Portfolio Project – INF 385H fall 2007 The purpose of the Portfolio Project is to provide an opportunity for each student to conceive and develop an innovative digital media interface in an area of personal interest. Some suggested projects areas: (notice: “websites” not listed) Libraries Hospitals…Doctors’ Offices Museums Airports (info & advertising) Art Galleries Social Networking Non-profit Volunteer Management Retirement & Nursing Homes Accessibility (Section 508) Commerce (Click + Brick) Patient Medical Records (input/output – sharing) Games (emphasis learning) Performing Arts Schools (reading, science) Television/Film Visual Arts &… The Portfolio Project will require the completion of three preparatory surveys: For each item provide: (a) brief description of its use, (b) a picture and/or description of its form factor/interface, (c) pro/con on its form factor/interface, (d) a “new” use for it (not one intended), (e) key tech specs & cost and (f) web links for further info. Survey 1: Small digital gizmos (hardware devices), such as barcode readers, digital picture frames, phone cameras, photo printers, web cams, hand scanners, iPods, projectors, DJ gear, joy sticks, etc. Survey 2: Single screen display technology, such as projection systems, touch screens, holographic, small screens, glasses/goggles, etc. Survey 3: Web-based applications (software “gizmos”), such as Google Earth, Facebook, Flicker, YouTube, Content-matching (Amazon), morphing, casual games, etc. The Portfolio Project will involve the following phases: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Surveys (above) Initial problem statement (why & how to solve) Use case scenarios Storyboards Promotional materials (marketing inside an organization or to investors); may include IP disclosure (6) Demo/mockup or prototype All Portfolio Project materials due on last day of class