THE CONCEPT OF T.Q.M. IN HEALTHCARE “Quality” Having Doing Is high degree of excellence right things right first time cost - reduction, not a cost Concepts WHAT IS QUALITY? Freedom from deficiency Product feature TQM as a management philosophy Aims to: Customer service Productivity Profits Market share Cost T.Q.M. It is a broad management philosophy, espousing quality and leadership commitment, which provides the energy and the rationale for implementation of the process of continuous quality improvement within the organization wide quality strategy. Aspects of Quality 1. 2. 3. Measurable Appreciative Perceptive Dimensions of Quality Availability Appropriateness Continuity Competency Efficacy Effectiveness Safety Efficiency Respect and care Timeliness Prevention and early detection Key Concepts of TQM Top management leadership Creating corporate framework for quality Transformation of corporate culture Customer focus Process-focus Collaborative approach to process improvement! Employee education & training Learning by practice & teaching Benchmarking Quality measurement & statistics Recognition & reward Management integration TQM believes in the values of: 1. 2. - Customers: Needs Expectations Opinions Staff: Willingness & desire Abilities & desire Opinions Access to Top Management Involvement in: 1. 2. 3. 4. DECISION MAKING PROBLEM SOLVING GOAL SETTING PLANNING 3. - 4. - - Management: Commitment & Visibility Active Leadership Participation Empowerment of Employee Accountability Teamwork: Unity Ownership More & better ideas Openness Encouragement Mutual respect Incentive & reward Basic Elements of A Process Supplier Inputs Processors Sequence of steps Customers Output System, Function, Process & Step System Function Function Process Step Process Step Process Step Process Step Module of Donabedian CAUSAL RELATIONSHIP Structure Effective Process Efficient Outcome Good Change in Emphasis - - - In part focus on What of care i.e. patient care GIVEN. Who of care i.e. patient care GIVER. Concentrate on improving system & process, most of the time:The how of care patient care PROCESS The result of care patient care OUTCOME Structure The arrangement of parts of care system or elements that facilitate care e.g. Resources Equipment Number of staff Qualification of staff Work space Process Refer to the procedures, methods, means or sequence of steps for providing or delivering care, producing outcomes. - Clinical process - Care delivery process Outcome Refers to the results of care, adverse or beneficial e.g. CLINICAL - Short term - Complication FUNCTIONAL - Long term health status - Activities of daily living PERCEIVED Patient / family satisfaction Quality Management Trilogy Control / measurement Improvement Planning Continuous Quality Improvement Process DO PLAN STUDY ACT Decision Making: Traditional Model (Data Deficient) Intuition Opinion Logic Rationalization Rumor Hearsay Recommendations/ Action NO DEFINED PROCESS Decision Making: Q.M. Model (Data-based) Q. Planning Interpretation/ Understanding Q. Improvement Decision Decision Knowledge Information Statistical Analysis Q. Control Proposal/ Hypothesis Design Data Collection General Management Functions Management is the sum of these activities to improve human and material resources toward achievement of stated goals. PLANNING ORGANIZING & STAFFING DIRECTING COORDINATING IMPROVING Core Quality Improvement Standards Quality leadership Data collection for quality monitoring Analysis of monitoring data Quality improvement Do We Need These? Medical record Information system Protocol & clinical guidelines Teaching session Appraisal system Review / audit of mortality & morbidity Quality department