Lecture 41 Functi on of Heart as a Pump Dr. Khaled Ibrahim By the end of this session, the student should be able to: 1) Illustrate and discuss the action potential of contractile cardiac fibers. 2) Describe the excitability changes during cardiac action potential. 3) Describe excitation-contraction coupling of the cardiac muscle. 4) Describe the intrinsic regulation of the cardiac pumping. 5) Describe the effect of various extrinsic factors on cardiac pumping (nervous, physical and chemical). Guyton & Hall Textbook of Physiology - 12th ed. P. 103-104 & 110-112. CONTRACTILITY Definition: It is the ability of the cardiac muscle to convert the stored chemical energy of fuel (ATP) into mechanical energy or work. In case of cardiac muscle, contractility is manifested by: pumping & circulation of blood (cardiac contraction gives the blood its velocity). Ionic basis of action potential of cardiac muscle (contractile muscle fibers): Q? Why does the action potential of cardiac muscle have a plateau, while that of skeletal muscle does not? 1- A moderate quantity of Ca2+ diffuses to the inside of cardiac muscle fiber during the action potential and for a prolonged time. The plateau occurs during this prolonged influx of Ca2+. But very little amount of Ca2+ diffuses in skeletal muscle 2- Immediately after the onset of action potential, the permeability of cardiac muscle for K+ decreases 5 folds. It is believed that this is due to excess Ca2+ influx. The permeability to K+ -----> K+ efflux which prevents rapid repolarization -----> plateau. This effect that does not occur in skeletal muscle Relation between the mechanical response (contraction) and Electrical response (action potential) Contraction (systole) starts just after depolarization and reaches its maximum by the end of the plateau. Relaxation (diastole) starts with the rapid phase of repolarization. Repolarization is complete by the end of the first half of diastole Excitability changes during the action potential Following the application of a threshold stimulus, excitability passes by the following phases 1- Absolute refractory period (ARP) During this period, the excitability of the cardiac muscle is completely lost. No other stimulus, whatever its strength can excite the cardiac muscle. It coincides (corresponds) with: the phase of rapid depolarization and the repolarization till the end of plateau (= during systole of cardiac muscle). Significance: Due to this long ARP, tetanus cannot be produced in cardiac muscle. Tetanization of cardiac muscle is fatal because the heart as a pump must contract and relax to fill with blood. N.B.: ARP in skeletal muscle is very short and equals only the latent period, so tetanus can occur to increase the tension of the muscle to move or carry objects 2- Relative refractory period (RRP) During this period, the excitability gradually recovers until it reaches the normal value. A stronger stimulus applied during the RRP would produce a weaker systole. This period coincides with the rapid repolarization (= the first half of diastole). Significance: This is the phase where extrasystole occurs 3- Supernormal phase (SNP) During this phase, the excitability rises above the normal. A weaker stimulus is needed to excite the cardiac muscle, and a stronger contraction is produced. It coincides with the second half of diastole. (= after the end of action potential). Significance: Physiologically: Stimuli adjusted to occur during the SNP of the preceding cycles, would produce systoles of increasing strength. This is called phenomenon”. the “staircase phenomenon” or “treppe Excitation-contraction coupling in the myocardial muscle fibers: It is the mechanism by which the action potential causes the myofibrils of the muscle to contract. Mechanism: Rules controlling contractility : = intrinsic regulation of the cardiac pumping 1-All or non rule: * When a cardiac muscle unit is stimulated by an adequate stimulus (minimal or threshold), it responds maximally giving maximal contraction But when it is stimulated by an inadequate stimulus, it does not respond at all. * This is due to its syncytial nature. The two atria form a syncytium while the two ventricles form another syncytium. Impulses travel from the atrial to the ventricular syncytium only through the AV bundle. 2- Staircase phenomenon or Treppe phenomenon: * If the cardiac muscle is stimulated by successive maximal stimuli, the 1st few contractions show gradual in magnitude which is represented graphically as a staircase. After that, the strength of contraction becomes stable at its normal level. * Mechanism: 1) The first stimulus produces thermal (warming of the muscle), chemical ( activity of the muscle enzymes) & ionic changes ( Ca2+ inside the muscle) which improve the physiological state of the cardiac muscle (i.e., better physiological conditions). 2) The second stimulus fall in the supernormal phase of excitability. Question: Does the staircase phenomenon contradicts the All or none rule? No. Because For the all or none rule to be applied, all physiological conditions should remain constant. 3- Starling's low of the heart: It was studied by Starling in the isolated denervated heart. It states that: WITHIN CERTAIN LIMIT, THE GREATER THE INITIAL LENGTH OF THE CARDIAC MUSCLE FIBER, THE GREATER THE FORCE OF MYOCARDIAL CONTRACTION. The initial length of cardiac muscle fiber is determined by the degree of diastolic filling i.e. End Diastolic Volume (EDV) (It is the volume of the blood in the ventricles at the end of diastole). According to starling's law: excess venous return (amount of blood returning to the atria from the peripheral veins) e.g. during muscular exercise ---> the initial length of muscle fibers (EDV) ----> the force of ventricular contraction. Significance: This prevents stagnation of blood in venous side. WHILE, Overstretching of the muscle fibers, e.g., heart failure causes marked contractility. Normally, the pericardium allows optimal increase in diastolic volume and prevents overstretching. Mechanism of Starling's law: It is myogenic in nature through the overlappement between thin & thick filaments. Inotropism Definition: an effect on myocardial contractility. A +ve Inotropic effect is that which myocardial contractility. A -ve Inotropic effect is that which myocardial contracility. I- Nervous + ve Inotropic factor - ve Inotropic factor Sympathetic Stimulation Parasympathetic (vagal) Stimulation It the contractilty of atrial but not factors the ventricular muscle, as the vagus does not supply the ventricles. Mechanism: Norepinephrine Mechanism: binds to β1- Acetylcholine binds to M2 adrenergic receptors ----> the (muscarinic) receptors -----> the permeability of the sarcolemma permeability of the sarcolemma to Ca2+. to Ca2+ ions. + ve Inotropic factor - ve Inotropic factor II. Physical Mild warming Mechanism: factors 1) Accelerate the metabolic By an opposite mechanism. reactions Mild cooling Mechanism: needed to Sever warming (denaturation of produce the ATP. muscle proteins) & sever 2) the viscosity of the cooling (stoppage of chemical sarcoplasm ----> facilitating reactions) ----> myocardial the sliding of thin over thick contractility. filaments. 3) the kinetic energy of ions ----> Ca2+ influx into the myocardial fibers. + ve Inotropic factor - ve Inotropic factor III. Chemical factors 1. Hormones Catecholamines: e.g. adrenaline & noradrenaline. Glucagon Thyroxine 2- pH Alkalosis Acidosis favoring systole. This is due to favoring diastole. this is due to increasing the affinity of troponin C depression to Ca. of the affinity of troponin C to Ca. Severe alkalosis the force of Severe acidosis stops the heart in myocardial contractility and may diastole. stop the heart in systole. 3- Inorganic ions + ve Inotropic factor - ve Inotropic factor Excess Ca2+ Excess K+ (in ECF) it produces stronger systoles Favor diastole, So, marked and shorter incomplete in K concentration may stop diastoles) favoring systole. Marked increase of Ca2+ may stop the heart in systole, a condition called calcium rigor (irreversible contraction). Accordingly , I.V. injection of Ca2+ should be administered very slowly. the heart in diastole. + ve Inotropic factor 4- Drugs: a- Digitalis: Mechanism: It inhibits the Na+K+ pump at the myocardial sarcolemma ----> cytosolic Na+ ----> activation of the Na+-Ca2+ exchanger to transport Na+ out, and Ca++ into the cell -----> cytosolic Ca2+ -----> stronger myocardial contraction. b- Xanthines i.e. caffeine and theophylline: Mechanism: They stimulate myocardial contractility by inhibiting the breakdown of cyclic AMP and increasing its intracellular concentration. - ve Inotropic factor Quinidine, procainamide and barbiturates: They decrease myocardial contractility by decreasing the influx of depolarizing Ca2+ into the myocardial cell. Toxins: Bacterial toxins as diphtheria or typhoid toxins weaken the myocardial contractility by direct action on the contractile mechanism.