ASPCC Rock Creek Student Congress Monday 4.29.2013 Building 3, Room 228 3:30 PM- 5:00 PM 1.0 Preliminary Business 1.1 Call to Order 3:30 PM 1.2 Roll Call Absent: Aaron, Chris S., Chris M., Ricky, Jocelyn 1.3 Approval of minutes 3:30pm-3:35pm Pablo suggests that the minutes and agenda be approved. Unanimous approval. 1.4 Approval of the agenda 2.0 Old Business 3:35pm-3:35pm 3.0 New Business 3.1 Recommendations for future leaders 3:35pm-4:45pm ASPCC Recommendations Josh: Get your reports/applications in on time. Luis: Check your emails, don’t just scan them. Axkana: Don’t send emails because they don’t get checked. When it comes to notifying other people it is better to talk to them in person. Ulises: Plan ahead and get a planner. Nolby: Double check the material for spelling and grammar. Kevin: It would be helpful to get in contact with past leaders so that they can help you. Susan: Make your ideas/events interactive so that they appeal to the general population. Loretta: If you have a misunderstanding it is better to talk to that person directly to avoid more conflict. Luis: Speak your mind in the meetings even if you are the only one who shares your point of view. Yesenia: Make sure that you work with other centers. Yollixpa: Within your team stay organized. Delegate tasks and use your strengths. Pablo: Don’t forget that you are representing the students. Derick: Keep in mind to be diplomatic and fair. Erica: Advertise with lots of time in advance. MariC: Be proactive; take the initiative when it comes to tasks/events. Make sure that you have good communication and that there is delegation of tasks/jobs. Axkana: Listen to your peers. Pablo: When you are not sure what the best course of action is, refer to students outside of ASPCC. Ulises: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Erica: Don’t forget that you are a student too. Yessica: Don’t get too caught up with your own center. Loretta: Use your advisors, don’t be afraid of them. Axkana: Have fun. Josh: Remember that you are spending other student’s money; be practical with the money that you are using. Huitzi: Make sure you spell check everything because it looks really bad when you are sending an email or have a presentation that is misspelled. Loretta: When people see a spelling error people come up to me and ask if my students did this because it is misspelled. Da Hyun: Do not get stressed out, have fun and enjoy yourself. Jenalyn: Make sure that you can change gears and do your homework. Huitzi: Don’t be afraid to say no, even to an advisor. Karen: If you can’t do something don’t feel bad. Be honest, if you cannot do something, don’t commit. Josh: This year I had a student ask me to be quiet because she thought I was trying to sway her decision. I think that a student must be able to be challenged and still have their opinion. So whether it is an advisor playing devil’s advocate or another student disagreeing with you, you must be capable of having the courage and security with yourself to be able to still make a decision while listening to feedback or different opinions. Jonathan: Expect everything to go wrong if you are in leadership, and if something goes wrong. The easiest way to resolve things is to have direct conversations. Every once in a while it will benefit you to just talk; confrontation isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Loretta: Read the minutes, it is important. You must be informed and judicial with the money that you have given out. Jonathan: Yea read the minutes. Yesenia: Respect each other. 3.2 PCC Lobby Day- Pablo NV PCC is having a lobby day on May 13th. 3.3 Special Funds Request see PowerPoint’s for more info. 3.3.1 Yesenia Cabrera Ariana suggests that the SFR for $164 (Child Care Subsidy) is accepted by this body. Unanimous approval 3.3.2 Yesenia Cabrera Ariana suggests that the SFR for $350 (Girl Risings Screening) is accepted by this body with the condition that the film be screened at least three times. 1 objection, approved. 3.4 Club Representatives 3.4.1 Derek Kelly JPC Derek has been involved with JPC and helped with the Haru Matsui planning. Yollixpa suggests that Derek be confirmed as a club representative. Unanimous approval. 3.5 CSP Proposals see club business for more information. 3.5.1 Cards Club Luis Lopez-Ortiz Pablo suggests that the CSP proposal by Cards Club be accepted. Unanimous approval. 3.5.2 Parenting Club tabled 3.5.3 Yugioh Club Da Hyun Susan suggests that the CSP proposal by Yugioh Club be accepted. Unanimous approval. 3.6 CSP Reports 3.6.1 Cards Club Luis Lopez-Ortiz Jessica suggests that Cards Club’s CSP of 12 hours ($100) be approved. Unanimous approval. 3.6.2 OLI Club Yollixpa Rios Pablo suggests that OLI Club’s CSP of 8 hours ($67) be approved. Unanimous approval. 3.6.3 4.0 Parenting Club tabled Discussion Items 5.0 Reports 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 4:45pm-4:45pm 4:45pm-5:00pm Campus Affairs Program Board Legislative Affairs Recreation Team Sustainability Clubs Multicultural Center/OLI/Thrive Women Resource Center Career Resource Center Queer Resource Center 5.11 Veterans Resource Center 6.0 For the Good of the Order/Announcements -Feedback for the new Campus President! 7.0 Adjournment 8.0 Agenda Material 5:00pm REQUEST FOR ITEM ON AGENDA ASPCC ROCK CREEK TO GET ON THE ASOCIATED OF STUDENT OF PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGEROCK CREEK AGENDA PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM Name: Pablo Nieves-Valenzuela Organization/Department : ASPCC Email: Date requested: 4.29.2013 Time requested: 10 minutes Brief description of the item: I want to invite the student leaders to the May 13th PCC lobby day, and have them fill out po Them fill out postcards to help us deliver stories to our about the repercussions of high tuition and how More funding for our colleges and need-based aid programs can help them as students. AFTER PRESENTATION Feedback: Director of Campus Affairs: Jonathan Mena Speaker: Pablo Nieves Valenzuela Rock Creek ASPCC Special Funds Request Name_Yesenia Cabrera___________________Organization (if applicable)__WRC___________________ E-mail address _yesenia.cabreramorales@pcc.edu____________ Amount requested$164.00______________ Date Submitted _4/26/13_____ Need funds/ decision by_4/29/13___________ Matching funds to be provided(Suggested, but not required) Amount _61.00_____ Sponsorship Info ___Women’s Resource Center______________________ Organization Source Childcare Subsidy___________ ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ Yesenia Cabrera _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) Kristen Martin _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) What is being funded? It is going to cover one students childcare subsidy.__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Estimated number of students impacted and how they will benefit-1 student will be able to go to school and get help with their childcare. __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Itemized list to describe how the dollars will be spentItem _Childcare subsidy Cost _____ $ 164.00 __________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________ ____________ If my request is accepted, I promise to ensure the above is accurate and the money will be spent as agreed.I will submit a follow- up report no less than three weeks after the event. X _Yesenia Cabrera______________________________________________________________ Base criteria1. Must be a Rock Creek Student-led initiative. 2. Must benefit students and the Rock Creek community somehow. 3. Minimum recommended request is $100, maximum recommended request is $1000. Sponsorship Each proposal must be sponsored by two executive members of one campus organization (one of those executive members can be a faculty advisor). Campus organizations: Women’sResource Center (Bldg. 2- 103). Veteran’s Resource Center. (Bldg. 2- 108a) Multi-Cultural Center. (Bldg. 5- upstairs) Oregon Leadership Institute. (Bldg. 5- upstairs) Associated Students of Portland Community College Rock Creek. (Bldg. 3-128) Rock Creek clubs currently chartered by ASPCC. (Bldg. 3-128) Queer Resource Center (Bldg. 3 – 128b) Career Resource Center (Bldg. 9) By sponsoring a request, that representative is agreeing that the proposal is worthwhile, appropriate, and feasible. Sponsoring a proposal does not make that representative or their organization responsible for the execution or the outcome of the proposal. Potential decision Criteria: Quality and detail of proposal. Educational value. Matching funds are strongly encouraged. Previous events or requests of the petitioner. Total number of students who will benefit. Request review process Proposal must be filled out completely and sponsored before submission. A completed paper copy must be submitted at the Student Help Desk in building three. Proposals will be submitted to Campus affairs and the form will be checked for completion. Follow-up questions and requests for documentation will take place at this time. The proposal will be presented at an ASPCC meeting where it will be voted upon. ContactsJonathan Mena Huitzilli Rios Mandy Ellertson Director of Campus Affairs Assistant Director of Campus Affairs ASPCC faculty Advisor Rock Creek ASPCC Special Funds Request Name_Yesenia Cabrera_____________________Organization (if applicable)___________________________ E-mail address _yesnia.cabreramorales@pcc.edu________________ Amount requested _350.00____________________ Matching funds to be provided(Suggested, but not required) Amount Source ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ What is being funded? Date Submitted _4/26/13________ Need funds/ decision by05/24/13____ Sponsorship Info _______________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) _We are renting a movie called One Billion and Rising. __________________________________________________________________ Estimated number of students impacted and how they will benefit-_About 500 students, they will benefit the importance about Women going to school and how education is for women around the world. __________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ Itemized list to describe how the dollars will be spentItem Cost Renting the movie ___________________________ $295.00_____ Shipping and handling________________________ $20.00______ Snacks while showing _______________________ $35.00______ __________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________ ____________ If my request is accepted, I promise to ensure the above is accurate and the money will be spent as agreed.I will submit a follow- up report no less than three weeks after the event. X Yesenia Cabrera_______________________________________________________________ Base criteria4. Must be a Rock Creek Student-led initiative. 5. Must benefit students and the Rock Creek community somehow. 6. Minimum recommended request is $100, maximum recommended request is $1000. Sponsorship Each proposal must be sponsored by two executive members of one campus organization (one of those executive members can be a faculty advisor). Campus organizations: Women’sResource Center (Bldg. 2- 103). Veteran’s Resource Center. (Bldg. 2- 108a) Multi-Cultural Center. (Bldg. 5- upstairs) Oregon Leadership Institute. (Bldg. 5- upstairs) Associated Students of Portland Community College Rock Creek. (Bldg. 3-128) Rock Creek clubs currently chartered by ASPCC. (Bldg. 3-128) Queer Resource Center (Bldg. 3 – 128b) Career Resource Center (Bldg. 9) By sponsoring a request, that representative is agreeing that the proposal is worthwhile, appropriate, and feasible. Sponsoring a proposal does not make that representative or their organization responsible for the execution or the outcome of the proposal. Potential decision Criteria: Quality and detail of proposal. Educational value. Matching funds are strongly encouraged. Previous events or requests of the petitioner. Total number of students who will benefit. Request review process Proposal must be filled out completely and sponsored before submission. A completed paper copy must be submitted at the Student Help Desk in building three. Proposals will be submitted to Campus affairs and the form will be checked for completion. Follow-up questions and requests for documentation will take place at this time. The proposal will be presented at an ASPCC meeting where it will be voted upon. ContactsJonathan Mena Huitzilli Rios Mandy Ellertson Director of Campus Affairs Assistant Director of Campus Affairs ASPCC faculty Advisor CHILDCARE SUBSIDY HOW IT WORKS CHILDCARE SUBSIDY THR OUGH THE WR C 30,000 each year from ASPCC Applications are available the first week of the term Only available for students who have the pall grant Helps parents up to 3 children Only a portion of it, does not pay all of it We give priority to previous applicants to help retain students and finish school • 25% are single parents are man • We don’t advertise, not enough budget • • • • • • DATA WHY WE ARE ASKING FOR $164.00 • 53 students have received Childcare subsidy grant • 84 children have been directly benefiting • We had 20 applications this term and we have been able to grant them all • Except for one, only have $61, full amount is $225 • We would like to ask you if the student body would like to fund the full amount. Girls Rising Hosting Girl Risings a screening of Girl Rising is one way that campus organizations and committed students and faculty members around the world can raise awareness about why educating girls matters to all of us. $295. (This licensing fee covers our small distribution cost and the rest goes directly to the 10×10 Fund for Girls Education which benefits our NGO partners.) Girl Risings XhYaE have been getting asked if we will show it We would show it during Women of Distinction June 6 11am-1pm And two or three more times during that week We Break down cost $295 for the renting of the movie $20 shipping and handling $35 for snacks provided during the showing Outcome for showing Girls Rising See the importance for girls to go to school and become educated Raise Awareness around educating girls Girl Rising is not only film but also a global movement. It puts the spotlight on the power of education to change a girl and to transform the world. Girl Rising is more than people we may never see or places we may never visit. It's about supporting girls to have the opportunities they deserve. It's about localizing the issue of getting girls into school. Club Business: 04/29/13 Clubs to Charter: None New Voting Members: (Club Representatives) Derek Kelly (Japanese Pop Culture Club) Community Service Project Proposal: Cards Club Club Coordinator: Ivan Sagastegui Service Description: Go to the Learning Garden, pull-out all the weeds and plants from the garden beds. Goals: Help the environment Clean the garden for new plants Help our school Club Participants: 3 Service Date: 04/19/13 Parenting Club Club Coordinator: Brianda Alcazar Service Description: PCC Landscape Club’s Spring Plant Sale: we will be participating with Landscape Club to support them on their plant sale. Goals: Support Landscape Club for their Spring Plant Sale Get to know members from the Landscape Club and form a friendship with them Help the sale go smoothly and make people feel welcomed Club Participants: 3 Service Date: 05/2-4/13 YugiohClub Club Coordinator: Corey Dang Service Description: The club will be volunteering at Legacy Hospital doing many tasks. We are going to help out with the gift shop and greet guests coming into the hospital. Goals: Help the community by volunteering at the hospital Improve teamwork in the club Make people smile Club Participants: 6 Service Date: 05/04/13 Community Service Project Report: Cards Club Club Coordinator: Ivan Sagastegui Service Description: Go to the Learning Garden, pull-out all the weeds and plants from the garden beds. Club Participants: 3 Hours Completed: 12 hours Service Dates: 04/19/13 Amount Requested: $100 OLI Club Club Coordinator: Mayra Garcia Service Description: Volunteer for Earth Week at the learning garden. Club Participants: 2 Hours Completed: 8 hours Service Dates: 04/19/13 Amount Requested: $67 Parenting Club Club Coordinator: Brianda Alcazar Service Description: Contribute to Earth week by helping at the Learning Garden: planting plants and taking care of them. Club Participants: 3 Hours Completed: 10 hours Service Dates: 04/19/13 Amount Requested: $83 Clubhouse Deadline:Charter Packets and Community Service Forms are due on Thursday at 5pmin order to be on the following Monday’s agenda. Reports Campus Affairs Past Semana Presentation Present Nada Future Hiring End of the Year Banquet Legislative Affairs Report Past: OCCSA Board Meeting OCCSA SFA Committee OCCSA Budget Committee Recruiting Students for April 25th Rally Day Present: April 25th Rally Day Future: OCCSA May Board Meeting DSC Board Meeting May 13th PCC Lobby Day PCC Rock Creek Lobby Training Programming Report Past Bingo Night - 22 people attended Loteria Mexicana tocelebrate Semana de La Raza - 18 participants Shopping for Decorations and Prizes for Party Present Punch Cards End of the Year Party Promotion and Planning Future Blood Drive - Tuesday May 7th and Wednesday May 8th BBQ - Wed, May 8th 11:30-1:30 - Selling Tickets During this Time End of the Year Party - May 10th Recreational Department Past : Helped take pictures for Semana De la Raza Soccer Tournament o 5v5 o May 3rd Speed o Monday May 6th o 5pm o 1v1 Future: Slap Jack o Tuesday may 7th o 2pm o Group BS o Wednesday may 8th o 12pm 21 o 10 am o VS Dealer Billiards Tournament o May 17th o 9am o Double elimination Sustainability Report Past - Volunteers at Semana de la Raza Now - Compost - Mug Days Thursdays from 9am to 11am Clubs Report: 04/29/13 Past Events: Volunteeredduring Semana de la Raza Attended the Rally on Thursday Held the Clubs and Task Force Committee: planned the Club Olympics Chose the Award Winning Clubs Future Events: Club Olympics Volunteer for the End of the Year Party Announcements: Any questions, best way to reach us is by email Multicultural Center Report Friday, April 26th, 2013 Past Semana de la Raza- “Faces of Latino Culture” FridaKhalo Play High School/Middle School Day Present Movie Time at the MC!!! o American History X When: April 30th Location: MC Time: 1pm- 3pm Popcorn!!! ReBelutionary Film Series o A Race to the Power of an Illusion When: May 1st Location: MC Time: 12pm- 1:30pm Pizza!!! Future Movie Time at the MC!!! o The Help When: May 7th Location: MC Time: 1pm- 3pm Popcorn!!! Women’s Resource Center 4/26/13 Past: Applications for WRC are Due Today Completed Reviewing Childcare Subsidy Apps Present: Parenting Club Meeting Tuesday 4:30 to 5:30pm@ WRC Champs group meeting on Wednesday @ 1pm @ WRC for students who are dealing with Chronic Diseases or Health Issues Helping/ Attending students/In service Plant Sale May 2,3&4 Future: Barbie Committee Women of Distinction Working on future events Career Resource Center Report Thursday, April 25 2013 Past ● Student Spotlight: “Future Transfer University” theme. In just 1 hour, we snapped 17 photos & gave out cupcakes! ● Present ● Student Appointments + walk-ins ● Moving forward with PCC Alumni Transfer Panel event ● Putting together Student Profiles board Future ● Interviewing Workshop (May 1st & May 2nd) ● Oregon State University Rep. Visit (May 9th) *appointment req. ● Latino Health Equity Conference (May 10th) *registration req. ● PSU Transfer Road Show (May 21st) ● PCC Alumni Transfer Panel Queer Resource Center Did Not Submit Report Public Relations PAST: Programming Prizes Punch Card Clubs Olympics Day Planning Higher Ed. Rally Advertising and Banner/Pickets PRESENT: Blood Drive Poster HaruMatsuri Festival Ads FUTURE: Potty Press Volume 2 Issue 4 Clubs Olympics