ARTICLE V ELECTION CODE FOR EXECUTIVE OFFICERS Section 1 - Regular Election Code Clause I. Election Committee a. The President shall appoint an Election Committee consisting of at least three (3) members and designate the Chairperson of the Election Committee no later than sixty (60) academic days prior to the election. The Election Committee must be approved by a majority vote of the ASG. The Election Committee shall be responsible for setting up the balloting station, counting the ballots, and carrying out the general duties required at election time. 1. No student running for election or assisting in the election campaign of a candidate may serve on the Election Committee (if a Committee member is found to be in violation of this bylaw by a simple-majority vote of the PPERC, they will be removed and replaced by another ASG official appointed by the President. 2. It will be the responsibility of the Election Committee to enforce these Bylaws. If the Election Committee fails to follow any of these bylaws or violates a procedure any consequences from that action will be revoked and there will be no further action taken on that item. Violations of Code Enforcement will be determined by a majority vote of the PPERC. 3. The Director of Student Affairs or Designee shall serve as an Advisor of the Election Committee. As Advisor, the Director shall make certain that the Election Committee acts in accordance with District and ASG policy. 4. In the event that a segment of the Election Code’s interpretation is publicly called into question, the ASG board by majority vote may, if provided with a written complaint, send the questioned segment to the Policies, Procedures, and Executive Review Committee who shall provide a final simplified interpretation of the specified rule. This interpretation shall be acknowledged and solely used. PPERC shall then hold a meeting at the earliest possible date to review the questioned segment (In cases where an interpretation is of immediate nature, the President may direct PPERC to review the questioned segment, in which the PPERC Chair may call a special meeting to review the questioned segment.) 5. All questions, concerns or complaints regarding elections shall be submitted in writing to the Election Committee. It will be the complainant’s responsibility to provide the Election Committee with supporting documentation. The Election Committee Chair shall provide a written response to the concern. Clause II. Eligibility and Maintenance Requirements a. All prospective candidates for an ASG office shall file an Election Application, so eligibility can be ascertained, no later than 12:00 Noon, three academic days (Monday through Friday) prior to the last held Candidates Meeting. If the application is not turned in and verified in accordance with the above deadline, the candidate will be denied the ability to run for office. 1. The Election Application can be picked up to forty (40) academic days (Monday through Friday) prior to the Election at the Office of Student Affairs. b. To be eligible to run for office, a candidate must meet the following criteria: 1. A student pursuing office of the ASG must be qualified as a regular-status student as defined below, or as otherwise qualified by the Governing Board, pursuant to California Education Code Section 76000 et seq. 2. Obtain the signatures and student identification numbers of fifty (50) enrolled Palomar College students 3. Possess a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 upon initial participation in student government 4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw, the Director of Student Affairs shall advise the board of his/her determination of the candidates eligibility based on the rules set forth under clause II. 5. A student shall be ineligible for election or appointment for a period of three (3) semesters if they were removed from office for disciplinary reasons or impeachment. 6. Any officer who resigns or is disqualified, recalled, or impeached twice within any period is ineligible for election to an executive position. i. Any officer who has resigned twice within any period may appeal to the ASG Board. 7. Any officer who is recalled or impeached three times within any period is ineligible for election or appointment. 8. Any executive officer who has been disqualified, recalled, impeached, or has resigned shall not be eligible for election or appointment to any executive position at any time thereafter. 9. If a candidate for a position in the Associated Student Government is employed by Palomar College as a Classified staff member, please refer to Article V, Section 4. 10. Faculty, both full-time and adjunct, shall be prohibited from serving as members of the Associated Student Government in any capacity other than that of advisor to the Board. 11. Administrators at any level in the college governance structure shall be prohibited from serving as members of the Associated Student Government in any capacity other than that of advisor to the Board. 12. All applicants must meet the Leadership Experience requirements. i. All applicants shall be required to submit a letter of verification (containing reference information) that must be verifiable by the Election Committee. ii. iii. The deadline to submit the letter of verification shall be set by the Election Committee in the Special Rules. Leadership experience will be defined as: 1) Involvement in any Student Organization (as defined in California ed. code Art. 2 Student Organizations, Section 48930) And/OR 2) Taking part in community service and/or volunteer work, leading a team, serving as an intern or have taken a leadership class. c. For an executive officer to maintain office in ASG, the following conditions apply: 1. Maintain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.5 throughout the officer's tenure in office. 2. Enroll in and complete a course load of not less than seven (7) units. 3. Receipt of a grade of “FW” in a course shall not be deemed as satisfactory completion of the requirements of [b] above, unless otherwise determined by the Policies and Procedures Committee in consultation with the Office of Student Affairs. 4. A grade of “I,” if received during the course of a semester and removed before the start of the next semester, will be deemed satisfactory for the completion of [c-2] above, subject to confirmation by the Office of Student Affairs. 5. No more than six (6) units per semester may be taken credit/no credit during the officer's tenure in office. Clause III. Senator Elections a. New Candidates for Senator Position must receive a greater tabulation of “Yay” votes than “Nay” votes during the Election in order to win the seat. b. In the event that a candidate for the Senator position does not receive a greater tabulation of “Yay” votes, he/she must wait until the subsequent ASG Election to apply for a Senator seat in any manner. c. In the event that the number of candidates exceeds the number of open seats, the available seats will go to the candidates with the highest tabulation of “Yay” votes. d. In the event that there is a tie between candidates, and there are limited seats available, refer to Article XIX Clause 1. Clause IV. Candidates' Meeting a. All candidates will be required to attend at least one of three (3) Candidates' Meetings to receive pertinent information on the election, publicity procedures, and the Election Committee’s Special Rules. b. At these meetings, all candidates will be given the Special Rules of the Election containing a statement they must sign acknowledging that they have read, understand and agree to abide by the Election Code and Special Rules. 1. The signed Special Rules must be returned to the Office of Student Affairs before campaigning or engaging in campus publicity or election forums may commence. The signed Special Rules shall also serve as proof of attendance of the Candidate’s meeting. The Election Committee Chair, the Office of Student Affairs, and the candidate shall all receive a copy of the signed Special Rules. 2. The Director of Student Affairs will review the Special Rules to ensure they do not violate District or ASG guidelines. The review shall take place before the first candidate’s meeting. c. The dates and times of said meetings shall be established and made known by the Election Committee. Additional meetings may be scheduled at the discretion of the committee. d. Should any otherwise qualified candidate fail to attend a Candidate's meeting, he/she will be prohibited from engaging in any kind of oncampus publicity (including campus related social media), on-campus campaigning or any Election forums at Palomar College. e. The time and date of the third Candidate's Meeting shall be not less than five (5) academic days prior to the election. Clause V. Election Information Packet a. The Election Committee Chairperson will make available to all candidates an Election Information Packet. The Election Committee shall begin advertisement of Election Packets and availability no later than five (5) academic days prior to their release. The Packet shall include the following: 1. An election calendar detailing the time and dates of the candidates' meetings, campaigning period, any debates (Forums), as well as the dates of the Election. 2. A copy of Article I and Article V of the Associated Student Government Bylaws. 3. A copy of the Graphics Style and Standard Manual of Palomar College. (A note stating that the GSSM is available in the Office of Student Affairs (SU-201) will suffice.) 4. The location of the polling station(s) and their exact physical boundaries. 5. The Special Rules established by the Election Committee. 6. Other pertinent election information as determined by the Election Committee. Clause VI. Publicity (further determined in the Special Rules) a. All campaign publicity will be governed by the Graphics Style and Standard Manual available in the Office of Student Affairs. In addition, the following regulations apply to Campaigns and Electioneering: 1. Any questions as to the legality of campaign literature, speeches, or events shall be referred to the Election Committee for review. 2. All campaign publicity will meet generally-accepted standards of what is constructed to be fair and in good taste. Each candidate will be held responsible by the Election Committee for any misconduct of campaign publicity. 3. Tampering with authorized campaign literature is prohibited and may result in the disqualification of candidates accused and found guilty of such behavior from the election. 4. Each candidate shall be limited to a total campaign expenditure of one hundred and fifty ($150) dollars. Candidates will be required to turn in all campaign expenditure receipts along with their Campaign Expenditure Form. For material that has been donated, candidates must research the cost of the material and submit a print-out as proof of the cost and completed the official Expenditure Form. Candidates found to have exceeded their limit, falsified their campaign expenditures, or have submitted their forms beyond the time determined by the Election Committee shall be subject to disqualification following the Enforcement Procedure. 5. All campaign items shall be removed by the candidates or his/her representatives before the commencement of the Election, by the date and time stated in the Special Rules. Clause VII. Candidate Publicity Forum (further determined in the Special Rules) a. The Election Committee will organize a Public Forum ("Meet the Candidates Day") within the five (5) academic days period before voting commences. This Forum will consist of the following: 1. A public reading of the election calendar. 2. An introduction of the candidates. 3. A period where the candidates may announce their platforms/goals/objectives. 4. A question and answer period between the candidates and the press/public. 5. The Election Committee will determine the exact time and date of the Forum. Clause VIII. Ballot a. The Election Committee will draft a ballot. The names of the candidates will appear on the ballot according to a random drawing by the Election Committee. b. The preferential treatment by the ASG Board or the Election Committee of any candidate is specifically prohibited. Violation of this bylaw will obligate the Policies and Procedures and Executive Review Committee to take appropriate action. 1. Any individual acting in an official capacity of the ASG shall not endorse, display, or take part in any campaign efforts. 2. Participating in an official capacity includes, but is not limited to physical occupation of an ASG office, ASG events, ASG meetings, shared governance meetings, and any other scheduled official function in which the individual is acting as a representative of the ASG. Clause IX. Balloting Station(s) a. Unless otherwise stated and establish by two-thirds (2/3) majority of the sitting ASG Board, all balloting for elections of the ASG shall be conducted via the internet, to be monitored by the Election Committee. b. Computer access is provided to students at on-campus computer labs, the Library, and at other Internet-accessible locations throughout the main campus and all satellite campuses. Students are further encouraged to vote at home via the online election system. However, the following stipulations shall be applied to on-campus locations: 1. On the days of the Election, no campaigning or electioneering shall be allowed within the premises of Palomar College (including its satellite campuses). Violation of this bylaw will result in disqualification. 2. Palomar employee or faculty computers may not be used as polling stations. Neither employee nor faculty devices that connect to the Internet may be used to cast votes. 3. The Election Committee shall establish and maintain a balloting station in the ASG Senators Office (SU-102) for the duration of the Election. Clause X. Terms of Office/Election Dates a. The exact dates for Election shall be established by the ASG according to the following criteria: 1. The Election for the office of ASG President, ASG Vice-President, and Senators will be held not later than the third week in April. 2. Terms of office for ASG President, Vice-President, and Elected Senators shall commence after being sworn in at the end of the last scheduled regular ASG meeting and end on the subsequent last scheduled regular ASG meeting, provided the election has been certified. 3. Terms of office for all other officers of the ASG will commence on the day of appointment and terminate one (1) year from the date of appointment. 4. The retiring Executive Officers, and the newly elected Executive Officers, shall conduct an Officer transition beginning with the certification of the Election results. Clause XI. Tabulation of Votes a. Tabulation and publicizing of all ballots by the Election Committee shall be completed as quickly as possible, but not later than two (2) academic days after the close of the balloting. (If the Election Committee fails to complete this, the designee of the Director of Student Affairs will immediately tabulate and publicize the results. The designee shall not be from the Office of Student Affairs). 1. Official notice of the Election results shall be certified by the signatures of the Election Committee Chairperson and the Director of Student Affairs or his/her designee. 2. Results shall be posted in the Student Union, Office of Student Affairs (SU-201), the ASG Offices (SU-102 and SU-104) and official ASG web media by 8:00 am on the first day following tabulation and remain posted for five (5) academic days. 3. Requests for a recount must be filed with the Election Committee within twenty-four (24) hours after election results are posted. Recounts are only possible if, due to emergency, the Election must be conducted by paper ballot. In the event a recount is requested and the Election was conducted by electronic tabulation, a second tabulation results print-out of the Election, witnessed by the candidates, Election Committee Chairperson and the Director of Student Affairs and/or his/her designee shall be printed and reviewed. Clause XII. Procedure for the Enforcement of the Election Code. a. The Election Committee shall be responsible for upholding and enforcing all articles, policies, bylaws, requirements and procedures of the Election Code and Special Rules. b. Any candidate or member of the candidate's campaign support base accused of a violation of the Election Code or the Special Rules shall appear before the Election Committee to be appropriately penalized (as defined by Clause XI, C), subject to the Enforcement Procedure, which is defined as follows: 1. The accusation must have reasonable evidence to support it. 2. The accused shall appear immediately and physically after being summoned before the Election Committee at an Open Due Process Hearing (it shall be the responsibility of the accused to notify members of the public that they personally wish to be present at the Hearing to attend). 3. In the case that the accused cannot appear before the Election Committee immediately after being summoned, the accused must reschedule the Hearing by the next academic day following the date of summons, with the Election Committee Chairperson. The rescheduled date is not to exceed the second academic day from the initial summons. 4. In the case that the accused does not or refuses to appear before the Election Committee for their Hearing, after having been rescheduled if appropriate, the accused candidate or the candidate in which the accused endorses will be subject to immediate disqualification regardless of the Open Due Process Hearing if confirmed by a simple-majority vote of the Election Committee. i. In the case that the accused is an endorser to a candidate, the endorsee may attend in their place. In this situation, the Election Committee will determine whether or not the endorser was acting with or without the consent of the endorsee, and judge the violation based on this. 5. In the case that the accused in found innocent of the violation, the Election Committee will excuse the accused from penalization and further consequence based on that violation. The action in question shall not be recognized as a violation by the Election Committee. c. Subject to a simple-majority vote of the Election Committee, violations will be enforced by the appropriate penalization, defined as follows; 1. Immediate disqualification of the candidate(s) in the case that the violation is of the Election Code. 2. Immediate prohibition from engaging in any kind of on-campus publicity, on-campus campaigning efforts or any Election forums at Palomar College in the case that the violation is of the Special Rules, received during the Candidate’s Meeting (the candidate shall be given thirty-six (36) hours to remove and end all campaigning efforts at Palomar College. d. Disqualification consequences are as follows: 1. Should a candidate be disqualified by the Election Committee for whatever reason before the date of the Election, the name of the disqualified candidate shall be struck from the ballot. 2. Should a candidate be disqualified by the Election Committee for whatever reason while the Election is being conducted, a public notice of disqualification shall be immediately posted at all physical balloting stations, in the glass case at the north wing of the Student Union, and on the Election website. Votes cast for a disqualified candidate shall be deemed invalid. 3. Should a candidate be disqualified by the Election Committee following the Election voting period, and the candidate prevailed in obtaining office in the ASG, the Chairperson of the Election Committee shall be required to declare the next eligible candidate with the most certified votes the winner of the seat. 4. If there is but one (1) candidate for the contested office and that candidate is disqualified the line of succession as outlined in Art V Sect 3 shall be implemented. 5. If there is but one (1) candidate for the contested office and that candidate obtained at least one vote other than his/her own, the Election Committee shall declare that candidate the winner of the seat. 6. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Bylaw, the Director of Student Affairs, may make the declaration of disqualification in consultation with the ASG President and the Chairperson of the Election Committee, should he/she find a student otherwise ineligible for candidacy at any time. 7. Under any circumstances should the seat become or be vacant after the Election, Line of Succession shall be implemented. Section 2 - Recall Election Code Clause I. Election Committee will serve as the Recall Election Committee. Clause II. Recall Election Procedure Meeting a. The Recall Election Committee shall meet twice within five (5) days of the recall petition's verification to discuss election procedures and campaign regulations. b. All members being recalled and any students actively campaigning for the removal of the Officers must attend one of these meetings. c. The exact date and time of the meetings shall be set by the Recall Election Committee. Copies of (Article V, Section 2) of the Bylaws shall be made available at these meetings. Clause III. Election Information a. The Recall Election Committee shall supply all participants in the recall with a list of the date and time of the campaigning period, the recall election procedure meetings, and the recall forum. Clause IV. Campaign and Electioneering refer to Article V, Section I, Clause V Clause V. Recall Forum refer to Article V, Section I, Clause VI. Clause VI. Ballot a. The Recall Election Committee will draft a ballot. b. The ballot shall contain language directing the voter to either approve or deny the recall of the specified officer(s), and shall also provide a listing of available candidates to succeed to the positions indicated should the recall be successful. 1. Multiple officers to be recalled should be listed separately, to allow the electors an opportunity to vote on each officer individually. 2. The listing of qualified candidates shall be randomly ordered in accordance with (Article V, Section 1, Clause VII). Clause VII. Tabulation of Votes refer to Article V, Section I, Clause X. Clause VIII. Enforcement of Code refer to Section I, Clause XI Section 3 - In the Event of Disqualification of Executive positions. Clause I. If the President seat becomes vacant, refer to Constitution, Article VII, Section 4. a. The new President will declare the Vice President position vacant. b. The appointment of the Vice President will be placed on the following agenda as an action item. c. A Senator shall be nominated among the ASG board to the office of VicePresident, to be confirmed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ASG board in office at the time. Clause II. If the Vice President Seat becomes vacant A Senator shall be nominated among the ASG board to the office of Vice-President, to be confirmed by a two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the ASG board in office at the time. Clause III. In the event of both the Vice President and President positions becomes vacant, the chair of the Legislation and External Affairs committee will call and chair a special meeting at which the ASG board will make a decision as to how the positions will be filled. a. A two thirds (2/3) majority vote will be required in order to take action. Section 4 – Regarding Employee Participation in the Associated Student Government Clause I. Classified staff members as defined in (Article V, Clause II, [b]), above shall be prohibited from holding the offices of President or Vice-President within the Associated Student Government. Clause II. In regards to senators refer to Article VI. Section 5 – ASG Presidency and Palomar College Student Trustee Clause I. Eligibility of Palomar College Student Trustee a. Should the ASG President be ineligible for any reason whatsoever, to serve as Palomar College Student Trustee, the role and duties of Student Trustee shall be assumed by the Vice President of the ASG. b. If for any reason whatsoever, the ASG President and Vice President are both ineligible to serve as Palomar College Student Trustee, it shall be the responsibility of the ASG board to hold a Special Election for Palomar College Student Trustee. ADOPTED 12/14/1993 REVISED 05/2000, 01/23/2002, 08/19/2004, 08/03/2005, 04/11/2007, 12/02/2009, 03/16/2011, 03/26/2012