INTER CLUB COUNCIL Butte College Student Club Re-Activation Form CLUB INFORMATION CLUB NAME: NAME: (LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME M.I.) TYPE OF REGISTRATION: FALL YEAR: SPRING YEAR: CLUB MEETING DATES, TIMES AND LOCATION (MUST MEET A MINIMUM OF 4 TIMES A SEMESTER): TYPE OF CLUB: ACADEMIC CULTURAL/ETHNIC POLITICAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICE SOCIAL OTHER CLUB DESCRIPTION FOR CLUB WEBSITE (typed attachment ok): DOES YOUR CLUB CURRENTLY HAVE ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? GROUP E-MAIL HOW MANY MEMBERS DOES YOUR CLUB HAVE? FACEBOOK PAGE MyBC If applicable please list: STUDENT OFFICERS OFFICER NAME: OFFICER ID NUMBER: OFFICER CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR OFFICER TELEPHONE: 2nd YR 3rd YR 4th YR+ 3rd YR 4th YR+ 3rd YR 4th YR+ OFFICER E-MAIL: OFFICER POSITION: PRESIDENT VICE PRES OFFICER NAME: TREASURER SECRETARY OFFICER ID NUMBER: OTHER: OFFICER CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR OFFICER TELEPHONE: 2nd YR OFFICER E-MAIL: OFFICER POSITION: PRESIDENT VICE PRES OFFICER NAME: TREASURER SECRETARY OFFICER ID NUMBER:: OTHER: OFFICER CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR OFFICER TELEPHONE: 2nd YR OFFICER E-MAIL: OFFICER POSITION: PRESIDENT Revision 6/8/15 VICE PRES TREASURER SECRETARY OTHER: Page 1 INTER CLUB COUNCIL OFFICER NAME: OFFICER ID NUMBER:: OFFICER CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR OFFICER TELEPHONE: 2nd YR 3rd YR 4th YR+ 3rd YR 4th YR+ OFFICER E-MAIL: OFFICER POSITION: PRESIDENT VICE PRES OFFICER NAME: TREASURER SECRETARY OFFICER ID NUMBER:: OTHER: OFFICER CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR OFFICER TELEPHONE: 2nd YR OFFICER E-MAIL: OFFICER POSITION: PRESIDENT VICE PRES TREASURER SECRETARY OTHER: Please list additional officers on a separate sheet of paper. ICC REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE’S NAME: OFFICER ID NUMBER: CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: ALTERNATIVE REPRESENTATIVES’S NAME: OFFICER ID NUMBER: TELEPHONE: E-MAIL: 2nd YR 3rd YR 4th YR+ 2nd YR 3rd YR 4th YR+ CLASS YEAR: 1ST YR FACULTY ADVISOR FACULTY ADVISOR NAME: FACULTY ADVISOR SIGNATURE: FACULTY ADVISOR TELEPHONE: FACULTY ADVISOR E-MAIL: FACULTY Co-ADVISOR NAME: FACULTY Co-ADVISOR SIGNATURE: FACULTY Co-ADVISOR TELEPHONE: FACULTY Co-ADVISOR E-MAIL: PREFERRED ADVISOR EMAIL FOR CLUB WEBSITE: PREFERRED ADVISOR PHONE NUMBER FOR CLUB WEBSITE: Revision 6/8/15 Page 2 INTER CLUB COUNCIL MEMBERSHIP LIST *You may attach your own list* NAME Revision 6/8/15 EMAIL ID NUMBER Page 3 INTER CLUB COUNCIL ATTACHMENTS To complete the club recognition process, please attach the following documents to this application form: CALENDAR OF PLANNED EVENTS (Noting meeting times/locations and major events) Check with the Student Life Office for your updated CLUB CONSTITUTION, including: Name and mission statement of the club All requirements for membership, including any dues or fees Qualifications for holding office, if applicable Methods of selecting and replacing officers, if applicable Explanation of any formal affiliations the organization has with outside agencies Please submit completed application packets to Student Life Office in Campus Center 145. Notification of recognition decision will be sent via e-mail to the organization’s President, ICC Representative, and Faculty Advisor. AGREEMENT Signatures of club leadership below indicate understanding and agreement of the following: 1. EXPECTATIONS. I understand and accept the regulations and responsibilities regarding student organizations specified within the handbook. Specifically, I understand that alcoholic beverages may not be served or consumed at any formal or informal gathering of the student organization I represent. 2. ELIGIBILITY. In order to retain voting privileges and funding eligibility from the Inter-Club Council, I understand that our organization must be represented at ICC General Council meetings each semester held on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month from 11 AM-12:30 PM in the ICC Lounge. 3. INTEGRITY. As a leader of an accredited student organization, I recognize that I will be trusted with decisions and resource allocations on behalf of the entire student body. I will expend allocated funds only in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures, will preserve transparency and accountability in all transactions, and will not tolerate disreputable acts of others. Furthermore, I will conduct all organization business in a professional and courteous manner. ICC DELEGATE NAME: ICC DELEGATE SIGNATURE: DATE: ICC ALTERNATE DELEGATE NAME ICC ALTERNATE DELEGATE SIGNATURE DATE CLUB PRESIDENT NAME: CLUB PRESIDENT SIGNATURE: DATE: FACULTY ADVISOR NAME: FACULTY ADVISOR SIGNATURE: DATE: Please turn this form to the ICC Advisor at Drop off a hardcopy with the signatures to the Student Life Office in the Campus Center 145 first floor by the fourth Friday of the semester. Revision 6/8/15 Page 4