ASSOCIATED STUDENT GOVERNMENT REGULAR MEETING Chair: President Spence Vice-Chair: Vacant Senators: None (at start of meeting) Delegates: Johnson Edozie, Michael Nagtalon, Adam Witherspoon Date: Wednesday August 26th 2015 Starting Time: 1:00pm End Time: 3:00pm Location: SU-204 Secretary: President Spence 1. CALL TO ORDER a. President Spence called the meeting to order at 1:05pm b. Roll Call Present President: President Spence Vice President: Vacant Senators: None Delegates: Johnson Edozie, Michael Nagtalon Tardy: Delegate Witherspoon at 1:45pm Absent: None 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS a. There were no communications from the public 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Regular ASG Meeting May 6th: Approved without objection by President Spence pending corrections b. Regular ASG Meeting August 19th: Approved without objection by President Spence pending corrections 4. BOARD APPOINTMENTS AND NOMINATIONS a. Interview For Senate Position i. Megan Gordon- Postponed ii. Lazzaric Caldwell- Appointed as Senator without objection by President Spence iii. Pheonix Prefontaine- Appointed as Senator without objection by President Spence iv. Armando Contreras- Appointed as Senator without objection by President Spence v. Thomas Hinch- Appointed as Senator without objection by President Spence vi. Zach Gutierrez- Appointed as Senator without objection by President Spence b. Shared Governance Councils and Committees i. Faculty Senate ii. Finance & Administrative Services Planning Council iii. Basic Skills iv. Behavioral Health and Campus Wellness Committee v. Bookstore Committee vi. Budget Committee vii. Campus Police Committee viii. District Policies and Procedures Committee ix. Facilities Review Committee x. Food Services Subcommittee Items I through X postponed without objection by President Spence 5. VACANCIES/RESIGNATIONS a. Senate: We currently have nine (9) Senate seats available. b. Delegates: We currently have four (4) positions for delegates. 6. OFFICIAL REPORTS a. Executive Reports i. President Spence- Welcomed the newly appointed senators to the board. Was not able to attend the SSPC meeting earlier in the day, but will attend the next meeting on 9/9. Will begin working on getting computer logins for new appointees. ii. Vice President- None b. Senator Reports i. Lazzaric Caldwell- Nothing to report. ii. Pheonix Prefontaine- Nothing to report. iii. Armando Contreras- Nothing to report. iv. Thomas Hinch- Nothing to report. v. Zach Gutierrez- Nothing to report. c. Delegate Reports i. Michael Nagtalon- Attended the Budget Committee. Stats indicate that our enrollment and FTES numbers are down. As a result the college will be deficit spending. Informed the board that Kendyl Magnuson express an interest in speaking to the board and explaining the budget. ii. Johnson Edozie- Nothing to report. iii. Adam Witherspoon- Nothing to report. d. Advisor Reports i. Lindsay Kretchman- Introduced herself to the new Senator, informing them that the Office of Student Affairs is available to help them. Retreat planning will begin soon. Also, requested planning processes for upcoming events. The Leadership Series will take place in LL-104 next Thursday. Student leadership meet & greet will also be taking place next week. Remembering 9/11 event will be taking place in a couple weeks and will start at 7am. Information from SSPC also indicated that enrollment was down. Proposal for new AB-540 student assistance. ii. Sherry Titus- Reminded the board that AB-540 is the designation for the California implementation of the “Dream Act”. Welcomed new board appointees, reminded them that as Senators they are eligible for staff parking permits. Congratulated Delegate Nagtalon for attending Budget Committee. The college is deficit spending. Also informed board that students are not finishing degrees and that financial aid will change and may not support them. Suggested thinking of processes to get students to finish their degrees. e. Committee Reports i. ICC- None ii. PPER- None iii. LEAC- None iv. CWA- None 7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS a. Updating of ASG Website: Will be continuously worked on to ensure that information presented is accurate and current. 8. NEW BUSINESS a. Inter-Club Council Chairperson Appointment Motion to open the floor to nominations (Hinch/Prefontaine/C) Senator Prefontaine nominated Senator Prefontaine for the position. Senator Contreras nominated Senator Contreras for the position Motion to close the floor to nominations (Caldwell/Prefontaine/C) All those in favor of Senator Prefontaine for ICC Chair: Senator Prefontaine Senator Caldwell Senator Gutierrez Senator Hinch All those in favor of Senator Contreras for ICC Chair: Senator Contreras Senator Prefontaine is appointed ICC Chairperson b. Approval of funds not to exceed $4800 for CCCSAA Conference out of Fund 73 Motion to approve funds not to exceed $4800 for CCCSAA Conference out of Fund 73 (Hinch/Caldwell/C) 9. ADJOURNMENT a. Meeting Adjourned at 3:03 pm.