01 22 2015

January 22, 2015 Minutes
Approved – January 29, 2015
Berta Cuaron, Wendy Nelson, Marty Furch, Susan Miller
Melinda Carrillo, April Cunningham, Sarah De Simone, Michael Dean, Kelly Falcone,
Erin Feld, Marty Furch, Michael Gilkey, Adrian Gonzales, John Harland, Naomi Lowe,
Susan Miller, Michael Mufson, Wendy Nelson, Brian Stockert, Rocco Versaci
Daniella Ashburn, Michelle Barton, Brooke Crawford, Berta Cuaron, Cheryl Kearse,
Norma Miyamoto, Mollie Smith
Marti Snyder
The meeting was called to order by LOC Co-Chair Marty Furch at 2:06 p.m.
1. Approve Minutes 11/13/14
MSC Harland, Carrillo. Motion to approve the minutes as corrected was unanimous.
2. Introduction and Announcements
Susan Miller is now serving as the tri-chair coordinator for LOC and brings a research background to the
Michael Mufson announced the new performing arts project titled “If Water Could Speak, What Would It
Say?” He encouraged faculty and students to provide feedback on the question, which could be used to
influence the direction of the show.
Sarah De Simone announced that there will be a blood drive on the Escondido Campus on February 4.
Team Life invites faculty and staff to participate in fitness programs for the spring semester. There will
be a walking group every Tuesday from 3-4 p.m. and Wednesday from 12-1. Jazzercise classes will also
be offered every Monday and Wednesday 12-1 p.m. and a circuit training class will be offered every
Tuesday and Thursday from 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Naomi Lowe mentioned that the Distinguished Faculty Award nominations deadline is February 2. She
gave a summary of the changes to the nomination process and encouraged all faculty to accept the
nomination, should one be made.
Kelly Falcone announced that there are only 30 tickets left for the Active Learning Leaders (ALL)
conference on February 21 and encouraged faculty who would like to attend to purchase their tickets for
the event before they are no longer available.
3. GE/ILO Assessments Update (written, intercultural)
Wendy summarized the Written Communication assessment for Fall 2014. There were 39 participants
for the assessment, approximately 15 of whom participated in the focus group in December. The group
reported that they liked the holistic rubric and suggested that the rubric be laid out a little differently.
However, overall they had no problems using the rubric and some faculty mentioned that they may use
this rubric in the future. IRP will now analyze the data and an additional group will convene on February
27 to evaluate the assessment data.
The College will assess Intercultural Knowledge and Competence in Spring 2015. A workgroup will be
tentatively scheduled to meet on January 30 to create a rubric to assess Intercultural Knowledge and
Competence. After the group meets, recruitment of faculty will begin for the assessment.
Wendy will send out a newsletter and include a reminder to faculty who teach Intercultural Knowledge
and Competence to map their courses to the ILO in TracDat. Once the assessment is complete, there will
be another focus group in June to discuss the spring assessment.
There is still consideration being given to assessing Digital Literacy, which may be delayed until Fall 2015.
Adrian Gonzales mentioned that he will be meeting with Lillian Payn to discuss digital literacy and what
Title 5 and the Education Code have to say in regards to assessing it. If the digital literacy scores are
used to determine student placement, there is a significant validation process required through the
Chancellor’s office. However, if the assessments are not used to determine placement, the validation
process will not be as lengthy.
4. SPPF Allocation
Wendy announced that SPC approved the requested SPPF allocation for LOC. There will be enough
funding to conduct two assessments and possibly three if LOC decides to assess digital literacy using
North Star. The SPPF allocation will also fund modules for Quantitative Literacy, which may be a summer
Future funding for assessments may be limited through SPPF. Funding for assessments may need to
become a line-item in the budget, should SPPF funds no longer be allocated.
5. Accreditation Update
Two members of the accreditation site visiting team will have their initial visit with the College on
February 6, returning with the full visiting team March 2-5. The accreditation report has been sent for
review to ACCJC. However, we can still provide SLOAC updates to the team.
6. SLOAC Feedback Process
Marty mentioned that one of LOC’s goals this year is to evaluate the assessment cycle and timeline and
create a systematic SLOAC feedback process for programs aimed toward
- Supporting faculty in conducting SLOAC assessment and analysis;
- Improving PRPs, creating more productive decisions based on outcome analysis;
- Uncovering broad trends in student learning that could inform institutional decision-making;
- Improving collaboration on determining institutional effectiveness.
Marty then reviewed the Cabrillo College model for the SLOAC feedback process. Lengthy discussion
followed regarding how to best support the SLO cycle.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:32 p.m.
Next Meeting: January 29, 2015
2:00-3:30 p.m.
AA 140