ASPCC Rock Creek Student Congress Monday 4.22.2013 Building 3, Room 228 3:30 PM- 5:00 PM 1.0 Preliminary Business 3:30pm-3:35pm 1.1 Call to Order 3:30 PM 1.2 Roll Call Late: Susan, Yesenia. Absent: Chris S, Ricky 1.3 Approval of minutes Skipped as they were not sent out. 1.4 Approval of the agenda Pablo suggests that the agenda be approved. Unanimously approved. 2.0 Old Business 3:35pm-3:35pm 3.0 New Business 3.1 CSP Proposals 3.1.1 MAVEN Club tabled 3.2 CSP Reports see club business 3.2.1 International Club 3:35pm-4:20pm Aaron suggests that we approve International Club’s service project of 8 hours ($67). Unanimous approval. 3.2.2 Parenting Club Alejandra suggests that we approve Parenting Club’s service project of10 hours ($83). Unanimous approval. 3.2.3 Vet. Tech. Club Huitzi: Let me say that in all the time I have been in this meeting, I have never seen a club complete their Service Project (30 hours) in this little amount of time. Aaron suggests that we approve Vet Tech Club’s service project of 55 hours ($250 max). Unanimous approval. 3.3 Special Funds Request 3.3.1 VRC- Chris Mann Usually we don’t try to ask for funds. This year Portland State said that they forgot to request money for the Veterans Ball so we (PCC) have to come up with the money. We are asking for money to help fund our Veteran’s Ball. We have already put $3500 each from our VRC’s at Rock Creek and Cascade but we still need another $3000. Pablo: When is this event? Chris M: On June 1st Loretta: Will the veterans have to pay something to attend? Chris M: No Luis: So you are asking for $3000 from ASPCC Rock Creek? Chris M: Yes Aaron: How many people are usually in attendance? Chris M: About 100 to 150 people Pablo: Can you make special funds requests at other campuses, Cascade or Sylvania? Chris M: I can’t speak on that. Cascade only has one person in their VRC and Sylvania has no resource center, they just have guys that do the paperwork for the funding. I’m here because I’m at Rock Creek. Nolberto: Can students attend? Chris M: It is not open to everyone because we are trying to accommodate the 1,200 veterans at PCC. Ulises: Have you thought about going to the District Student Council to ask for funds? Since all of PCC is benefiting from it you should ask. Chris M: I will take anybody’s information of what they are and when they are. Yesenia: Did you guys consider having it at the Event Center since it’s free? That could bring down the cost. Chris M: The only reason we don’t have it here is because veterans want to have alcohol and the school doesn’t allow it. Alejandra: Around how much do we have left in the special funds? Jonathan: About $10,000 give-or-take a few thousand. Pablo suggests that we fund the VRC with $1,500 with the stipulation that they will also seek the other half from the DSC. 4 objections, approved. 3.3.2 CRC- Erica Lee Barrios see PowerPoint presentation Luis: You said the cost of food is $11.95 per lunch box. What is the cost of the sandwiches for TED Talks? Josh: I don’t know. Luis: And for printing, is it free at our printing center? Mandy: Everything costs at PCC. Chris M: Is 75 people the maximum amount of people? Erica: Yes, that is based on last year’s numbers and on the max amount of people allowed in the room. Luis suggests that the special funds request for $1,000 is approved. Unanimous approval. 3.3.3 JPC- Mikki & Merlin see PowerPoint presentation Nolberto suggests that JPC’s special funds request for $2,550 be approved. Unanimous approval. 4.0 Discussion Items 4.1 April Rally- Pablo NV 4:20pm-4:30pm see PowerPoint presentation 5.0 Reports 5.1 Campus Affairs 5.2 Program Board 5.3 Legislative Affairs 5.4 Recreation Team 5.5 Sustainability 5.6 Clubs 5.7 Multicultural Center/OLI/Thrive 5.8 Women Resource Center 5.9 Career Resource Center 5.10 Queer Resource Center 5.11 Veterans Resource Center 5.12 Public Relations 6.0 For the Good of the Order/Announcements 4:30pm-5:00pm Mandy: ASPCC, please stay as I have to make an announcement. Josh: Everyone remember that the ASPCC applications are due on Wednesday 7.0 Adjournment 4:50 PM 8.0 Agenda Material Club Business: 04/22/13 Clubs to Charter: 5:00pm None New Voting Members: (Club Representatives) None Community Service Project Proposal: MAVEN Club Club Coordinator: Eric Ruiz Service Description: Go to Salem and support students in tuition. Goals: Network Be political (advocate) Make an impact Club Participants: 1 Service Date: 04/25/13 Community Service Project Report: International Club Club Coordinator: Da Hyun Kim Club Representative: Thi Nguyen Service Description: International club members hosted a table specifically for international students during the financial planning fair. We shared information about scholarships, banks, etc. for international students. Club Participants: 4 Hours Completed: 8 hours Service Dates: 04/9 & 10/13 Amount Requested: $67 Parenting Club Club Coordinator: Brianda Alcazar Service Description: We volunteered with Africa New Life Ministries to pack 262,000 meals to be sent to needy children and families in Rwanda. The event was a partnership with Freeman Motor Company, Numana Inc. and Oregon Food Bank. Children helped too by coloring the food boxes being packed. Club Participants: 5 Hours Completed: 10 hours Service Dates: 04/14/13 Amount Requested: $83 Vet. Tech. Club Club Coordinator: Dolores Galindo Club Representative: Jordie Gredvig Service Description: We helped the SMILE (Science Math Investigative Learning Environment) know how cool becoming a certified Vet. Tech. can be. We taught the students what it takes to get into the program and showed them some interesting things that they would learn in the program. Lastly we want to get them excited about learning!! (These were 4 th and 5th grade students). Club Participants: 11 Hours Completed: 55 hours Service Dates: 04/13/13 Amount Requested: $250 Clubhouse Deadline: Charter Packets and Community Service Forms are due on in order to be on the following Monday’s agenda. Thursday at 5pm Rock Creek ASPCC Special Funds Request Name Mikki Brown and Merlin Hold Organization (if applicable) Japanese Pop Culture Club (JPCC) E-mail address Date Submitted 04/18/2013 Amount requested $2550 Need funds/ decision by 04/24/2013 Matching funds to be provided(Suggested, but not required) Amount Source $100 Clubhouse $350 JPCC ____________ ______________________ ____________ ______________________ Sponsorship Info _______________________________________________ Organization _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) _______________________________________________ Executive member (print and sign) What is being funded? A Japanese Spring Festival brought to you by the Japanese Pop Culture Club. We will be presenting such activities as a Maid Café, Taiko Performances, Fashion Show, and Festival Games. Estimated number of students impacted and how they will benefit- Approximately 500 students, they will benefit by volunteer opportunities, exploring Japanese culture and connecting with the local community. Itemized list to describe how the dollars will be spentItem Cost Performances $1200 Food Products $600 Supplies $750 __________________________________________ ____________ __________________________________________ ____________ If my request is accepted, I promise to ensure the above is accurate and the money will be spent as agreed. I will submit a follow- up report no less than three weeks after the event. X _______________________________________________________________ Base criteria1. Must be a Rock Creek Student-led initiative. 2. Must benefit students and the Rock Creek community somehow. 3. Minimum request is $100, maximum is $1000. Sponsorship Each proposal must be sponsored by two executive members of one campus organization (one of those executive members can be a faculty advisor). Campus organizations: Womens’ Resource Center (bldg 2- room 103). Veterans’ Resource Center. (bldg 2- room 108a) Multi-Cultural Center. (Bldg 2- room 128b) College Assistance Migrant Program. (Bldg 5- room 203A) Oregon Leadership Institute. (Bldg. 3- 128b) Associated Students of Portland Community College Rock Creek. (Bldg 3-128) Rock Creek clubs currently chartered by ASPCC. (Bldg 3-128) Career Resource Center (Bldg. 9) By sponsoring a request, that representative is agreeing that the proposal is worthwhile, appropriate, and feasible. Sponsoring a proposal does not make that representative or their organization responsible for the execution or the outcome of the proposal. Potential decision Criteria: Quality and detail of proposal. Educational value. Matching funds are strongly encouraged. Previous events or requests of the petitioner. Total number of students who will benefit. Request review process Proposal must be filled out completely and sponsored before submission. A completed paper copy must be submitted at the Student Help Desk in building three. Proposals will be submitted to Campus affairs and the form will be checked for completion. Follow-up questions and requests for documentation will take place at this time. The proposal will be presented at an ASPCC meeting where it will be voted upon. ContactsMandy Ellertson Axkana Liliana Luna ASPCC faculty Advisor Assistant Director of Campus Affairs Director of Campus Affairs REQUEST FOR ITEM ON AGENDA ASPCC ROCK CREEK TO GET ON THE ASOCIATED OF STUDENT OF PORTLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE ROCK CREEK AGENDA PLEASE FILL OUT THE FOLLOWING FORM Name: Pablo Nieves-Valenzuela Organization/Department : ASPCC Email: Date requested: 3.11.2013 Time requested: 10 minutes Brief description of the item: I would like to talk about Rock Creek participating in the largest student rally of April This legislative session on April 25th. I will provide information on the rally, and explain the scale of the Campaign we will be having to recruit students for the rally. AFTER PRESENTATION Feedback: Director of Campus Affairs: Jonathan Mena Speaker: Pablo Nieves Valenzuela Reports Campus Affairs Past Student Leadership Recruitment o Beaverton High School had between 20-30 students in the presentation. Present Picking up applications at AHS and BHS tomorrow. Future Huitzi is hosting a workshop during Semana o “The Time is Now” - A Look at Immigration Reform Legislative Affairs Report Past: OCCSA Board Meeting OCCSA SFA Committee OCCSA Budget Committee Present: Recruiting Students for April 25th Rally Day (This Thursday) Future: OCCSA May Board Meeting DSC Board Meeting May 13th PCC Lobby Day Programming Report Past Bingo Night - About 20 people attended Volunteered During Earth Week and Club Fair Promoting End of the Year Party - Word of Mouth Panther Runs Present Working on Punch Cards End of the Year Party Promotion and Planning Helping out with Semana De La Raza Future End of the Year Party - May 10th Recreational Department Past: FIFA Tournament o 8 participants o 3 winners Meeting with MC rep o Plan to take pictures Helped Legislative department o Data based Future: Black Ops o 1v1 o But not vs it will be o Double elimination Billiards Tournament o Friday o 3 winners Speed LAC Sustainability Report 04/19/2013 Past: Talking Trash video contest Talking Trash Luncheon: 4/15/13 Congratulations to Eric Ruiz and the International Club for tying for first place. Well Done!! Videos where Awesome! Trash to Art contest: 4/16/13 A huge success and super fun, 30 participants. Check out the trash sculptures being displayed in the mall area of BLG 3. Farmers Market: 4/17/- 4/18/13 Lots of fresh veggies, flowers, plant starts and opportunity to join food co-ops and a CSA. Also provided Mug Day was offered as part of the farmers market. Groovy Gardening Clean Up Party: 4/19/13 30 to 40 volunteers expected to spruce up the garden getting it ready for the growing season. Rain or shine, wedding planting and pizza making will ensue. Present: Recovering from Earth Week & Semana del la Raza volunteering 4/25/13 Future: Aus Pen distribution and logistical support Clubs Report: 04/22/13 Past Events: Club Fair Updated our email list Held and individual Clubs 101 session Haru Matsuri Meeting Da Hyun gave a tour for prospective international student applicants Created a Meeting List Volunteered for Earth Week Future Events: Volunteer for Semana de la Raza Club Olympics Announcements: Any questions, best way to reach us is by email Friday, April 19th, 2013 April 15th-16th o MC Club Fair participation. April 17th o ReBelutionary Film Series Ted Talk: “The Economic Injustice of Plastic” April 19th o PCC Reads Author Jean Kwok Visit- Girl in Translation Semana de la Raza- “Faces of Latino Culture” o When: April 22nd- 26th o Essay Contest due April 23rd Movie Time with the MC!!! o American History X When: April 30th Location: MC Time: 1pm- 3pm Popcorn!!! ReBelutionary Film Series o A Race to the Power of an Illusion When: May 1st Location: MC Time: 12pm- 1:30pm Pizza!!! Women’s Resource Center Past: WRC Open House Helped at the Learning Garden on Friday Present: Parenting Club Tuesdays 4:30 to 5:30 @ WRC Hiring @ WRC Future: Barbie Committee Hiring @ WRC Bring your Daughter to work on May 3rd Career Resource Center Report Thursday, April 18 2013 Past ● ● ● ● Financial Literacy Tabling High School Student Tours Early College Class Presentations Contributed a basket for Women’s Self-Care Retreat Present ● Student Appointments + walk-ins ● Planning PCC Alumni Transfer Panel PSU Rep. visit this Wednesday ● Student Profiles “Future Transfer University” this Thursday 1:00- 2:00 Mall Area! Cupcakes, and photos of students featured on our bulletin board! Future ● Interviewing Workshop (May 1st & May 2nd) ● Latino Health Equity Conference (May 10th) ● PSU Transfer Road Show (May 21st) ● PCC Alumni Transfer Panel ● ESOL Class Raps Queer Resource Center Report April 15 – April19th Past o Club Fair Tabled during the farmers market o Soromundi Concert o Gender Neutral Bathroom Meeting on Wednesday o Earth week o o Tabling during the Farmers Market Ulises attended Breakfast with Jean Kwok Author of Girl in Translation Ulises attended a Semana meeting Present o QSA Thursday at noon o Power of one conference We leave on Friday o QRC will be CLOSED FRIDAY o Application are due on Wednesday o Ulises and Karen will be holding a workshop for Semana o Ulises and Karen will be volunteering on Tuesday for Chicanito day Future o QSA QSA meetings every other Thursday o Movie Night May 1st o ChatPDX o Pride o We are forming a taskforce for Pride in Portland. If you are interested in helping with Pride talk to an Advocate Rock Creek has Pride Veterans Club Report Week of April 13- 19, 2013 Past: Held a 2 hour training with the Washington County Veterans Advocates Helped find employment for 2 veterans Found housing for a homeless vet Maintained daily operations in VRC Helped get a couple veterans get reinstated back in school Present: Held a seminar for 20 VRAP vets on college success Maintained daily operations in VRC Attendance has been growing every week Planning veteran’s appreciation week Helping WRC with Barbie program Future: Veterans Appreciation week Hiring fair Veteran’s ball Opening ceremony Barbie Program Public Relations No Report Turned In