Chapter 3 The Hydrogen Atom Application of the Schrödinger Equation to the Hydrogen Atom Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Hydrogen Quantum Numbers Magnetic Effects on Atomic Spectra – The Normal Zeeman Effect Intrinsic Spin Energy Levels and Electron Probabilities Dr. H. Hanafy Application of the Schrödinger Equation to the Hydrogen Atom The approximation of the potential energy of the electron-proton system is electrostatic: Rewrite the three-dimensional time-independent Schrödinger Equation. For Hydrogen-like atoms (He+ or Li++) Replace e2 with Ze2 (Z is the atomic number). Use appropriate reduced mass μ. • The potential (central force) V(r) depends on the distance r between the proton and electron. Transform to spherical polar coordinates because of the radial symmetry. Insert the Coulomb potential into the transformed Schrödinger equation. Equation 7.3 Dr. H. Hanafy • The wave function ψ is a function of r, θ, φ . Equation is separable. Solution may be a product of three functions. Equation 7.4 • We can separate Equation 7.3 into three separate differential equations, each depending on one coordinate: r, θ, or φ . Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Schrödinger Equation for Hydrogen • Substitute Eq (7.4) into Eq (7.3) and separate the resulting equation into three equations: R(r), f(θ), and g( ). Separation of Variables • The derivatives from Eq (7.4) • Substitute them into Eq (7.3) • Multiply both sides by r2 sin2 θ / Rfg Equation 7.7 Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Schrödinger Equation • Only r and θ appear on the left side and only φ appears on the right side of Eq (7.7) • The left side of the equation cannot change as changes. • The right side cannot change with either r or θ. • Each side needs to be equal to a constant for the equation to be true. Set the constant −mℓ2 equal to the right side of Eq (7.7) Equation 7.8 -------- azimuthal equation • It is convenient to choose a solution to be Dr. H. Hanafy . Solution of the Schrödinger Equation • satisfies Eq (7.8) for any value of mℓ. • The solution must be single valued in order to have a valid solution for any , which is • mℓ to be zero or an integer (positive or negative) for this to be true. • If Eq (7.8) were positive, the solution would not be normalized. Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Schrödinger Equation • Set the left side of Eq (7.7) equal to −mℓ2 and rearrange it. • Everything depends on r on the left side and θ on the right side of the equation. Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Schrödinger Equation • Set each side of Eq (7.9) equal to constant ℓ(ℓ + 1). ----Radial equation Equation 7.10 ----Angular equation Equation 7.11 • Schrödinger equation has been separated into three ordinary second-order differential equations [Eq (7.8), (7.10), and (7.11)], each containing only one variable. Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Radial Equation • The radial equation is called the associated Laguerre equation and the solutions R that satisfy the appropriate boundary conditions are called associated Laguerre functions. • Assume the ground state has ℓ = 0 and this requires mℓ = 0. Eq (7.10) becomes • The derivative of yields two terms and V is the Coulomb potentials. Equation 7.13 Write those terms: Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Radial Equation • Try a solution A is a normalized constant. a0 is a constant with the dimension of length. Take derivatives of R and insert them into Eq (7.13). Equation 7.14 • To satisfy Eq (7.14) for any r is for each of the two expressions in parentheses to be zero. Set the second parentheses equal to zero and solve for a0. Set the first parentheses equal to zero and solve for E. Both equal to the Bohr result. Dr. H. Hanafy Quantum Numbers • The appropriate boundary conditions to Eq (7.10) and (7.11) leads to the following restrictions on the quantum numbers ℓ and mℓ: – ℓ = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . – mℓ = −ℓ, −ℓ + 1, . . . , −2, −1, 0, 1, 2, . ℓ . , ℓ − 1, ℓ – |mℓ| ≤ ℓ and ℓ < 0. • The predicted energy level is n = 1,2,3….. n>l Dr. H. Hanafy Hydrogen Atom Radial Wave Functions • First few radial wave functions Rnℓ • Subscripts on R specify the values of n and ℓ. Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Angular and Azimuthal Equations • The solutions for Eq (7.8) are . • Solutions to the angular and azimuthal equations are linked because both have mℓ. • Group these solutions together into functions. ---- spherical harmonics Dr. H. Hanafy Normalized Spherical Harmonics Dr. H. Hanafy Solution of the Angular and Azimuthal Equations • The radial wave function R and the spherical harmonics Y determine the probability density for the various quantum states. The total wave function depends on n, ℓ, and mℓ. The wave function becomes Dr. H. Hanafy 7.3: Quantum Numbers The three quantum numbers: – n – ℓ – mℓ Principal quantum number Orbital angular momentum quantum number Magnetic quantum number The boundary conditions: – n = 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . Integer – ℓ = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . , n − 1 Integer – mℓ = −ℓ, −ℓ + 1, . . . , 0, 1, . . . , ℓ − 1, ℓ Integer The restrictions for quantum numbers: – n>0 – ℓ<n – |mℓ| ≤ ℓ Dr. H. Hanafy Principal Quantum Number n • It results from the solution of R(r) in Eq (7.4) because R(r) includes the potential energy V(r). The result for this quantized energy is • The negative means the energy E indicates that the electron and proton are bound together. Dr. H. Hanafy Radial probability density Radial probability density r 2 Rnl2 (r ) <r> (au) Orbital n l 1s 1 0 1.5 2s 2 0 6.0 2p 2 1 5.0 3s 3 0 13.5 n2 ao * r d 3r nlm (r )r nlm (r ) dr r Rnl r 3 0 2 Dr. H. Hanafy Shapes of the spherical harmonics Y11 Y00 Y10 z y x Re[Y11 ] l 1, m 0 l 0, m 0 Y00 Y10 1 4 3 cos 4 l 1, m 1 Y11 3 sin exp(i ) 8 (Images from Dr. H. Hanafy Shapes of spherical harmonics (2) Y22 Y21 Y20 Re[Y22 ] Re[Y21 ] z y x l 2, m 0 Y20 l 2, m 2 Y22 15 2 sin exp(2i ) 32 5 (3cos 2 1) 16 l 2, m 1 Y21 15 sin cos exp(i ) 8 (Images from Dr. H. Hanafy Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum Number ℓ • It is associated with the R(r) and f(θ) parts of the wave function. • Classically, the orbital angular momentum with L = mvorbitalr. • ℓ is related to L by . • In an ℓ = 0 state, . It disagrees with Bohr’s semiclassical “planetary” model of electrons orbiting a nucleus L = nħ. Dr. H. Hanafy Orbital Angular Momentum Quantum Number ℓ • A certain energy level is degenerate with respect to ℓ when the energy is independent of ℓ. • Use letter names for the various ℓ values. – ℓ= 5... – Letter = h... 0 1 2 3 4 s p d f g • Atomic states are referred to by their n and ℓ. • A state with n = 2 and ℓ = 1 is called a 2p state. • The boundary conditions require n > ℓ. Dr. H. Hanafy 8.2: Total Angular Momentum Orbital angular momentum Spin angular momentum Total angular momentum L, Lz, S, SzJ and Jz are quantized. 24 Total Angular Momentum • If j and mj are quantum numbers for the single electron (hydrogen atom). • Quantization of the magnitudes. • The total angular momentum quantum number for the single electron can only have the values 25 Spin-Orbit Coupling • An effect of the spins of the electron and the orbital angular momentum interaction is called spin-orbit coupling. • The dipole potential energy . • The spin magnetic moment . • • . is the magnetic field due to the proton. where cos a is the angle between . 26 Total Angular Momentum No external magnetic field: • Only Jz can be known because the uncertainty principle forbids Jx or Jy from being known at the same time as Jz. 27 Total Angular Momentum With an internal magnetic field: • will precess about . 28 Total Angular Momentum • Now the selection rules for a single-electron atom become – Δn = anything – Δmj = 0, ±1 Δℓ = ±1 Δj = 0, ±1 • Hydrogen energy-level diagram for n = 2 and n = 3 with the spin-orbit splitting. 29 Many-Electron Atoms Hund’s rules: 1) The total spin angular momentum S should be maximized to the extent possible without violating the Pauli exclusion principle. 2) Insofar as rule 1 is not violated, L should also be maximized. 3) For atoms having subshells less than half full, J should be minimized. • For labeled two-electron atom • There are LS coupling and jj coupling to combine four angular momenta J. 30 LS Coupling • This is used for most atoms when the magnetic field is weak. • If two electrons are single subshell, S = 0 or 1 depending on whether the spins are antiparallel or parallel. • • • • For given L, there are 2S + 1 values of J. For L > S, J goes from L − S to L + S. For L < S, there are fewer than 2S + 1 possible J values. The value of 2S + 1 is the multiplicity of the state. 31 • • • LS Coupling The notation for a single-electron atom becomes n2S+1 LJ The letters and numbers are called spectroscopic symbols. There are singlet states (S = 0) and triplet states (S = 1) for two electrons. 32 LS Coupling • There are separated energy levels according to whether they are S = 0 or 1. • Allowed transitions must have ΔS = 0. • No allowed (forbidden) transitions are possible between singlet and triplet states with much lower probability. 33 LS Coupling • The allowed transitions for the LS coupling scheme are – ΔL = ±1 – ΔJ = 0, ±1 ΔS = 0 (J = 0 → J = 0 is forbidden) • A magnesium atom excited to the 3s3p triplet state has no lower triplet state to which it can decay. • It is called metastable, because it lives for such a long time on the atomic scale. 34 jj Coupling • It is for the heavier elements, where the nuclear charge causes the spinorbit interactions to be as strong as the force between the individual and . 35 8.3: Anomalous Zeeman Effect • More than three closely spaced optical lines were observed. • The interaction that splits the energy levels in an external magnetic field is caused by interaction. • The magnetic moment depends on Orbital contribution and Spin magnetic moment • The 2J + 1 degeneracy for a given total angular momentum state J is removed by the effect of the . • If the is small compared to internal magnetic field, then and precess about while precesses slowly about . 36 • Anomalous Zeeman Effect The total magnetic moment is μB is the Bohr magneton and it is called the Landé g factor. • • • The magnetic total angular momentum numbers mJ from −J to J in integral steps. splits each state J into 2J + 1 equally spaced levels separated ΔE = V. For photon transitions between energy levels ΔmJ = ±1, 0 but is forbidden when ΔJ = 0. 37 The vector model This is a useful semi-classical model of the quantum results. Imagine L precesses around the z-axis. Hence the magnitude of L and the z-component Lz are constant while the x and y components can take a range of values and average to zero, just like the quantum eigenfunctions. A given quantum number l determines the magnitude of the vector L via L l (l 1) 2 z 2 L l (l 1) The z-component can have the 2l+1 values corresponding to Lz m , l m l In the vector model this means that only particular special angles between the angular momentum vector and the zaxis are allowed Dr. H. Hanafy L θ Selection Rules • We can use the wave functions to calculate transition probabilities for the electron to change from one state to another. Allowed transitions: • Electrons absorbing or emitting photons to change states when Δℓ = ±1. Forbidden transitions: • Other transitions possible but occur with much smaller probabilities when Δℓ ≠ ±1. Dr. H. Hanafy