
‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬
‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫جامعة المجمعة‬
‫كلية علوم الحاسب وتقنية المعلومات‬
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Ministry of Higher Education
Majmaah University
Computer Science and Information Technology College
Assignment due by Sat Dec 20 before 4:00 pm
Assignment 5
Write a complete C++ program that has an array of 6 string elements named first_name, ask
the user to enter 6 first names. Create a function that receives your array, then replace any
occurrence of name "sarah" with "sara".
Print the array after updating inside the function.
Example of the output
Enter 4 first names: fatima sarah noura sara
The names after updating are: Fatima sara noura sara