1) Use Ensure that theany floor is clean andthat free debris. 4) 3) 5) Perform Check a gait exercises equipment belt near time to athe ensure railing patient or practices in of itparallel is exercises operating bars to or correctly. allow to grab challenge when or necessary. destabilize balance. 2) activities Dopatient not that perform exercises near sharp edges of equipment or objects. 6) Stand slightly behind and to the side of the patient with one arm holding or near the gait belt and the other arm on or near the top of the shoulder (on the trunk, not the arm). 7) Have one person in front and one behind when working with patients at high risk of falling or during activities that pose a high risk of injury. 8) Guard patient when getting on and off equipment (such as treadmills and stationary bikes). Co-ordination Exercises ( Frenkel’s Exercises ) Principles of co-ordination exercises Vision Therapist’s command Patient attention Start unilateral then bilateral. Start fast then slow movement. Start by proximal then by distal joints. Start by symmetrical then asymmetrical movement. Avoid fatigue. Normal range of motion. Lying Walking Four Basic position Standing Sitting Starting position: Lie on a bed with a smooth surface along which the feet maybe moved easily. Your head should be raised on a pillow so that you can watch every movement. 6)Bend both hips and sliding heels on the 5) Bend Bend the hip and knee of one leg and place that 2) one leg atat the hip and knee as in No1. Then 1) Bend one legleg the hip and knee, sliding your 7) Bend one atknees the hip and knee while 4) Bend and straighten one leg at the hip and knee 3) Bend one leg at ankles the hip and knee with the heel bed keeping your together. Straighten both heel on the opposite knee. Then slide you heel slide your leg out to the side(abduction) leaving straightening the other in a bicycling motion. heel along the bed. Straighten the hip and knee to sliding your heel along the bed stopping at any raised from the Straighten yourleg leg to he return legs return to starting position. downto the shin tobed. the ankle and back up back to your heel on the bed. Slide your to the the returnofto the starting position. Repeat with point command. Repeat with the other leg. knee. the starting position andother repeat to the Return startingtoposition. Repeat with the leg. center(adduction) and straighten your hip and knee other leg. with the other leg. to return to the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. We can progress to extended knee with abd & add. Starting position: Sit on a chair with feet flat on the floor. 3) Learn to rise from the chair, at one, bend trunk 2) Make two cross marks on the floor with chalk. 1) Raising just the heel. Then progress to alternately forward; at two, rise by straightening the hips and Alternately glidefoot theand footplacing over the cross: lifting the entire the marked foot firmly on knees and thena the trunk. Reverse forward, backward, left and right. the procedure to the floor upon traced foot print. sit down. C. Standing Position Starting position: Stand erect with feet 4 to 6 inches apart between parallel bars. 3) Learn how to move one limb sideway 2) & forward while standing 1) Weight Shift on the other limb to specific target (lines or foot print) Starting position: Stand erect with feet 4 to 6 inches apart. 3) 1) Walk Walk sideways forward beginning placing with each half foot steps on to a 2)Walk Walkup forward between two parallel lineat a 5) and down the stairs one step 4) Turn to the right. At one, raise the the right. Perform this exercise to a counted footprint traced on the floor. Foot prints 14 inches apart placing the right foot justand time. Place the right foot on one step right toe and rotate the right foot cadence: At one, shift the weight to the left should be right parallel from inside the line, and and 2theinches left foot justa foot, at two, place the right foot 12 inches to bring the left up beside it. Later practice outward, pivoting on the heel; at two, inside line. the left line. with Emphasize correct center Practice quarter steps, the right; at three, shift the weight to the right walking upleft the stairs placing one foot on raise the heel and pivot the left leg placement. Rest after 10 steps. half and foot; steps, at four,three-quarter bring the left steps, foot over to full the each step. At first use thehalf railing, then as inward on the toes; at three, completing right. Repeat exercise with steps to the steps. balance dispense the left. railing. the turn, and to right the left. full The improves, size of thethen steprepeat takenwith to or left may be varied.