09 11 2014

September 11, 2014 Minutes
Approved – September 25, 2014
Berta Cuaron, Wendy Nelson, Marty Furch
Michelle Barton, April Cunningham, Berta Cuaron, Kelly Falcone, Erin Feld, Marty
Furch, John Harland, Cheryl Kearse, Michael Mufson, Wendy Nelson, Rocco Versaci
Melinda Carrillo, Sarah De Simone, Robert Deegan, Michael Gilkey, Adrian Gonzales,
Norma Miyamoto, Mollie Smith, Brian Stockert
Marti Snyder
The meeting was called to order by LOC Co-Chair Marty Furch at 2:05 p.m.
1. Approve Minutes 08/28/14
Minutes approved as corrected.
MSC Miller, Feld.
2. Announcements
Marty met with SLO Facilitators to discuss SLO guidelines, which are now in place.
Wendy released the first SLOAC newsletter, which was emailed to faculty. Berta requested that the
newsletter also be distributed to each of the Deans, Department Chairs, and Administration.
Berta informed the council that IPC is currently working on updating the forms for PRPs. The document
was approved yesterday and will now go to Faculty Senate for review and to Division Deans for feedback.
PRPs are due mid-November.
Marty mentioned that the SLO section of the PRP is exactly the same as it was last year. Departments
will update the PRP to identify the plan for this year, which will be assessed in spring 2015.
Marty asked that if any departments are experiencing glitches with TracDat, please report them to her so
that she can convey any concerns to the TracDat representative.
Michael Mufson announced the Peter Gach Steinway piano dedication will take place this Sunday at 2
Michael also mentioned “The People’s Climate March” that will take place September 21, 2014, and
promoted participation in the climate change event.
Erin Feld informed the council that she recently facilitated a critical thinking workshop. Dillon Emerick
will facilitate another workshop tomorrow.
3. Role of LOC
Marty gave a PowerPoint presentation reviewing the mission of LOC, perspectives of SLOs, LOC
membership responsibilities, and LOC project goals for 2014-15. The focus of LOC is to approach SLOs
with a culture of student-centered intentionality rather than with a culture of accreditation-centered
compliance. Members are encouraged to participate in planning and proposals, collaborate with their
respective departments, understand issues that may be particular to your division, and share with the
council. Members will also relay SLO information from the council to their departments.
LOC will be assessing Writing Communication as the SLO for 2014-15. The council needs to identify
which SLO it will be assessing next and determine when that assessment will take place.
4. Curriculum/SLO Changes in Curricunet
Wendy reviewed the process by which faculty are informed of the SLO requirements for new courses.
Once a new course is launched and reviewed, it is followed by the creation of a shell in TracDat for that
course. Once the course is approved, faculty of the new course will receive a letter reminding them that
SLOs for the course must be entered into TracDat. The Curriculum Committee will make sure that data
for the course is input into Curricunet, which can be done simultaneously to the entering of SLO data
into TracDat.
5. Writing Rubric Update
Wendy informed the council that the holistic rubric was approved by the Faculty Senate and will include
the additional evaluation criteria identified as “option 1”. “Option 2” criteria will not be used.
A discussion ensued in which council members weighed the idea of having two separate formats of the
same rubric, in order for faculty to choose the format that speaks more to their style of review.
Michelle Barton suggested that the rubric maintain its holistic approach, which can provide valid and
reliable results, and experiment with the different approach. Once the evaluation is complete, the group
can discuss the results of each approach.
6. Review 2013 – 2014 Goals
Wendy reviewed the LOC goals for 2013-2014. The status of these goals is a follows:
1) Update assessment cycle & timeline and create a SLOAC feedback process
for programs.
Clarify the relationship between GE and institutional learning outcomes.
Address SLO responsibilities of dept. chair or designee as stated in the PFF
District 2013 Contract.
Collaborate with Curriculum Committee on the relationship between SLOs
and CORs.
Collaborate with Curriculum Committee on the relationship between
general education curriculum and general education outcomes
In progress
In progress
In progress
Goals that are currently in progress will be carried over to 2014-2015.
7. Discuss 2014-2015 Goals
Wendy asked for suggestions from the council to identify additional goals for 2014-2015. Suggestions
1) Identify ideas/strategies for qualitative assessments.
2) Define “Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement” (SCQI). Provide guidance on what SQCI looks
like and examples of how to achieve it.
3) Create a model for interdisciplinary SLO assessments.
8. Review Strategic Plan Objectives
This item will be addressed at the next meeting.
9. Quantitative Literacy Preliminary Assessment Report Findings
This item will be addressed at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:31 p.m.
Next Meeting: September 25, 2014
2:00-3:30 p.m.
AA 140