INTRODUCTION TO MICROBIOLOGY Dr Nazia Khan Assistant professor College of medicine Majmaah university Chapter outline • INTRODUCTION • WHAT IS MICROBIOLOGY? • WHY STUDY MICROBIOLOGY? • FIRST MICROORGANISMS ON EARTH • EARLIEST KNOWN INFECTIOUS DISEASES • PIONEERS IN THE SCIENCE OF MICROBIOLOGY 1. Anton van Leeuwenhoek 2. Louis Pasteur 3. Robert Koch 4. Koch’s Postulates 5. Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates • CAREERS IN MICROBIOLOGY LEARNING OBJECTIVES AFTER STUDYING THIS CHAPTER, YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO: • Define microbiology, pathogen, nonpathogen, and opportunistic pathogen • Differentiate between acellular microbes and microorganisms and list several examples of each • List several reasons why microbes are important (e.g., as a source of antibiotics) • Explain the relationship between microbes and infectious diseases • Differentiate between infectious diseases and microbial intoxications • Outline some of the contributions of Leeuwenhoek,Pasteur, and Koch to microbiology • Differentiate between biogenesis and abiogenesis • Explain the germ theory of disease • Outline Koch’s Postulates and cite some circumstances in which they may not apply • • Discuss two medically related fields of microbiology INTRODUCTION • Biology is the study of living organisms (from bios, referring to living organisms, and logy, meaning “the study of”), MICROBIOLOGY includes the study of certain nonliving entities as well as certain living organisms. • Collectively,these nonliving entities and living organisms are called microbes. • Micro means very small—anything so small that it must be viewed with a microscope (an optical instrument used to observe very small objects). • Therefore, microbiology can be defined as the study of microbes • The various categories of microbes include viruses, bacteria, archaea, protozoa, and certain types of algae and fungi. • Disease-causing microorganisms are technically known as pathogens (also referred to as infectious agents) • Actually, only about 3% of known microbes are capable of causing disease (i.e., only about 3% are pathogenic). Thus, the vast majority of known microbes are nonpathogens— microbes that do not cause disease. • Some nonpathogens are beneficial to us, whereas others have no effect on us at all. • you will learn about both categories— the microbes that help us (“microbial allies”) and those that harm us (“microbial enemies”). WHY STUDY MICROBIOLOGY 1. • • 2. • We have, living on and in our bodies (e.g., on our skin and in our mouths and intestinal tract), approximately 10 times as many microbes as the total number of cells (i.e., epithelial cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, etc.) that make up our bodies (10 trillion cells 10 100 trillion microbes). It has been estimated that perhaps as many as 500 to 1,000 different species of microbes live on and in us. Collectively, these microbes are known as our indigenous microflora (or indigenous microbiota) and, for the most part, they are of benefit to us Some of the microbes that colonize (inhabit) our bodies are known as opportunistic pathogens (or opportunists). Although these microbes usually do not cause us any problems, they have the potential to cause infections if they gain access to a part of our anatomy where they do not belong. For example E.coli, when a person run-down, stressed-out, or debilitated (weakened) as a result 3. Microbes are essential for life on this planet as we know it. For example, some microbes produce oxygen by the process known as photosynthesis Actually, microbes contribute more oxygen to our atmosphere than do plants. Thus, organisms that require oxygen—humans, for algae and cyanobacteria (a group of photosynthetic bacteria) that produce oxygen. 4. Many microbes are involved in the decomposition of dead organisms and the waste products of living organisms. Collectively, they are referred to as decomposers or saprophytes. • By definition, a saprophyte is an organism that lives on dead or decaying organic matter. • Saprophytes aid in fertilization by returning inorganic nutrients to the soil. They break down dead and dying organic materials (plants and animals) into nitrates, phosphates,and other chemicals necessary for the growth of plants 4. Some microbes are capable of decomposing industrial wastes (oil spills, for example). The use of microbes in this manner is called bioremediation. 5. Many microbes are involved in elemental cycles, such as the carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorous cycles. In the nitrogen cycle, certain bacteria convert nitrogen gas in the air to ammonia in the soil. • Other soil bacteria then convert the ammonia to nitrites and nitrates. Still other bacteria convert the nitrogen in nitrates to nitrogen gas, thus completing the cycle • Knowledge of these microbes is important to farmers who practice crop rotation to replenish nutrients in their fields and to gardeners who keep compost pits as a source of natural fertilizer. In both cases, dead organic material is broken down into inorganic nutrients (e.g., nitrates and phosphates) by microbes. • The study of the relationships between microbes and the environment is called microbial ecology. 6. Algae and bacteria serve as food for tiny animals. Then, larger animals eat the smaller creatures, and so on. • Thus, microbes serve as important links in food chains • Microscopic organisms in the ocean, collectively referred to as plankton serve as the starting point of many food chains. Tiny marine plants and algae are called phytoplankton, whereas tiny marine animals are called zooplankton. 7. Some microbes live in the intestinal tracts of animals, where they aid in the digestion of food and, in some cases, produce substances that are of value to the host animal. For example, the E. coli bacteria that live in the human intestinal tract produce vitamins K and B1, which are absorbed and used by the human body. 8. Many microbes are essential in various food and beverage industries, whereas others are used to produce certain enzymes and chemicals . The use of living organisms or their derivatives to make or modify useful products or processes is called biotechnology 9• Some bacteria and fungi produce antibiotics that are used to treat patients with infectious diseases. By definition, an antibiotic is a substance produced by a microbe that is effective in killing or inhibiting the growth of other microbes. The use of microbes in the antibiotic industry is an example of biotechnology. 10• Microbes are essential in the field of genetic engineering. such as insulin, various types of growth hormones, interferons, and materials for use as vaccine 11. For many years, microbes have been used as “cell models.” 12. They cause diseases • Infectious diseases are leading cause of death in the world and the third leading cause of death in the United States (after heart disease and cancer) FIRST MICROORGANISMS ON EARTH • infectious diseases of humans and animals have existed for as long as humans and animals have inhabited the planet. We know that human pathogens have existed for thousands of years because damage caused by them has been observed in the bones and internal organs of mummies and early human fossils. • Tuberculosis and syphilis, and parasitic worm infections, such as schistosomiasis, dracunculiasis (guinea worm infection), and tapeworm infections, have been around for a very long time. • The earliest known account of a “pestilence” occurred in Egypt about 3180 BC. This may represent the first recorded epidemic, although words like pestilence and plague were used without definition in early writings. • There are early accounts of rabies, anthrax, dysentery, smallpox, ergotism, botulism, measles, typhoid fever, typhus fever, diphtheria, and syphilis. • PIONEERS IN THE SCIENCE OF MICROBIOLOGY Bacteria and protozoa were the. first microbes to be observed by humans. It then took about 200 years before a connection was established between microbes and infectious diseases. • Among the most significant events in the early history of microbiology were i. the development of microscopes, ii. bacterial staining procedures, iii. Techniques that enabled microorganisms to be cultured (grown) in the laboratory, and steps that could be taken to prove that specific microbes were responsible for causing specific infectious diseases. • During the past 400 years, many individuals contributed to our Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632–1723) •Because Anton van Leeuwenhoek was the first person to see live bacteria and protozoa, he is sometimes referred to as the “Father of Microbiology,” the “Father of Bacteriology,” and the “Father of Protozoology”. •Leeuwenhoek was not a trained scientist.he was a fabric merchant, a surveyor, a wine assayer, and a minor city official in Holland. •As a hobby, he ground tiny glass lenses, which he mounted in small metal frames, thus creating what today are known as single-lens microscopes or simple microscopes. • During his lifetime, he made more than 500 of these microscopes Louis Pasteur (1822–1895) •Louis Pasteur , a French chemist, made numerous contributions to the newly emerging field of microbiology. •Below are some of his most significant contributions: 1. While attempting to discover why wine becomes contaminated with undesirable substances, Pasteur discovered what occurs during alcoholic fermentation He also demonstrated that different types of microbes produce different fermentation products. For example, yeasts convert the glucose in grapes to ethyl alcohol (ethanol) by fermentation, 2. The theory of spontaneous generation. 3. He discovered forms of life that could exist in the absence of oxygen. He introduced the terms “aerobes” (organisms that require oxygen) and “anaerobes” (organisms that do not require oxygen). 4. He developed the process called Pasteurization to kill microbes Contn…… 5. Pasteur discovered the infectious agents that caused the silkworm diseases that were crippling the silk industry in France. He also discovered how to prevent such diseases. 6. Pasteur made significant contributions to the germ theory of disease—the theory that specific microbes cause specific infectious diseases. For example, anthrax is caused by a specific bacterium (Bacillus anthracis), whereas tuberculosis is caused by a different bacterium (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). 7. Pasteur championed changes in hospital practices to minimize the spread of disease by pathogens. 8. Pasteur developed vaccines to prevent chicken cholera, anthrax, and swine erysipelas (a skin disease). 9. Pasteur developed a vaccine to prevent rabies in dogs and successfully used the vaccine to treat human rabies. • 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ROBERT KOCH(1843–1910) He was a German physician, made numerous contributions to the science of microbiology. Some of them are : He made many significant contributions to the germ theory of disease. For example, he proved that the anthrax bacillus (B. anthracis), was truly the cause of anthrax. He developed Koch’s Postulates Koch discovered that B. anthracis produces spores, capable of resisting adverse conditions. Koch developed methods of fixing, staining, and photographing bacteria. Koch developed methods of cultivating bacteria on solid media.He obtained pure cultures of bacteria. The term pure culture refers to a condition in which only one type of organism is growing on a solid culture medium or in a liquid culture medium in the laboratory; no other types of organisms are present. He discovered the bacterium (M. tuberculosis) that causes tuberculosis and the bacterium (Vibrio cholerae) that causes cholera. Koch’s work on tuberculin (a protein derived from M. tuberculosis) ultimately led to the development of a skin Koch’s Postulates • During the mid- to late-1800s, Robert Koch and his colleagues established an experimental procedure to prove that a specific microbe is the cause of a specific infectious disease. This scientific procedure, published in 1884, became known as Koch’s Postulates • Koch’s Postulates : 1. A particular microbe must be found in all cases of the disease and must not be present in healthy animals or humans. 2. The microbe must be isolated from the diseased animal or human and grown in pure culture in the laboratory. 3. The same disease must be produced when microbes from the pure culture are inoculated into healthy susceptible laboratory animals. 4. The same microbe must be recovered from the experimentally infected animals and grown again in pure culture. • After completing these steps, the microbe is said to have fulfilled Koch’s Postulates and has been proven to be the cause of that particular infectious disease. • Koch’s Postulates not only helped to prove the germ theory of disease, but also gave a tremendous boost to the development of microbiology by stressing laboratory culture and identification of microbes. Exceptions to Koch’s Postulates Examples of circumstances in which Koch’s Postulates cannot be fulfilled : A. To fulfill Koch’s Postulates, it is necessary to grow (culture) the pathogen in the laboratory (in vitro) in or on artificial culture media. However, certain pathogens will not grow on artificial media. Such pathogens include viruses, rickettsias,chlamydias and the bacteria that cause leprosy and syphilis. • Viruses, rickettsias, and chlamydias are called obligate intracellular pathogens (or obligate intracellular parasites) because they can only survive and multiply within living host cells. • Microbes having complex and demanding nutritional requirements are said to be fastidious (meaning fussy). Although certain fastidious organisms can be grown in the laboratory by adding special mixtures of vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients to the culture media, others cannot be grown in the laboratory because no one has discovered what ingredient(s) to add to the B • To fulfill Koch’s Postulates, it is necessary to infect laboratory animals with the pathogen being studied. • However, many pathogens are species-specific, meaning that they infect only one species of animal. For example, some pathogens that infect humans will only infect humans. Thus, it is not always possible to find a laboratory animal that can be infected with a pathogen that causes human disease. Because human volunteers are difficult to obtain and ethical reasons limit their use, the researcher may only be able to observe the changes caused by the pathogen in human cells that can be grown in the laboratory (called cell cultures). C. • Some diseases, called synergistic infections, are caused not by one particular microbe, but by the combined effects of two or more different microbes. Examples of such infections include acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (ANUG; also known as “trench mouth”) and bacterial vaginosis. It is very difficult to reproduce such synergistic infections in the laboratory. D. Another difficulty that is sometimes encountered while attempting to fulfill Koch’s Postulates is that certain pathogens become altered when grown in vitro. Some become less pathogenic, whereas others become nonpathogenic. Thus, they will no longer infect animals after being cultured on artificial media. • It is also important to keep in mind that not all diseases are caused by microbes. Many diseases, such as rickets and scurvy, result from dietary deficiencies. Some diseases are inherited because of an abnormality in the chromosomes, as in sickle cell anemia. • Others, such as diabetes, result from malfunction of a body organ or system. • Still others, such as cancer of the lungs and skin, are influenced by environmental factors. • However, all infectious diseases are caused by microbes, as are all microbial intoxications. CAREERS IN MICROBIOLOGY • A microbiologist is a scientist who studies microbes • Bacteriologist • Protozoologist • Mycologist • Virologist • Medical and Clinical Microbiology • The field of medical microbiology involves the study of pathogens, the diseases they cause, and the body’s defenses against disease. This field is concerned with epidemiology, transmission of pathogens, disease prevention measures, aseptic techniques, treatment of infectious diseases, immunology, and the production of vaccines to protect people and animals against infectious diseases. • The complete or almost complete eradication of diseases like smallpox and polio, the safety of modern surgery, and the successful treatment of victims of infectious diseases are attributable to the many technological advances in this field. • A branch of medical microbiology, called clinical microbiology or diagnostic microbiology, is concerned with the laboratory diagnosis of infectious diseases of humans. This is an excellent career field for individuals with interests in laboratory sciences and microbiology MICROSCOPES • • • • • • LIGHT MICROSCOPE BRIGHT FIELD MICROSCOPE PHASE CONTRAST MICROSCOE DARK FIELD MICROSCOPE FLUORESCENCE MICROSCOPE DIFFERENTIAL INTERFERENCE CONTRAST (DIC) MICROSCOPE • ELECTRON MICROSCOPE • CONFOCAL SCANNING LASER MICROSCOPE After studying this chapter, answer the following multiple choice questions. 1. Which of the following individuals is considered to be the “Father of Microbiology?” • a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek • b. Louis Pasteur • c. Robert Koch • d. Rudolf Virchow 2. The microbes that usually live on or in a person are collectively referred to as: • a. germs. • b. indigenous microflora. • c. nonpathogens. • d. opportunistic pathogens. 3. Microbes that live on dead and decaying organic material are known as: • a. indigenous microflora. • b. parasites. • c. pathogens. • d. saprophytes. 4. The study of algae is called: • a. algaeology. • b. botany. • c. mycology. • d. phycology. 5. The field of parasitology involves the study of which of the following types of organisms? • a. arthropods, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses • b. arthropods, helminths, and certain protozoa • c. bacteria, fungi, and protozoa • d. bacteria, fungi, and viruses 6. . Which of the following microbes are considered obligate intracellular pathogens? • a. chlamydias, rickettsias, M. leprae, and T. pallidum • b. M. leprae and T. pallidum • c. M. tuberculosis and viruses • d. rickettsias, chlamydias, and viruses 7. Which of the following statements is true? • a. Koch developed a rabies vaccine. • b. Microbes are ubiquitous. • c. Most microbes are harmful to humans. • d. Pasteur conducted experiments that proved the theory of abiogenesis. 8. Which of the following are even smaller than viruses? • a. chlamydias • b. prions and viroids • c. rickettsias • d. cyanobacteria 9.Which of the following individuals introduced the terms “aerobes” and “anaerobes”? • a. Anton von Leeuwenhoek • b. Louis Pasteur • c. Robert Koch • d. Rudolf Virchow