1 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes April 6, 2016 ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 1. CALL TO ORDER a. Meeting called to order at 1:11 pm b. Roll Call i. Present: Chair: President Spence Vice Chair: Vice President Prefontaine Senators: Caldwell Hinch Gutierrez Hopp Velazquez (Tardy ) Wildschut Advisors: Kretchman Delegates: Nagtalon Noriega ii. Absent: Senator: Delegates: Advisors: Contreras Mayorga Aguilar Titus c. President Spence welcomed all in attendance d. Pledge of Allegiance led by Vice President Prefontaine 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. Student Oscar introduces himself explaining that he would like to join ASG in the coming semester. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 9th, 2016 Motion: Move to approve Minutes from Wednesday March 9th with corrections. (Hopp/Wildschut(U/C) b. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 16th, 2016 Postponed without objection by President Spence for next meeting. c. Regular ASG Meeting Wednesday March 30th, 2016 Postponed without objection by President Spence for next meeting. ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 2 April 6, 2016 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Water filling stations: Senator Hinch explains that he has received some information regarding the cost of these $1600. ASG could use some of SPPF money to subsidize the cost. b. Student Union request – Thursday, October 13th, 2016. Unity in Diversity Event. Request from the EEO Advisory Committee: Advisor Kretchman questions about the date of the event, and if should be determined by the coming ASG Board for the Fall. Information will be double checked with them. c. Strategic Plan 2019 President Spence postpones the topic without objection. d. Updating of ASG Electronic Media – Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. Michael Nagtalon explains that he has been working on updating the website. e. ICC Reflection Room Senator Caldwell explains that he has seen a first presentation from MSU, they are currently working on a couple of aspects which need to be clarified in order to bring information to ASG. Advisor Kretchman explains that it is important to work on such matter, so that it may be considered by this board. f. Smoking Policy Delegate Aguilar is absent at the time of the report. g. Operation Paint the Town (Comet) Red President Spence explains that he has been working on such matter, that he is to continue with this activity. h. Rock the Vote Event Senator Velazquez explains that as an overall she considers the event to be successful, she had 29 people registered to vote. Senator Hinch shared the positive and negative aspects to work on related to the event: Good: Decorations, registered some votes, food and pens given. To improve: Not a cause effective event at all. Too much money invested and objective not entirely accomplished Actual cost around $2500. Senator Caldwell states that many people do not understand what is going on during such event. President Spence suggests requesting permission in the classroom and getting voter registrations. Vice-President questions on how to motivate people into participating during the coming weeks. Advisor Kretchman suggests using office hours next week to have booths and motivate people into voting. 3 ASG Regular Meeting Minutes April 6, 2016 i. ASG Election Forum April 12 from 11:00 to 12:00 at the SU Quad. Senator Gutierrez will moderate it. There are two candidates. Malik Spence running for President and Amber Bancroft running for Senator. Permanent point of privilege granted to Vice-President at 1:48. Quorum is lost. 11. ADJOURNMENT: 1:49 P.M. 4. UNFINISHED BUSINESS j. Spring Fest k. ASG Elections l. Donuts with Deans Event m. ASG Nametags n. ASG Polos 5. NEW BUSINESS a. Rock the Vote Event Debrief 6. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position b. Interview for Delegate Position c. ASG Committees i. CWA d. Shared Governance Councils and Committees – i. Shared Governance Rundown 7. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have six (6) Senate seats available. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. 8. ABSENCES AND DISCIPLINARY ACTION 9. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. President Spence ii. Vice President Prefontaine b. Senator Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Lazzaric Caldwellii. Armando Contrerasiii. Thomas Hinchiv. Zach Gutierrezv. Chris Hopp ASG Regular Meeting Minutes 4 vi. Nedy Velasquez – vii. Cesar Mayorga – viii. Laura Wildschut – c. Delegate Reports- Four (4) Minutes Each i. Michael Nagtalonii. David Aguilar – iii. Eric Noriega – d. Advisor Reports- Seven (7) Minutes Each i. Lindsay Kretchmanii. Sherry Tituse. Committee Reports- Four (4) Minutes i. ICCii. PPERiii. LEACiv. CWAv. Elections – 10. REQUESTS FOR REPORTS April 6, 2016