S and y is chosen from set T:
S  T = { (x, y) | x  S; y  T }
 Cardinality:
#(S  T) = #S  #T
hence the “” notation
Cartesian products (2)
 We can generalise from pairs to tuples. Let S1  S2   
Sn stand for the set of all n-tuples such that the ith
component is chosen from Si:
S1  S2    Sn = { (x1, x2, , xn) | x1  S1; x2  S2; …; xn  Sn }
 Basic operations on pairs:
• construction of a pair from its component values
• selection of the first or second component of a pair.
 Records (Ada), structures (C), and tuples (Haskell) can
all be understood in terms of Cartesian products.
Example: Ada records (1)
 Type declarations:
type Month is (jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun,
jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec);
type Day_Number is range 1 .. 31;
type Date is record
m: Month;
d: Day_Number;
end record;
 Application code:
record construction
someday: Date := (jan, 1);
put(someday.m+1); put("/"); put(someday.d);
someday.d := 29; someday.m := feb;
component selection
Example: Ada records (2)
 Set of values:
Date = Month  Day-Number = {jan, feb, …, dec}  {1, …, 31}
(jan, 1)
(feb, 1)
(dec, 1)
(jan, 2)
(feb, 2)
(dec, 2)
… (jan, 30)
… (feb, 30)
… (dec, 30)
(jan, 31)
(feb, 31)
(dec, 31)
 Cardinality:
#Date = #Month  #Day-Number = 12  31 = 372
Example: C structures (1)
 Type declarations:
enum Month {jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jun,
jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec};
struct Date {
Month m;
byte d;
 structure construction:
struct Date someday = {jan, 1};
Example: C structures (2)
 structure selection:
printf("%d/%d", someday.m +1, someday.d);
someday.d = 29; someday.m = feb;
 Set of values :
Date = Month × Byte
= {jan, feb, ... , dec} × {0, ... , 255}
 Cardinality:
#Date = #Month  #Byte = 12  256 = 4K
Example: Haskell tuples
 Declarations:
data Month = Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr
| May | Jun | Jul | Aug
| Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec
type Date = (Month, Int)
 Set of values:
Date = Month  Integer
= {Jan, Feb, …, Dec}  {…, –1, 0, 1, 2, …}
 Application code:
someday = (jan, 1)
m, d = someday
anotherday = (m + 1, d)
tuple construction
component selection
(by pattern matching)
Mappings (1)
 We write m : S  T to state that m is a mapping from set S
to set T. In other words, m maps every value in S to some
value in T.
 If m maps value x to value y, we write y = m(x). The value
y is called the image of x under m.
 Some of the mappings in {u, v}  {a, b, c}:
m1 = {u  a, v  c}
m2 = {u  c, v  c}
m3 = {u  c, v  b}
image of u is c,
image of v is b
Mappings (2)
 Let S  T stand for the set of all mappings from S to T:
S  T = { m | x  S  m(x)  T }
 What is the cardinality of S  T?
There are #S values in S.
Each value in S has #T possible images under a mapping in S  T.
So there are #T  #T  …  #T possible mappings. Thus:
#(S  T) = (#T)#S
#S copies of #T multiplied together
 For example, in {u, v}  {a, b, c}
there are 32 = 9 possible mappings.
Arrays (1)
 Arrays (found in all imperative and OO PLs) can be
understood as mappings.
 If an array’s components are of type T and its index values
are of type S, the array has one component of type T for
each value in type S. Thus the array’s type is S  T.
 An array’s length is the number of components, #S.
 Basic operations on arrays:
• construction of an array from its components
• indexing – using a computed index value to select a component.
so we can select the ith component
Arrays (2)
 An array of type S  T is a finite mapping.
 Here S is nearly always a finite range of consecutive values
{l, l+1, …, u}. This is called the array’s index range.
lower bound
upper bound
 In C and Java, the index range must be {0, 1, …, n–1}.
In Ada, the index range may be any primitive (sub)type
other than Float.
 We can generalise to n-dimensional arrays. If an array has
index ranges of types S1, …, Sn, the array’s type is
S1  …  Sn  T.
Example: C++ arrays (1)
 Type declarations:
bool p[3];
 Application code:
bool p[] = {true, false, true};
p[c] = !p[c];
array construction
Example: C++ arrays (2)
 Set of values:
{0, 1, 2} → {false, true}
{0  false,
{0  false,
{0  false,
{0  false,
{0  true,
{0  true,
{0  true,
{0  true,
1  false,
1  false,
1  true,
1  true,
1  false,
1  false,
1  true,
1  true,
2  false}
2  true}
2  false}
2  true}
2  false}
2  true}
2  false}
2  true}
 Cardinality:
(#Boolean)#index = 23 = 8
Example: Ada arrays (1)
 Type declarations:
type Color is (red, green, blue);
type Pixel is array (Color) of Boolean;
 Application code:
p: Pixel := (true, false, true);
c: Color;
array construction
p(c) := not p(c);
Example: Ada arrays (2)
 Set of values:
Pixel = Color  Boolean = {red, green, blue}  {false, true}
{red  false,
{red  false,
{red  false,
{red  false,
{red  true,
{red  true,
{red  true,
{red  true,
green  false,
green  false,
green  true,
green  true,
green  false,
green  false,
green  true,
green  true,
blue  false}
blue  true}
blue  false}
blue  true}
blue  false}
blue  true}
blue  false}
blue  true}
 Cardinality:
#Pixel = (#Boolean)#Color = 23 = 8
Example: Ada 2-dimensional arrays
 Type declarations:
type Xrange is range 0 .. 511;
type Yrange is range 0 .. 255;
type Window is
array (YRange, XRange) of Pixel;
 Set of values:
Window = Yrange  Xrange  Pixel
= {0, 1, …, 255}  {0, 1, …, 511}  Pixel
 Cardinality:
#Window = (#Pixel)#Yrange  #Xrange = 8256  512
Functions as mappings
 Functions (found in all PLs) can also be understood as
mappings. A function maps its argument(s) to its result.
 If a function has a single argument of type S and its result
is of type T, the function’s type is S  T.
 Basic operations on functions:
• construction (or definition) of a function
• application – calling the function with a computed argument.
 We can generalise to functions with n arguments. If a
function has arguments of types S1, …, Sn and its result
type is T, the function’s type is S1  …  Sn  T.
Example: C++ functions
 Definition:
bool isEven (int n) {
return (n % 2 == 0);
 Type:
Integer  Boolean
 Value:
{…, 0  true, 1  false, 2  true, 3  false, …}
 Other functions of same type: is_odd, is_prime, etc.
Example: Ada functions
 Definition:
function is_even (n: Integer)
return Boolean is
return (n mod 2 = 0);
or any other code
that achieves the
same effect
 Type:
Integer  Boolean
 Value:
{…, 0  true, 1  false, 2  true, 3  false, …}
 Other functions of same type: is_odd, is_prime, etc.
Disjoint unions (1)
 In a disjoint union, a value is chosen from one of several
different types.
 Let S + T stand for a set of disjoint-union values, each of
which consists of a tag together with a variant chosen
from either type S or type T. The tag indicates the type of
the variant:
S + T = { left x | x  S }  { right y | y  T }
• left x is a value with tag left and variant x chosen from S
• right x is a value with tag right and variant y chosen from T.
 Let us write left S + right T (instead of S + T) when we
want to make the tags explicit.
Disjoint unions (2)
 Cardinality:
#(S + T) = #S + #T
hence the “+” notation
 Basic operations on disjoint-union values in S + T:
• construction of a disjoint-union value from its tag and variant
• tag test, to determine whether the variant was chosen from S or T
• projection, to recover either the variant in S or the variant in T.
 Algebraic data types (Haskell), discriminated records
(Ada), and objects (Java) can all be understood in terms of
disjoint unions.
 We can generalise to multiple variants: S1 + S2 +  + Sn.
Example: Haskell algebraic data types (1)
 Type declaration:
data Number = Exact Int | Inexact Float
Each Number value consists of a tag, together
with either an Integer variant (if the tag is
Exact) or a Float variant (if the tag is Inexact).
 Set of values:
Number = Exact Integer + Inexact Float
… Exact(–2) Exact(–1) Exact 0 Exact 1 Exact 2 …
… Inexact(–1.0) … Inexact 0.0 … Inexact 1.0 …
 Cardinality:
#Number = #Integer + #Float
Example: Haskell algebraic data types (2)
 Application code:
pi = Inexact 3.1416
rounded :: Number -> Integer
rounded num =
case num of
Exact i
-> i
Inexact r -> round r
(by pattern
tag test
Example: Ada discriminated records (1)
 Type declarations:
type Accuracy is (exact, inexact);
type Number (acc: Accuracy := exact) is
case acc of
when exact
=> ival: Integer;
when inexact => rval: Float;
end case;
end record;
Each Number value consists of a tag field named acc, together
with either an Integer variant field named ival (if the tag is
exact) or a Float variant field named rval (if the tag is inexact).
Example: Ada discriminated records (2)
 Set of values:
Number = exact Integer + inexact Float
… exact(–2) exact(–1) exact 0 exact 1 exact 2 …
… inexact(–1.0) … inexact 0.0 … inexact 1.0 …
 Cardinality:
#Number = #Integer + #Float
Example: Ada discriminated records (3)
 Type declarations:
type Form is
(pointy, circular, rectangular);
type Figure (f: Form := pointy) is record
x, y: Float;
case f is
when pointy
=> null;
when circular
=> r: Float;
when rectangular => w, h: Float;
end case;
end record;
Each Figure value consists of a tag field named f, together with a pair
of Float fields named x and y, together with either an empty variant or a
Float variant field named r or a pair of Float variant fields named w and h.
Example: Ada discriminated records (4)
 Set of values:
Figure = pointy(Float  Float)
+ circular(Float  Float  Float)
+ rectangular(Float  Float  Float  Float)
e.g.: pointy(1.0, 2.0)
circular(0.0, 0.0, 5.0)
rectangular(1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)
represents the point (1, 2)
represents a circle of
radius 5 centered at (0, 0)
represents a 34 rectangle centered at (1.5, 2)
Example: Ada discriminated records (5)
 Application code:
box: Figure :=
(rectangular, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
function area (fig: Figure) return Float is
case fig.f is
when pointy =>
tag test
return 0.0;
when circular =>
return 3.1416 * fig.r**2;
when rectangular =>
return fig.w * fig.h;
end case;
Example: Java objects (1)
 Type declarations:
class Point {
private float x, y;
… // methods
class Circle extends Point {
private float r;
… // methods
inherits x and y
from Point
class Rectangle extends Point {
private float w, h;
… // methods
inherits x and y
from Point
Example: Java objects (2)
 Set of objects in this program:
Point(Float  Float)
+ Circle(Float  Float  Float)
+ Rectangle(Float  Float  Float  Float)
 The set of objects is open-ended. It is augmented by any
further class declarations.
Example: Java objects (3)
 Methods:
class Point {
public float area()
{ return 0.0; }
class Circle extends Point {
public float area()
{ return 3.1416 * r * r; }
overrides Point’s
area() method
class Rectangle extends Point {
overrides Point’s
area() method
public float area()
{ return w * h; }
Example: Java objects (4)
 Application code:
Rectangle box =
new Rectangle(1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0);
float a1 = box.area();
it can refer to a
Point it = …;
Point, Circle, or
float a2 = it.area();
Rectangle object
calls the appropriate
area() method
Composite values
Set of values
(C++, Java)
General set of
#(S x T) = #S x #T
S 1 x S2 x  x Sn
#(S  T) = (#T)#S
Arrays ,
S is integer
S 1 x S2 x  x Sn 
Disjoint unions
#(S + T) = #S + #T
S1 + S2 +  + Sn
Recursive types
 A recursive type is one defined in terms of itself.
 Examples of recursive types:
• lists
• trees
Lists (1)
 A list is a sequence of 0 or more component values.
 The length of a list is its number of components. The
empty list has no components.
 A non-empty list consists of a head (its first component)
and a tail (all but its first component).
 A list is homogeneous if all its components are of the
same type. Otherwise it is heterogeneous.
Lists (2)
 Typical list operations:
• length
• emptiness test
• head selection
• tail selection
• concatenation.
Lists (3)
 For example, an integer-list may be defined recursively to
be either empty or a pair consisting of an integer (its head)
and a further integer-list (its tail):
Integer-List = nil Unit + cons(Integer  Integer-List)
or Integer-List = { nil }  { cons(i, l) | i  Integer; l  Integer-List }
where Unit is a type with only one (empty) value.
 Solution:
Integer-List = { nil }
 { cons(i, nil) | i  Integer }
 { cons(i, cons(j, nil)) | i, j  Integer }
 { cons(i, cons(j, cons(k, nil))) | i, j, k  Integer }
Example: Haskell lists
Type declaration for integer-lists:
data IntList = Nil | Cons Int IntList
Some IntList constructions:
Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 5 (Cons 7 Nil)))
Actually, Haskell has built-in list types:
Some list constructions:
Example: Ada lists
Type declarations for integer-lists:
type IntNode;
type IntList is access IntNode;
type IntNode is record
head: Integer;
tail: IntList;
end record;
An IntList construction:
new IntNode'(2,
new IntNode'(3,
new IntNode'(5,
new IntNode'(7, null)))
Example: Java lists (1)
Class declarations for integer-lists:
class IntList {
public int head;
public IntList tail;
public IntList (int h, IntList t) {
head = h; tail = t;
An integer-list construction:
new IntList(2,
new IntList(3,
new IntList(5,
new IntList(7, null)))));
Example: Java lists (2)
Class declarations for object-lists:
class List {
public Object head;
public List tail;
public List (Object h, IntList t) {
head = h; tail = t;
Note that List objects are heterogeneous lists (since
head can refer to an object of any class).
By contrast, IntList objects are homogeneous lists.
 A string is a sequence of 0 or more characters.
 Some PLs (ML, Python) treat strings as primitive.
 Haskell treats strings as lists of characters. Strings are thus
equipped with general list operations (length, head
selection, tail selection, concatenation, …).
 Ada treats strings as arrays of characters. Strings are thus
equipped with general array operations (length, indexing,
slicing, concatenation, …).
 Java treats strings as objects, of class String.
Type systems
 A PL’s type system groups values into types:
• to enable programmers to describe data effectively
• to help prevent type errors.
 A type error occurs if a program performs a nonsensical
operation such as multiplying a string by a boolean.
 Possession of a type system distinguishes high-level PLs
from low-level languages (such as assembly languages). In
the latter, the only “types” are bytes and words, so
nonsensical operations cannot be prevented.
Static vs dynamic typing (1)
 Before any operation is performed, its operands must be
type-checked to prevent a type error. E.g.:
• mod operation: check that both operands are integers
• and operation: check that both operands are booleans
• indexing operation: check that the left operand is an array, and that
the right operand is a value of the array’s index type.
Static vs dynamic typing (2)
 In a statically typed PL:
• all variables and expressions have fixed types
(either stated by the programmer or inferred by the compiler)
• all operands are type-checked at compile-time.
 Most PLs are statically typed, including Ada, C, C++,
Java, Haskell.
Static vs dynamic typing (3)
 In a dynamically typed PL:
• values have fixed types, but variables and expressions do not
• operands must be type-checked when they are computed at runtime.
 Some PLs and many scripting languages are dynamically
typed, including Smalltalk, Lisp, Prolog, Perl, Python.
Example: C++ static typing
 Ada function definition:
bool even (int n) {
return (n % 2 == 0);
 Call:
int p;
even(p+1) …
The compiler doesn’t
know the value of n.
But, knowing that n’s
type is Integer, it infers
that the type of “n mod
2 = 0” will be Boolean.
The compiler doesn’t know the
value of p. But, knowing that p’s
type is Integer, it infers that the
type of “p+1” will be Integer.
 Even without knowing the values of variables and
parameters, the C++ compiler can guarantee that no type
errors will happen at run-time.
Example: Ada static typing
 Ada function definition:
The compiler doesn’t
function is_even (n: Integer) know the value of n.
return Boolean is
But, knowing that n’s
type is Integer, it infers
return (n mod 2 = 0);
that the type of “n mod
2 = 0” will be Boolean.
 Call:
p: Integer;
if is_even(p+1) …
The compiler doesn’t know the
value of p. But, knowing that p’s
type is Integer, it infers that the
type of “p+1” will be Integer.
 Even without knowing the values of variables and
parameters, the Ada compiler can guarantee that no type
errors will happen at run-time.
Example: Python dynamic typing (1)
 Python function definition:
def even (n):
return (n % 2 == 0)
The type of n is unknown.
So the “%” (mod) operation
must be protected by a runtime type check.
 The types of variables and parameters are not declared, and
cannot be inferred by the Python compiler. So run-time
type checks are needed to detect type errors.
Example: Python dynamic typing (2)
 Python function definition:
def respond (prompt):
# Print prompt and return the user’s response,
# as an integer if possible, otherwise as a string.
response = raw_input(prompt)
yields a string
return int(response)
except ValueError:
converts the string to an
return response
integer, or throws
ValueError if impossible
 Application code:
m = respond("Month? ")
if m == "Jan": m = 1
elif m == "Feb": m = 2
Static vs dynamic typing (4)
 Pros and cons of static and dynamic typing:
• Static typing is more efficient. Dynamic typing requires run-time
type checks (which make the program run slower), and forces all
values to be tagged (to make the type checks possible). Static
typing requires only compile-time type checks, and does not force
values to be tagged.
• Static typing is more secure: the compiler can guarantee that the
object program contains no type errors. Dynamic typing provides
no such security.
• Dynamic typing is more flexible. This is needed by some
applications where the types of the data are not known in advance.
 An expression is a PL construct that may be evaluated to
yield a value.
 Forms of expressions:
• literals (trivial)
• constant/variable accesses (trivial)
• constructions
• function calls
• conditional expressions
• iterative expressions.
 The simplest kind of expression is a literal, which denotes
a fixed value of some type.
 Here are some typical examples of literals in programming
365 3.1416 false '%' "What?"
 These denote an integer, a real number, a boolean, a
character, and a string, respectively.
 A construction is an expression that constructs a
composite value from its component values.
 In C, the component values are restricted to be literals. In
Ada, Java, and Haskell, the component values are
computed by evaluating subexpressions.
Example: Ada record and array
 Record constructions:
type Date is record
m: Month;
d: Day_Number;
end record;
today: Date := (Dec, 25);
tomorrow: Date := (today.m, today.d+1);
 Array construction:
leap: Integer range 0 .. 1;
month_length: array (Month) of Integer :=
(31, 28+leap, 31, 30, 31, 30,
31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
Example: C structures
 Assume :
struct Date {
Month m;
byte d;
 structure construction:
struct Date someday = {jan, 1};
someday.d = 1; someday.m = jan;
struct Date tomorrow = {someday.m,
Example: Java object constructions
 Assume:
class Date {
public int m, d;
public Date (int m, int d) {
this.m = m; this.d = d;
 Object constructions:
Date today = new Date(12, 25);
Date tomorrow =
new Date(today.m, today.d+1);
Example: C++Array constructions
 Array construction:
int size[] = {31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31,
30, 31, 30, 31}; . . .
if (is_leap(this_year))
size[1] = 29;
Example: Haskell tuple and list constructions
 Tuple constructions:
today = (Dec, 25)
m, d = today
tomorrow = (m, d+1)
 List construction:
monthLengths =
[31, if isLeap y then 29 else 28,
31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
Function calls (1)
 A function call computes a result by applying a function
to some arguments.
 If the function has a single argument, a function call
typically has the form “F(E)”, or just “F E”, where F
determines the function to be applied, and the expression E
is evaluated to determine the argument.
 In most PLs, F is just the identifier of a specific function.
However, in PLs where functions as first-class values, F
may be any expression yielding a function. E.g., this
Haskell function call:
(if … then sin else cos)(x)
Function calls (2)
 If a function has n parameters, the function call typically
has the form “F(E1, …, En )”. We can view this function
call as passing a single argument that is an n-tuple.
Function calls (3)
 An operator may be thought of as denoting a function.
 Applying a unary operator  to its operand is essentially a
function call with one argument:
 E is essentially equivalent to (E)
 Applying a binary operator  to its operands is essentially
a function call with two arguments:
E1  E2 is essentially equivalent to (E1, E2)
 Thus a conventional arithmetic expression is essentially
equivalent to a composition of function calls:
a * b + c / d is essentially equivalent to
+(*(a, b), /(c, d))
Conditional expressions
 A conditional expression chooses one of its
subexpressions to evaluate, depending on a condition.
 An if-expression chooses from two subexpressions, using
a boolean condition.
 A case-expression chooses from several subexpressions.
 Conditional expressions are commonplace in functional
PLs, but less common in imperative/OO PLs.
Example: Java if-expressions
 Java if-expression:
x>y ? x : y
 Conditional expressions tend to be more elegant than
conditional commands. Compare:
int max1 (int x, int y) {
return (x>y ? x : y);
int max2 (int x, int y) {
if (x>y)
return x;
return y;
Example: Haskell if- and case-expressions
 Haskell if-expression:
if x>y then x else y
 Haskell case-expression:
case m of
feb -> if isLeap y then 29 else 28
apr -> 30
jun -> 30
sep -> 30
nov -> 30
-> 31
Iterative expressions
 An iterative expression is one that performs a
computation over a series of values (typically the
components of an array or list), yielding some result.
 Iterative expressions are uncommon, but they are
supported by Haskell in the form of list comprehensions.
Example: Haskell list comprehensions
 Given a list of characters cs, convert all lowercase letters
to uppercase, yielding a modified list of characters:
[if isLowercase c then toUppercase c else c
| c <- cs]
 Given a list of year numbers ys, compute a list (in the
same order) of those year numbers in ys that are not leap
[y | y <- ys, not(isLeap y)]
Implementation notes
 Values and types are mathematical abstractions.
 In a computer, each value is represented by a bit sequence
stored in one or more bytes or words.
 Important principle: all values of the same type must be
represented in a uniform way. (But values of different
types can be represented in different ways.)
 Sometimes the representation of a type is PL-defined (e.g.,
Java primitive types).
 More commonly, the representation is implementationdefined, i.e., chosen by the compiler.
Representation of primitive types (1)
 Each primitive type T is typically represented by single or
multiple bytes: usually 8 bits, 16 bits, 32 bits, or 64 bits.
 The choice of representation is constrained by the type’s
cardinality, #T:
• With n bits we can represent at most 2n different values.
• So the smallest possible representation is log2(#T) bits.
Representation of primitive types (2)
 Booleans can in principle be represented by a single bit (0
for false and 1 for true). In practice, the compiler is likely
to choose a whole byte.
 Characters have a representation determined by the
character set:
• ASCII or ISO-Latin characters have an 8-bit representation
• Unicode characters have a 16-bit representation.
 Enumerands are typically represented by unsigned
integers starting from 0.
• E.g., the enumerands of type Month above would be represented
by the integers {0, …, 11}. The representation must have at least 4
bits. In practice the compiler is likely to choose a whole byte.
Representation of primitive types (3)
 Integers have a representation influenced by the desired
range. Assuming two’s complement representation, in n
bits we can represent the integers {–2n–1, …, 2n–1–1}:
• In a PL where the compiler gets to choose the number of bits n,
from that we can deduce the range of integers.
• In a PL where the programmer defines the range of integers, the
compiler must use that range to determine the minimum n. E.g., if
the range is {0, …, 1010}, the representation must have at least 35
bits. In practice the compiler is likely to choose 64 bits.
 Real numbers have a representation influenced by the
desired range and precision. Nowadays most compilers
adopt the IEEE floating-point standard (either 32 or 64
Representation of Cartesian products
 Tuples, records, and structures are represented by
juxtaposing the components in a fixed order.
 Example (Ada):
type Date is record
y: Year_Number;
m: Month;
d: Day_Number;
end record;
y 2000
m jan
d 1
 Implementation of component selection:
• Let r be a record or structure.
• Each component r.f has a fixed offset (determined by the
compiler) relative to the base address of r.
Representation of arrays (1)
 The values of an array type are represented by juxtaposing
the components in ascending order of indices.
 Example (Ada):
type Vector is array (1 .. 3) of Float;
Representation of arrays (1)
 Example (Ada): arrays of type Pixel
 Example (C++): arrays of type bool[]
Representation of arrays (2)
 Implementation of array indexing:
• Let a be an array with index range {l, …, u}.
• Assume that each component occupies s bytes (determined by the
• Then a(i) has offset s(i–l) bytes relative to the base address of a.
(In C and Java l = 0, so this simplifies to si bytes.)
• The offset computation must be done at run-time (since the value
of i is not known until run-time).
• A range check must also be done at run-time, to ensure that
l  i  u.
Representation of disjoint unions (1)
 Each value of a disjoint-union type is represented by
juxtaposing a tag with one of the possible variants. The
type (and therefore representation) of the variant depends
on the current value of the tag.
 Example (Haskell):
data Number = Exact Int | Inexact Float
tag Exact
tag Inexact
variant 3.1416
Representation of disjoint unions (2)
 Example (Ada):
type Accuracy is (exact, inexact);
type Number (acc: Accuracy := exact) is
case acc of
when exact
=> ival: Integer;
when inexact => rval: Float;
end case;
end record;
acc exact
acc inexact
rval 3.1416
Representation of disjoint unions (3)
 Example (Ada):
type Form is (pointy,circular,rectangular);
type Figure (f: Form := pointy) is record
x, y: Float;
case f is
when pointy
=> null;
when circular
=> r: Float;
when rectangular => w, h: Float;
end case;
f rect.
f pointy f circ.
end record;
x 1.5
x 1.0
x 0.0
Representation of objects (simplified)
 Example (Java):
class Point {
private float x, y;
… // methods
class Circle
extends Point {
private float r;
… // methods
class Rectangle
extends Point {
private float w, h;
… // methods
Point tag
Circle tag
Rect. tag
Representation of disjoint unions (4)
 Implementation of tag test and projection:
• Let u be a disjoint-union value/object.
• The tag of u has an offset of 0 relative to the base of u.
• Each variant of u has a fixed offset (determined by the compiler)
relative to the base of u.
Representation of recursive types (1)
 Each value of a recursive type is represented by a pointer
(whether the PL has explicit pointers or not).
 Example (Ada):
type IntList;
type IntNode is record
head: Integer;
tail: IntList;
end record;
type IntList is access IntNode;
Representation of recursive types (3)
 Example (Java):
class IntList {
public int head;
public IntList tail;
IntList tag
7 head
Representation of recursive types (2)
 Example (Haskell):
data IntList = Nil | Cons Int IntList