UNIT 2 Organization of the Body Body System *Cells : Individual units are composed all the parts of the body .e.g Muscle, nerve, and skin . * Tissue : Similar cells grouped together . e.g groups of muscle cells are muscle tissue . * Organs : Collections of different tissues working together . e.g stomach . *Systems : Group of organs working together . e.g The digestive system includes : mouth , throat , esophagus , stomach . Systems Of The Body * The Circulatory System. Parts ( heart, blood ,and blood vessels such as arteries , veins , and capillaries ) Functions : 1. Transports blood throughout the body. 2. The lymphatic system include lymph vessels and nodes carry a clear fluid called lymph . That contains white blood cell that fight against diseases and play role in immunity . * The Digestive System . Parts ( mouth , throat , stomach , intestines ) Functions : 1. break down the food . 2. remove the waste outside the body . *The Endocrine System . Parts ( glands ) Functions : 1. Sends Chemical messengers called hormones into the blood to act on other glands . * The Musculoskeletal System Parts ( muscles , bones , joints , and connective tissues ) Function : 1. supports the body and allows it to move . * The Female and Male Reproductive System . Parts ( Male testis ,and Female Ovary sex organs ) Function : 1.produce the cells that join to form hormones . * The Nervous System . Parts ( brain , spinal cord ) Function : 1. Carries electrical messages to and from the brain and spinal cord to other parts of the body . * The Respiratory System . Parts ( nose , mouth , lungs ) Function : 1. control breathing ( air enters and leaves the body ) * The Skin and Sense Organ System . Parts ( skin, eyes , and ears .) Function : Receives messages from the environment and send them to the brain. * The Urinary System . Parts ( urinary bladder, kidneys , urethra ) Function: 1. Produces urine and sends it out of the body . Body Cavities Body cavity : is a space that contains organs. The cranial cavity : is located in the head and is surrounded by the skull ( CRANI/O means skull ) The brain and other organs e.g pituitary gland Below the brain . The Thoracic Cavity Is the chest cavity which is surrounded by the breastbone and ribs .the lungs , heart, windpipe ( trachea) , bronchial tubes . Pleura : double membrane surround the lungs . Pleura cavity : the space between the pleura and surrounding each lung . Mediastinum : the large space between the lungs and the heart , esophagus , trachea , and bronchial tubes are organs within the mediastinum Respiratory System Abdominal Cavity Abdominal cavity : is the space below the thoracic cavity . The diaphragm : is the muscle that separates the abdominal and the thoracic cavities . The peritoneum attaches the abdominal organs to the abdominal muscles and surrounds each organ to hold it in place . Divisions of the Back Spinal Column : is a long row of bones from the neck to the tailbone. Vertebra : bone in the spinal column ( backbones ). Disk or disc : is a piece of flexible connective tissue , lies between each backbone. The disk , composed of cartilage . Cartilage : is a cushion between the bones . If the disk slips or moves out of its place , it can press on the nerves that enter or leave the spinal cord , causing pain . Division Bones Abbreviation Cervical ( neck ) region 7 bones C1-C7 Thoracic ( chest ) 12 bones T1-T12 Lumbar ( waist) 5 bones L1-L5 Sacral (sacrum or lower back ) 5 fused bones S1-S5 Coccygeal ( tailbone or coccyx) 4 fused bones Planes of the Body Plane is an imaginary flat surface . Organs appear in different relationships to one another according to the plane of the body which they are viewed . 1. Frontal ( coronal) plane : up and down plane that divides the body , or body part such as organ in front and back portions in this anatomical sense , anterior means the front and posterior means the back . 2. Sagittal ( lateral) plane : another type of up and down plane that divide the body into right and left side . The midsagittal plane divides the body vertically into right and left halves . 3. Transverse ( axial ) plane : a horizontal plane that divides the body into upper and lower portions , as cross-section X-ray The x-ray images are used to produce images of the body with all planes Frontal, Sagittal , and axial (CT) slice ( like snapshot of structures at a certain level ). * MRI Magnetic resonance imaging is another technique for producing images with MRI magnetic waves instead of x-rays , which show organs and other structures in specialized detail and in all three planes of the body . Combining Form a Meaning Medical Term Meaning Abdomin/o abdomen Abdominal Pertaining to the abdomen Anter/o front Anterior Located in the front ( of the body or of suffix ior means a structure ) pertaining to) Bronch/o Bronchial tubes ( leading from the windpipe to the lungs ) bronchoscopy Visual examination of bronchial tubes by passing an endoscope through the trachea into the bronchi Cervic/o Neck of the body or Neck ( cervix) of the uterus . Cervical Pertaining to the neck of the body . Cervix Lower portion of the uterus . Cartilage Hypochondriac Pertaining to the lateral regions of the upper abdomen beneath the lower ribs . Also , the term describes a person who has chronic concern about his / her health body function . Chondr/o Coccyg/o Coccyx, tailbone Coccygeal eal- means pertaining to Pertaining to the tailbone. Crani/o skull Craniotomy Incision of the skull Epitheli/o Skin ,surface tissue Epithelial Epi – means upon Theli/o means nipple Pertaining to the skin cell , Describe cells upon the breast nipples Esophag/o Esophagus ( tube from the throat to the stomach ) Esophageal Pertaining to the esophagus Hepat/o Liver Hepatitis Inflammation of the liver Lapar/o Abdomen Laparoscopy Visual examination of the abdomen , a small incision is made by near the navel , and an instrument ( endoscope) is inserted to view the abdomen organs . Combining Form a Meaning Medical Term Meaning Laryng/o Larynx ( voice box ) Found in the upper part of the trachea . Laryngeal Pertaining to the larynx Laryngectomy Removal of the larynx Laster/o side Lateral Pertaining to the side Lumbe/o Loin ( waist ) Lumbar Ar –means pertaining to Pertaining to the loin ; part of the back and sides between the chest and hip. Lymph/o Lymph ( clear fluid in Lymphocyte tissue spaces and lymph vessels ) White blood cells Mediastin/o Mediastinum( space between the lungs ) mediastinal Pertaining to the Mediastinum( contains heart, large blood vessels , trachea , thymus gland ….) Pelv/o Pelvis( bones of the hip) Pelvic Pertaining to the bones of the hip area . Ascites : abnormal intraperitoneal fluid can result from conditions such as liver disease , peritonitis, and ovarian cancer . Peritone/o Peritoneum (membrane surrounding the abdomen ) Peritoneal Pertaining to the peritoneum ( membrane that surrounds bone Pharyng/o Pharynx( throat ) Pharyngeal Pertaining to the pharynx ( throat ) Pharynx: notes that the epiglottis closes over the trachea during swallowing so that the bolus of food travels down the esophagus and not the windpipe Pleur/o pleura Pleuritis Inflammation of pleura ( double membrane that surround the lungs Poster/o Back, behind Posterior Located in the portion of a structure or of the body Sacr/o Sacrum( five fused bones in the lower back ) sacral Pertaining to the sacrum ( triangular bone in the lower back )5 fused Spin/o Spine ( backbone) spinal Pertaining to the spine ( backbones ) Thorac/o chest Thoracotomy Incision of the chest Thoracic Pertaining to the chest Trache/o trachea tracheotomy Incision of the trachea Vertebra/o Vertebra( backbone ) Vertebral Pertaining to the backbones Note : sarc /o means flesh and is used in sarcoma , a malignant tumor of flesh or connective tissue .