Elements of Medical Words 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 1 Elements of Medical Words: • Elements of Medical Words: 1. Word Root 2. Combining vowel 3. Combining Form 4. Suffix 5. Prefix • These five parts of a word are known as ELEMENTS. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 2 Elements of Medical Words: Hemat/o/logy Suffix (study of) Root (blood) Combining vowel Hematology means the study of blood. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 3 Word Root: – Main part or foundation of a word. It gives the essential meaning of the word. – All words have at least one word root. – A word root may be used alone or combined with other elements to form a complete word. – The word root usually refers to a body part. – Some root words are derived from the Latin or Greek language. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 4 Word Root: Example of word roots: 7/1/2016 “dent” means tooth “dermat” means skin “cardi” means heart “gastr” means stomach “pancreat” means pancreas Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 5 Combining Vowel: Correct pronunciation of medical words is important. In order to make the pronunciation of word roots easier, sometimes it is necessary to insert a vowel after the root. The combining vowel is usually an “o”, but others may be used. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 6 Combining Vowel: gastr / o Word root 7/1/2016 pronounced GASTRO. combining vowel Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 7 Combining Vowel: • When a word has more than one root, a combining vowel is used to link the root to each other. IE: Osteoarthritis: oste/ o / arthr/ itis root 7/1/2016 combining vowel Medical Terminology, Adel Ali root suffix 8 Combining Vowel: A combining vowel is used between a word root and a suffix that begins with a consonant (not a vowel). IE: Word root: scler / (hardening) Suffix: / derma (skin) Term: Scler / o / derma (hardening of the skin) Combining vowel 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 9 Combining form: • The combination of a word root and a vowel is known as a COMBINING FORM. gastr / o Word root 7/1/2016 + pronounced GASTRO. combining vowel Medical Terminology, Adel Ali = combining form 10 Suffix: A suffix is added to the END of a word root or combining form to modify its meaning. By adding a suffix to the end of a word root, we create a noun or adjective with a different meaning. When you analyze a medical term, begin at the end of the word – start with the suffix. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 11 Suffix: •Electrocardiogram: Electr /o/ cardi /o/ gram root Root Electricity heart suffix record *Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix, back to the beginning of the term, then across, thus it means Combining vowels record of the electricity in the heart. Electro and cardio are combining forms. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 12 Suffix: Gastroenterology: Gastr /o/ enter /o/ logy *The entire term (reading from the suffix, back to the Root c.v root c.v. suffix Stomach study of intestine beginning, and across) means the study of stomach and intestine. Gastro and entero are combining forms. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 13 Suffix: •Gastroscope: Gastr /o/ scope Root c.v. suffix Stomach instrument to visually examine 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali *Means instrument to visually examine the stomach. 14 Suffix: •Gastric: Gastr / ic Root Stomach suffix pertaining to *Means pertaining to stomach. Words ending in “ic” or “ac” are adjectives and mean pertaining to. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 15 Suffix: *Inflammation •Gastroenteritis: the Gastr /o/ enter / itis Root Stomach c.v. root intestine suffix inflammation of stomach intestine. of and The combining vowel in entero is dropped when the suffix itis begins with a vowel. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 16 Suffix: •Cardiac: *Means pertaining to the heart. Cardi / ac The Root Heart suffix pertaining to combining vowel is dropped when the suffix begins with a vowel. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 17 Prefix: A prefix is a syllable or syllables placed BEFORE a word or word root to alter its meaning or create a new word. Some prefixes: 7/1/2016 Hyper- (excessive) Pre(before) Post(after) Homo- (same) Hypo(under) Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 18 Prefix: hypoinsulinemia: Hypo / insulin / emia Prefix root Low insulin 7/1/2016 Suffix blood Medical Terminology, Adel Ali *Notice that there is no combining vowel in this word because the prefix ends with a vowel and the suffix begins with a vowel. 19 Prefix: •Subgastric: *Means Sub / gastr / ic Prefix Below 7/1/2016 root stomach suffix pertaining to Medical Terminology, Adel Ali pertaining to below the stomach. 20 Prefix: **Transgastric: Trans / gastr / ic * Means pertaining to across the stomach. **Retrogastric: Retro / gastr / ic 7/1/2016 * Means pertaining to behind the stomach. Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 21 Summary: Elements of medical terms: 1. Root: gives the essential meaning of the term. 2. Suffix: is the word ending. 3. Prefix: is a small part added to the beginning of a term. 4. Combining vowel: connects roots to suffixes, and roots to other roots. 5. Combining form: is the combination of the root and the combining vowel. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 22 Summary: Rules: Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix to the beginning of the word and then across. Drop the combining vowel before a suffix that starts with a vowel. Keep the combining vowel between word roots, even if the root begins with a vowel. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 23 Here is a list of combining forms that are commonly found in medical terms. Aden/o gland Arthr/o joint Bi/o Life 7/1/2016 1. Adenoma -oma means tumor or mass. Tumor of gland. (benign tumor) 2. Adenitis -itis means inflammation. Inflammation of a gland Arthritis. Inflammation of a joint. 1. Biology. -logy means study of Study of life. 2. Biopsy. -opsy means to view Process of viewing living tissues with a microscope Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 24 Cancerous tumor. Carcinomas form from epithelial cell, which line the internal organs and cover the outside of the body. Carcin/o Cancer cancerous Cardi/o heart Cardiology Study of the heart. Cephal/o head Cephalic -ic means pertaining to. Pertaining to head. Cerebr/o Cerebrum Largest part of the brain Cerebral. -al means pertaining to. Pertaining to cerebrum. 7/1/2016 Carcinoma Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 25 Cyct/o Urinary bladder Cystoscope. -scope means instrument to visually examin. Instrument used to view the urinary bladder. Cyt/o cell Cytology Study of cells Dermat/o Derm/o skin 1. dermatitis Inflammation of skin. 2. Dermal Pertaining to skin. Electr/o Electricity Electrocardiogram. -gram means record. Record of the electricity in the heart. Encephal/o Brain. Electroencephalogram. Record of the electricity in the brain. Enter/o Intestines Enteritis. Inflammation of the small intestines. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 26 Erythr/o Red. Erythrocyte -cyte means cell. Gastr/o Stomach. Gastroscopy. -scopy means process of visual examination using an instrument (scope) Visual examination of the stomach. Gnos/o knowledge 1. Diagnosis. -sis means state of, -dia means complete The complete knowledge gained after testing and examining the patient. 2. Prognosis. -pro means before. A prediction that is actually made after the diagnosis. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali Red blood cells. 27 Gynec/o Woman, female Gynecology Study of female disorders. Hemat/o Hem/o blood 1. Hematoma. -oma means mass or tumor. Mass or welling containing blood. 2. Hemoglobin. -globin means protein The protein in red blood cells (erythrocytes). Inflammation of the liver. Hepat/o liver Hepatitis Lapar/o abdomen Laparotomy. Incision of the abdomen. -tomy means incision, open Leuk/o White. Leukocyte. White blood cell. Nephr/o kidney Nephrectomy. -ectomy means to cut out, remove. Removal of the kidney. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 28 Neur/o nerve Neurology. Onc/o Tumor. Study of nervous system, disorders. Oncologist. Physician specializing in the study -ist means a specialist. and treatment of tumors. Ophthalm/o Eye. Ophthalmoscope. Instrument used to visually examine the eye. Oste/o Bone. Osteoarthritis. Inflammation of bones and joints. Path/o Disease. Pathologist. Psych/o Mind. 7/1/2016 Psychosis. -osis means abnormal condition. Medical Terminology, Adel Ali Specialist in the study of disease using microscopic examination of tissues and cells. Abnormal condition of the mind. 29 Ren/o kidney Renal Pertaining to the kidney. Rhin/o Nose. Rhinitis. Inflammation of the nose. Sarc/o Flesh. Sarcoma. Cancerous (malignant) tumor of connective tissues, such as bone, muscle, fat, or cartilage. Thromb/o Clotting. 1. Thrombocyte. Small cell that helps blood to clot. 2. Thrombosis. A condition of forming a clot. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 30 o Here is a list of suffixes that are commonly found in medical terms. Suffix -al -algia -cyte Meaning Pertaining to pain cell Medical Term Neural Arthralagia Leukocyte -ectomy Removal Gastrectomy -emia -globin Blood condition protein Leukemia Hemoglobin -gram record Arthrogram 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali Meaning Pertaining to nerves Pain in the joints. White blood cells Removal of the stomach Cancer of blood Blood protein Record of joints (Xray) 31 Suffix Meaning -ic Pertaining to Condition, -ism process Meaning Pertaining to stomach Excessive activity of the thyroid Hyperthyroidism gland Inflammation of stomach and -it is inflammation Gastroenteritis intestines -logist Specialist in the Neurologist Specialist of the nerves -logy Study of Nephrology Study of the kidney -oma Tumor, mass Hepatoma Tumor of the liver Process of viewing living tissues -opsy To view Biopsy with a microscope Abnormal -osis Nephrosis Abnormal condition of the kidney condition Instrument to Instrument used to examine -scope Gastroscope visually examin stomach 7/1/2016 Medical Term Gastric Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 32 Suffix Meaning Medical Term Process of -scopy visual examination Labroscopy -sis State of Prognosis -tomy Process of cutting into, incision Neurotomy 7/1/2016 Arthroscopy Medical Terminology, Adel Ali Meaning Process of visual examination of the abdomen Process of visual examination of the joints Prediction , of outcome of disease or treatment Incision of a nerve 33 Prefixes: Here is a list of prefixes that are commonly found in medical terms. Prefixes Meaning a-, anNo, not AutSelf Medical Term Meaning Anemia Deficiency of hemoglobin Autopsy Examination of a dead body Complete knowledge of patient’s Diagnosis condition Dia- Complete Dys- Difficult, painful Dysentery Within Endocrine glands Glands that produce hormones -crin/o means to secrete. Endocardium Within the heart Endo- 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali Condition of painful intestines 34 Prefixes ExoHyperHypo- Meaning Outside Medical Term Exocrine glands Excessive, Hyperglycemia more Below, less Hypodermic than normal Hypoglycemia Pro- Before Prognosis Re- Back Resection Retro- Behind Retrogastric Sub- Trans7/1/2016 Below, under Across, through Meaning Glands that secrete substances outside the body High blood sugar Pertaining to under skin Low blood sugar Prediction of outcome of disease or treatment Cutting back of an organ Pertaining to the back of the stomach Subhepatic Pertaining to under the stomach Transdermal Transurethral Pertaining to across the skin Pertaining to across the urethra Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 35 Formation of plurals: 1. Words ending in a, retain the a and add e: Singular Plural Meaning vertebra vertebrae Backbones bursa bursae Sacs of fluid near a joint 2. Words ending in is, drop the is and add es: Singular Singular Singular diagnosis Diagnoses Determining the nature of dioseases. psychosis psychoses Abnormal condition of the mind 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 36 Formation of plurals: 3. Words ending in ex or ix, drop the ex or ix, and add ices: Singular Singular Singular apex apices Pointed ends of organs cortex cortices Outer parts of organs varix varices Enlarged, swollen veins 4. Words ending in on, drop the on and add a: Singular Singular Singular ganglion ganglia Groups of nerve cells. 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 37 Formation of plurals: 5. Words ending in um, drop the um and add a: Singular Singular Singular bacterium bacteria Types of one-celled organisms ovum ova Egg cells 6. Words ending in us, drop the us and add i: Singular Singular Singular Tubes leading from the windpipe bronchus bronchi to the lungs calculus calculi Stones 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 38 Terms using –logy (study of): Medical Term Cardiology Dermatology Endocrinology Gastroenerology Gynecology Meaning Study of the heart Study of the skin Study of the endocrine glands Study of the stomach and intestines Study of women and women’s disease Hematology Study of the blood 7/1/2016 Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 39 Terms using –logy (study of): Medical Term Neurology Oncology Ophthalmology Pathology Psychology Rheumatology 7/1/2016 Meaning Study of the nerves, and the brain and spinal cord. Study of tumors Study of the eyes Study of disease Study of the mind and mental disorders Study of joint diseases. Medical Terminology, Adel Ali 40