02 26 2015

February 26, 2015 Minutes
Approved – March 12, 2015
Berta Cuaron, Wendy Nelson, Marty Furch, Susan Miller
Michelle Barton, Berta Cuaron, Melinda Carrillo, April Cunningham, Sarah De
Simone, Michael Dean, Kelly Falcone, Marty Furch, Michael Gilkey, John Harland,
Cheryl Kearse, Naomi Lowe, Susan Miller, Michael Mufson, Wendy Nelson, Brian
Stockert, Rocco Versaci
Daniella Ashburn, Brooke Crawford, Erin Feld, Adrian Gonzales, Norma Miyamoto,
Mollie Smith
Marti Snyder
The meeting was called to order by LOC Co-Chair Marty Furch.
1. Approve Minutes 1/29/15
MSC Stockert, Kearse.
2. Accreditation Update
Berta reported that interview requests from the evaluation team were received today and LOC was
identified as a group to appear for interviews. Berta will meet with SLOAC coordinators after today’s
LOC meeting to determine who will meet with the evaluation team as representatives of LOC.
If any members get an email to attend an accreditation interview, please give every effort to attend.
There will be two open forums next week and Berta encouraged LOC members to attend either forum to
share success stories. There will also be an exit forum on Thursday afternoon.
The evaluation team will tour Camp Pendleton and Escondido on Monday morning and will tour the San
Marcos campus on Tuesday morning.
A request has been made for faculty to submit their course syllabi to their department chair, who will
then submit to the respective deans. Folders of all syllabi will be compiled as evidence for the evaluation
Evaluation team members have requested access of TracDat. Accounts will be created so that team
members will have access to view SLO data.
3. LOC Website Changes
Marty announced that SLOAC coordinators have created three student learning outcomes websites: one
for students and the general public, one for faculty and staff, and one for Learning Outcomes Council.
They are three separate websites and each has a link to the other two websites.
Student website: One click away for the homepage, contains information on course and program SLOs,.
Everything you want to know about student learning in general can be found on www.palomar.edu/SLO.
Learning Outcomes Council Website: This is where we have membership, agendas and minutes, and
contact information. Materials for faculty can be found by clicking “SLOAC Resources”, which is a
completely separate website. This is where information is housed for PRP, TracDat, facilitator
information, and GE/Institutional assessment.
There were some suggestions for streamlining the sites. SLOAC coordinators will continue to revamp the
website to make it a more usable site.
4. Intercultural Competency & Knowledge Rubric
Wendy provided a newer version of the Intercultural Competency & Knowledge Rubric. A workgroup
has been put together to discuss Intercultural Competency and how we will assess it. The rubric was
taken from modifications of the AAC&U rubric, adapted by Webster University. However, it is still a
draft, and modifications will continue to be made. The workgroup decided to use the VALUE rubric
because it is currently being used by a number of colleges.
One of the challenges of GE/ILO outcomes is mapping. Over 500 SLOs have not yet been mapped to any
GE/ILOs. Currently, there are not a lot of courses that are mapped to intercultural competency and
knowledge. A question was posed to IRP to include all courses meeting the multi-cultural requirement in
the selection of courses to be assessed, with the assumption that they should all be mapped to
intercultural competency and knowledge.
5. SLOAC Feedback Process
Marty reviewed the need for a review or feedback process to faculty concerning program and course
assessment plans, including results used for planning. Lengthy discussion ensued. The members
suggested a workgroup be formed to deal with the complexities.
Volunteers for the workgroup are:
April Cunningham
John Harland
Michael Gilkey
Sarah De Simone
Cheryl Kearse
Susan Miller
6. GE Assessment Timeline
7. Evaluation Dashboard
Time ran out to discuss these agenda items.
Next Meeting: March 12, 2015
2:00-3:30 p.m.
AA 140