Compound Sentences

Compound Sentences
Brenham Writing Room
Created by D. Herring
What is a Compound Sentence?
A compound sentence contains two or
more simple sentences.
A sentence is also called an Independent
A compound sentence joins two or more
independent clauses.
Each independent clause is of equal
Joining Complete Ideas
Two complete, equal ideas (independent
clauses) can be joined in several ways:
Add a comma & coordinating conjunction
Add a semicolon
Add a semicolon and conjunctive adverb
Using a Comma & Coordinating
Conjunction to Join Ideas
A coordinating conjunction joins two complete
ideas and indicates the connection between
Coordinating Conjunctions are also known as
FANBOYS (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so).
Use a comma & coordinating conjunction to
join two independent clauses.
He plays the guitar, and he also sings.
 This class is difficult, but it is important for my
Using a Semicolon to Join Ideas
A semicolon can be used to join two
independent clauses.
If you join two independent clauses using
a semicolon, they must
Be of equal importance
Be closely related
Actually be independent clauses (complete
Using Semicolons continued. . .
Related: I was an excellent high school
student; I hope to also do well in college.
Unrelated: In high school, I was a
cheerleader; I hope to do well in college.
Two Independent Clauses: We went to
class; then we all went to the movies.
NOT: We went to class; then to the
Use a Semicolon and Conjunctive
Adverb to Join Ideas
After the semicolon, use a conjunctive adverb to
indicate relationship.
A conjunctive adverb is a transitional word that
indicates relationship and is used to join two closelyrelated, equal thoughts.
Conjunctive adverbs are also known as Transitional
See list on pg. 261 in Little, Brown Handbook
Add a semicolon and conjunctive adverb to join
She passed the final exam; however, she didn’t pass the
I studied for several hours; therefore, I passed the test.
Punctuation with Coordination
When joining two sentences (complete thoughts)
with a coordinating conjunction, remember to use
a comma.
We went to the mall, and then we went to eat.
When joining two sentences with a conjunctive
adverb, use a semicolon between the sentences
and follow the conjunctive adverb with a comma.
He didn’t pass the test; however, he passed the class.