System Level Accountability Measures June 14, 2005 The Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System is an Equal Opportunity employer and educator. ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATOR: FINANCIAL RESOURCES AVAILABILITY • Financial resources are available to foster student access and success – Core Measures • Measure 2A – State and local appropriations per FYE • Measure 2B – Private gifts, grants and contracts revenue relative to tuition and appropriations – Context • Core measures for similar public institutions • Total revenue per FYE • Revenue sources as percent of total revenue Slide ‹#› MEASURE 2A AND 2B DATA SOURCES • Operating and non-operating revenue by source – National Center for Education Statistics: IPEDS Finance Survey • FY 2003 is first year of reporting under new GASB 34/35 standards – National Center for Education Statistics: IPEDS Enrollment Survey • Credit hours generated Slide ‹#› MEASURE 2A: STATE AND LOCAL APPROPRIATIONS DEFINITIONS • Numerator: Total state and local appropriations – State appropriations: Amounts received through acts of a state legislative body for current operating expenses – Local appropriations: Amounts received from property or other taxes assessed by or for an institution below the state level. • Denominator: Total Full Year Equivalent enrollment (FYE) – Student credit hours divided by full-time load Slide ‹#› MEASURE 2B: PRIVATE GIFTS, GRANTS & CONTRACTS REVENUE - DEFINITIONS • Numerator: Total revenue from private gifts, grants and contracts – Private gifts: Revenues from private donors for which no legal consideration is provided. – Grants and Contracts: Revenues from government agencies and local/private organizations that are for specific projects or programs and that are classified as operating revenues. • Denominator – For Measure 2B-2: Revenue from tuition, fees and state and local appropriations. Slide ‹#› Figure 2A STATE AND LOCAL APPROPRIATIONS PER FYE: FY 2003 $10,000 $9,000 $8,000 $7,000 $6,000 $5,000 $4,000 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 $4,399 $4,618 $5,359 $4,244 $4,906 $4,386* Colleges Universities Total System Institutions Similar Public Institutions * Appropriat ions t o cent ralized bodies f or inst it ut ions t hat are part of larger syst ems are not included in t he f inancial report ing t o IPEDS. If appropriat ions t o t he Of f ice of t he Chancellor were included in t he Tot al, t he appropriat ions per FYE would be $4,431. Slide ‹#› Figure 2B-2 PRIVATE GIFT, GRANT & CONTRACT REVENUE PER $100 OF APPROPRIATIONS, TUITION & FEES: FY 2003 $100 $90 $80 $70 $60 $50 $40 $30 $20 $10 $0 $35 $26 Colleges System Institutions Slide ‹#› $33 $30 $23 $19 Universities Total Similar Public Institutions CONTEXT: REVENUE SOURCES AS A PERCENT OF TOTAL OPERATING AND NON-OPERATING REVENUE FY 2003 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 23% 30% 33% 16% 46% 51% System Similar Public Colleges Slide ‹#› 26% 33% 36% 24% 25% 34% 32% 20% 40% 41% 44% 46% System Similar Public System Similar Public Universities Grants, Contracts, Gifts and Other Income Tuition & Fees State & Local Appropriations Total ACCOUNTABILITY INDICATOR: PLANNING AND RESOURCE ALIGNMENT • The system is engaged in effective planning, collaboration, and resource decision-making – Core Measure: Course Transfer • Percentage of college-level credits earned at a system institution that are accepted in transfer by a receiving system institution. – Context • Percentage of credits accepted in transfer reported in four studies from other states Slide ‹#› MEASURE 5B: COURSE TRANSFER DEFINITIONS • Percent Accepted: Credits accepted in transfer divided by Sending Credits. – Numerator: Credits Accepted: Total credits accepted in transfer at the receiving institution. – Denominator: Sending Credits: Total college-level credits earned at the sending institution, including credits from courses with “D” grade. • Cohort: Undergraduate students enrolling and transferring in one or more credits from a System institution to another System institution during a fiscal year. • Timeframe: Reported for students transferring in to System institutions during Fiscal Years 2002 & 2003. Slide ‹#› Figure 5B-1 PERCENT CREDITS ACCPETED IN TRANSFER: SYSTEM SUMMARY 100% 80% 75.8% 75.4% 60% 40% 20% 0% FY 2002 Slide ‹#› FY 2003 Figure 5B-2 PERCENT CREDITS ACCPETED TRANSFER BY RECEIVING SECTOR 100% 80% 88.6% 73.5% 89.4% 72.4% 62.2% 63.0% 60% 37.0% 40% 32.2% 20% 0% Com m unity Colleges Com m unity & Tech. Colleges FY 2002 Slide ‹#› Technical Colleges FY 2003 State Universities Figure 5B-1 PERCENT CREDITS ACCPETED IN TRANSFER: CONTEXT 100% 89.4% 84.5% 87.00% 83.0% 90.0% 83.0% New M exico Orego n P ennsylvania Texas 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% State Universities: Dev Credits Excluded Slide ‹#› State Universities: Dev Credits Included REASONS COURSES ARE NOT ACCEPTED IN TRANSFER • Courses that do not apply to the student’s program or major at the receiving institution: – Student changed program or major – Student has more credits than are needed for the program or major • Courses with a grade of “D” are often not accepted if the student’s GPA is below 2.0. • Courses that were in progress or were taken after the student submitted the transcript. • Courses that were taken more than once. Slide ‹#› REASONS COURSES WERE NOT ACCEPTED IN TRANSFER Other Reasons 5% Repeat Courses 2% Courses with "D" Grade 10% Courses not on Transcript 6% Slide ‹#› Source: Review of selected transcripts Courses Don't Apply 77% DASHBOARD DEMONSTRATION • System Data Warehouse - Oracle 8i • Brio Intelligence • Hyperion Dashboard Software • Dashboard Demonstration Slide ‹#› NEXT STEPS • Human resource measures • Student engagement and satisfaction measures • Dashboard development • Updating existing measures Slide ‹#›