Random Number Generator Dr. Anis Koubâa CS433 Modeling and Simulation

Al-Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud University
Modeling and Simulation
Lecture 10
Random Number Generator
03 Jan 2009
Dr. Anis Koubâa
 Lemmis
Park, Discrete Event Simulation - A First Course,
Chapter 2: Random Number Generation
 Harry
Perros, Computer Simulation Technique - The
Definitive Introduction, 2007
Chapter 2 and Chapter 3
Goals of Today
Understand the fundamental concepts of Random
Number Generators (RNGs)
Lean how to generate random variate for
standard uniform distributions in the interval [0,1]
Learn how to generate random variate for any
probability distribution
Why Random Number Generators?
 Desired Properties of RNGs
 Lehmer’s Algorithm
 Period and full-period RNGs
 Modulus and multiplier selection (Lehmer)
 Implementation - overflow
Why RNG?
Random Numbers (RNs) are needed for doing simulations
Generate random arrivals (Poisson), random service times (Exponential)
Random numbers must be Independent (unpredictable)
Two types of random number generators:
True RN Generator: generated from real physical random phenomenon (e.g.
Measure the values of “white noise” in electronic circuits)
Pseudo RN Generator (P-RNG): It uses computational algorithms that produce
long sequences of apparently random results, which are in fact completely
determined by a shorter initial value, known as a seed or key.
Computer Simulations uses pseudo-random number generators are
used (They are not really random, but their output “looks random”)
Problem Statement of RNGs
Problem: We want to create a function:
u = rand();
produces a floating point number u, where 0<u<1
any value strictly greater than 0 and less than 1 is
equally likely to occur
(Uniform Distribution in ]0,1[ )
0.0 and 1.0 are excluded from possible values
Problem Statement of RNGs
This problem can be simply resolved by
the following technique:
a large integer m, let the set m = {1, 2, … m-1}
 Draw in an integer x  m randomly
 Compute: u = x/m
 For
should be very large
Our problem reduces to determining
how to randomly select an integer in m
Lehmer’s Algorithm
The objective of Lehmer’s Algorithm is to generate a
sequence of random integers in m:
x0, x1, x2, … xi, xi+1, …
Main idea: Generate the next xi+1 value based on
the last value of random integer xi
xi+1 = g(xi)
for some function g(.)
Lehmer’s Algorithm
In Lehmer’s Algorithm, g(.) is defined using two fixed
Modulus m : a large, fixed prime integer
 Multiplier a : a fixed integer in m
Then, choose an initial seed x 0   m
The function g(.) is defined as:
g  x   a  x  mod m
The mod function produces the remainder after dividing the first
argument by the second
 u  
 More precisely: u modv  u  v 
v   where  x  is the largest
integer n such that n≤ x
x i 1  a  x i  mod m
The mod function ensures a value lower than m is always
If the generator produces the value 0, then all subsequent
numbers in the sequence will be zero  (This is not desired)
if (m is prime and initial seed is non-zero)
then the generator will never produce the value 0
In this case, the RNG produces values in m = {1, 2, … m-1}
x i 1  a  x i  mod m
The above equation simulates drawing balls from an urn
without replacement, where each value in m represents a ball
The requirement of randomness is violated because successive draws are
not independent
Practical Fact: The random values can be approximately
considered as independent if the number of generated random
variates (ball draws) is << m
The Quality of the random number generator
is dependent on good choices for a and m
The Period of a Sequence
Consider sequence produced by:
x i 1  a  x i  mod m
Once a value is repeated, all the sequence is then
repeated itself
x 0 , x 1 ,..., x i ,..., x i  p where x i  x i  p
 p is the period: number of elements before the first
 clearly p ≤ m-1
 Sequence:
It can be shown, that if we pick any initial seed x0,
we are guaranteed this initial seed will reappear
Full Period Sequences
[LP] Discrete-Event Simulation: A First Course by L. M.
Leemis and S. K Park, Prentice Hall, 2006, page. 42
Theorem 2.1.2
If x 0   m and the sequence x 0 , x 1, x 2 ,... is produced by the
Lehmer generator x i 1  a  x i  mod m where m is prime,
then there is a positive integer p with p  m  1 such that:
x 0 , x 1,..., x p 1 are all different
and x i  x i  p , i  0,1, 2,...
In addition,  m 1 mod p  0
Full Period Sequences
Ideally, the generator cycles through all values
in m to maximize the number of possible
values that are generated, and guarantee
any number can be produced
 The sequence containing all possible numbers is
called a full-period sequence (p = m-1)
 Non-full period sequences effectively partition
m into disjoint sets, each set has a particular
Modulus and Multiplier Selection Criteria
Selection Criteria 1: m to be “as large as possible”
m = 2i - 1 where i is the machine precision (is the largest possible
positive integer on a “two’s complement” machine)
Recall m must be prime
It happens that 231-1 is prime (for a 32 bit machine)
Unfortunately, 215-1 and 263-1 are not prime ;-(
Selection Criteria 2: p gives full-period sequence (p = m-1)
For a given prime number m, select multiplier a that provide a full
Algorithm to test if a is a full-period multiplier (m must be prime):
Modulus and Multiplier Selection Criteria
m to be “as large as possible”
p gives full-period sequence (p = m-1)
Algorithm for finding if p is full-period
p =
x = a;
// assume, initial seed is x0=1, thus x1=a
while (x != 1) { // cycle through numbers until repeat
x = (a * x) % m;
// careful: overflow possible
if (p == m-1)
// a is a full period multiplier
// a is not a full period multiplier
Other Useful Properties
Theorem 2.1.1[LP]: If the sequence x0, x1, x2, … is produced by a
Lehmer generator with multiplier a and modulus m, then
x i  a i  x 0 mod m i  0,1, 2,...
Note this is not a good way to compute xi!
Theorem 2.1.4[LP, p. 45]: If a is any full-period multiplier relative
to the prime modulus m, then each of the integers
a i mod m   m i  0,1, 2,..., m  1
is also a full period multiplier relative to m if and only if the
integer i has no prime factors in common with the prime factors of
m-1 (i.e., i and m-1 are relatively prime, or co-prime)
Other Useful Properties
Generate all full-period multipliers
// Given prime modulus m and any full period multiplier a,
// generate all full period multipliers relative to m
i = 1;
x = a;
// assume, initial seed is 1
while (x != 1) {
// cycle through numbers until repeat
if (gcd(i,m-1)==1) // x=aimod m is full period multiplier
x = (a * x) % m; // careful: overflow possible
Implementation Issues
Assume we have a 32-bit machine, m=231-1
Must compute a  x  mod m
 Obvious computation is to compute  a  x  first, then do mod
The multiplication might overflow, especially if m-1 is large!
First Solution: Floating point solution
Could do arithmetic in double precision floating point if
multiplier is small enough
 Double has 53-bits precision in IEEE floating point
 May have trouble porting to other machines
 Integer arithmetic faster than floating point
Implementation Issues: Mathematical Solutions
Problem: Compute a  x  mod m without
 General Idea: Perform mod operation first,
before multiplication.
 Suppose that m  a  q (not prime)
a  x  mod m  a  x  mod a  q   a   x mod q 
 We have:  x mod q   q  1
 Thus, a   x mod q   a  q  1  a  q  m
No overflow
Implementation Issues: Mathematical Solutions
For the case, m is prime, so let m  a  q  r
= quotient; r = remainder
x 
  x   a   x mod q   r   
q 
 x   x    a  x 
    q   m 
It can be shown that (Page 59, Lemis/Park Textbook)
a  x  mod m    x   m    x 
0 if   x    m
 x   
1 if -   x    m
Random number variants
Discrete random variables
Continuous random variables
The Concept
Goal: create random variates
for random variables X of a
certain distribution defined with
its CDF 0  F  x   u  1
Approach: Inverse cumulative
distribution function
Cumulative Distribution Function
CDF F(x)=u
0  F x   u  1
Generate a random variable
0 u 1
Determine x such that
F  x   u  F 1 u   x
Generating Discrete Random Variates
u = F(x)
0.5 = F(2)
Random variate generation:
1. Select u, uniformly distributed (0,1)
2. Compute F*(u); result is random variate with
distribution f()
x = F*(u)
2 = F(0.5)
5 x
Cumulative Distribution Function of X:
F(x) = P(X≤x)
5 x
Inverse Distribution Function (idf) of X:
F*(u) = min {x: u < F(x)}
Discrete Random Variate Generation
 Bernoulli(p):
 Return 1 with probability p,
 Return 0 with probability 1-p
u  random   ;
if u  1  p  return 0;
else return 1;
 Geometric(p): f  x   p k  1  p 
 Number of Bernoulli trials
until first ‘0’)
u  random   ;
return log 1.0  u  log  p  ;
Uniform (a,b): equally likely to select an integer in interval [a,b]
u  random   ;
return a  u  b  a  1  ;
Exponential Random Variates
Exponential distribution with mean 
u  random   ;
return -  log 1  u  ;