BONES OF THE HEAD&NECK After this session you will be able to define the human skull as well as to describe the main parts of bones of the skull. DEFINITIONS Skull: The entire skeleton of the head. B. Neurocranium: The bony “brain box” enclosing the brain, excluding the bones of the face. C. Calvaria: Skull cap - the upper dome-like portion of the skull. D. Facial skeleton (Viscerocranium): Anterior portion of the skull; consists of seven bones. E. Diploe: The central layer of spongy bone between the two layers of compact bone (external and internal tables) of the flat cranial bones. SKELETON - AXIAL SKELETON SKULL VERTEBRAL COLUMN HYOID BONE Sutures Sagittal Sutures Frontal (Coronal) Sutures Squamous Sutures Lambdoid Sutures FOUR MAJOR SUTURES OF THE CRANIUM coronal between frontal and parietals f/p sagittal between parietals p/p squamosal between temporal and parietals t/p lambdoidal between occipital and parietals o/p Most of the remaining sutures are named by joining the names of the adjacent bones together (e.g., zygomaticotemporal, frontonasal, etc.). Sutural bones (Wormian bones) may be present within the sutures themselves FONTANELLES = MEMBRANE-FILLED GAPS BETWEEN DEVELOPING CRANIAL BONES OF NEWBORNS Anterior fontanelle B. Posterior fontanelle C. Sphenoidal fontanelle D. Mastoid fontanelle CRANIOMETRIC POINTS skull landmarks used in anthropology for taking measurements and differentiating skulls from different groups/populations Nasion = the midpoint of the nasofrontal suture. Bregma = the junction of the sagittal and frontal sutures. Lambda = junction of the lambdoidal and sagittal sutures. Pterion = the region of the sphenoid fontanelle where the sphenoid, frontal, parietal and temporal bones meet. Inion = the tip of the external occipital protuberance. Asterion = the region of the mastoid fontanelle where the parietal, occipital and temporal bones meet. Glabella = the smooth raised area above the nasion and between the eyebrows. MAJOR BONES OF THE SKULL Frontal Bone Inferior nasal concha Parietal bone Lacrimal bone Occipital bone Vomer Temporal bone Nasal bone Sphenoid bone Maxilla Palatine bone Zygomatic bone Mandible Frontal Parietal Temporal Vomer Nasal Zygoma Maxilla Mandible Mastoid Process External Auditory Meatus Parietal Frontal Sphenoid Nasal Temporal Zygoma Maxilla Occipital Mastoid Process Mandible External Auditory Meatus Frontal bone (1) Frontal 1. Frontal tuber (frontal eminence) 2. Superciliary arch 3. Supra-orbital margin a. Supra-orbital notch (or foramen) 4. Frontal sinus (a paranasal sinus) Frontal Parietal 1. Parietal tuber (Parietal eminence) 2. Superior and inferior temporal lines 3. Parietal foramen Parietal SPHENOID (1) 1. Body of sphenoid bone a. Sella turcica - Tuberculum sellae - Hypophysial fossa - Dorsum sellae - Posterior clinoid processes b. Sphenoidal sinus 2. Lesser wing a. Optic canal b. Anterior clinoid process c. Superior orbital fissure 3. Greater wing a. Foramen rotundum b. Foramen ovale c. Surfaces: cerebral, temporal, infratemporal, orbital 4. Pterygoid process (paired) a. Medial and lateral plates b. Pterygoid fossa c. Pterygoid canal d. Pterygoid hamulus Sphenoid Ethmoid bone (1) 1. Crista galli 2. Cribriform plate 3. Cribriform foramina 4. Perpendicular plate 5. Ethmoidal labyrinth– the central bony mass of the Ethmoid. a. Superior and middle nasal conchae [Project into the nasal cavities] b. Orbital plate [Located in the medial wall of the orbit] [These are small mucous membrane lined air spaces = paranasal sinuses] 1. Foramen magnum 2. Basilar part of occipital bone - Pharyngeal tubercle 3. Occipital condyles 4. Condylar fossa (paired) 5. Condylar foramen (may not be present) (may be paired) 6. Hypoglossal canal (paired) 7. External occipital protuberance 8. Nuchal lines (paired) a. Inferior nuchal line b. Superior nuchal line 9. Internal occipital protuberance Occipital (1) Temporal Temporal TEMPORAL(2) 1. Tympanic part of temporal bone a. External acoustic meatus 2. Squamous part of temporal bone a. Zygomatic process 3. Petrous part of temporal bone Internal acoustic meatus Styloid process Mastoid process Jugular fossa c. Structures/spaces within the petrous temporal bone Middle ear (Tympanic cavity + auditory ossicles) Internal ear Facial canal (contains facial nerve) 4. Mandibular fossa 5. Articular tubercle Maxilla Maxilla 1. Body of the maxilla a. Orbital surface of body - Infra-orbital canal - Infra-orbital groove b. Infra-orbital margin c. Anterior surface of body - Infra-orbital foramen d. Infratemporal surface of body e. Nasal surface of body f. Maxillary sinus (a paranasal sinus) 2. Frontal process 3. Zygomatic process 4. Palatine process a. Nasal crest (attaches to and makes up a small portion of the nasal septum) 5. Alveolar process a. Dental alveoli (“tooth sockets) b. Incisive foramen MAXILLA(2) MANDIBLE (1) Mandible Mandible Body of the mandible a. Base of mandible b. Mental protuberance c. Mental foramen (paired) d. Digastric fossa e. Mental spines f. Mylohyoid line g. Sublingual fossa h. Submandibular fossa i. Alveolar part of body - Dental alveoli (“tooth sockets”) 2. Ramus of mandible (paired) a. Angle of mandible b. Mandibular foramen c. Mandibular canal d. Lingula e. Mylohyoid groove f. Coronoid process g. Mandibular notch h. Condylar process - Head of mandible MANDIBLE (1) Mandibular fossa Articular emminence condyle Coronoid process of mandible neck Mandibular notch Mental foramen for V3 sensory branch zygomatic masseter Three layers: Superficial, middle and deep with slightly different fiber orientations; important in recruitment for chewing FACIAL BONES , CONT. ZYGOMATIC(2) NASAL(2) LACRIMAL(2) VOMER(1) PALATINE(2) INFERIOR NASAL CONCHA(2) Nasal Nasal Vomer Zygoma Frontal View Zygoma Lateral View Palatine bones (paired) 1. Horizontal plate a. Nasal crest [attaches to and makes up a small portion of the nasal septum] b. Lesser palatine foramen [there may be more than one present] 2. Perpendicular plate a. Orbital process [contributes a small portion to the bony orbit] HYOID only bone which does not articulate with another bone U shape location - suspended in the mid anterior neck region by ligaments tongue attaches to hyoid forms the top of the larynx (voice box) BONES ASSOCIATED WITH THE NASAL CAVITY septum perpendicular plate of the ethmoid vomer lateral walls of the nasal cavity superior concha middle concha inferior concha CRANIAL CAVITY AS A WHOLE A. Anterior cranial fossa B. Middle cranial fossa 1. Groove for middle meningeal artery (and its frontal and parietal branches) C. Posterior cranial fossa