UNIT 2 Osteokinematics:Planes of Motion Axis of Rotation Degree of Freedom Define axis and plane Understand Cartesian plane Demonstrate Movement occurring within plane and axis Able to list various movements. Erect standing position with all body parts, including the palms of the hands, facing forward; considered the starting position for body segment movements Superior Inferior Anterior Posterior Medial Lateral Proximal Distal Superficial Deep Faizan Lecturer Majma’ah University Definition: Axis is the imaginary line around which the movement takes place Plane is the imaginary surface in which movement take place. ◦ Mediolateral or frontal axis ◦ Anterioposterior or sagittal axis ◦ Longitudinal axis or vertical axis. Cardinal planes – 3 imaginary perpendicular reference planes that divide the body in half by mass ◦ Sagittal plane ◦ Frontal plane ◦ Transverse plane In anatomical position, all body segments are considered to be positioned at zero degrees. ◦ Sagittal Plane Movements ◦ Frontal Plane Movements ◦ Transverse Plane Movements Other Movements 2-5 2-8 2-6 2-13 2-16 Watch video. Used to standardize the measurements taken Cartesian Coordinate system Movements primarily in a single direction, or planar, can be analyzed using a twodimensional Cartesian ◦ X (horizontal) direction ◦ Y (vertical) direction 3-dimensional by adding a z-axis The End René Descartes (1596-1650) philosopher mathematician joined algebra and geometry credited with-Cartesian plane 22 Formed by intersecting two real number lines at right angles 23