Faculty Council Meeting Minutes 10-19-12 Dean’s Conference Room, Pafford

Faculty Council Meeting Minutes 10-19-12
Dean’s Conference Room, Pafford
In attendance: Chris Aanstoos, Pam Hunt, Tom Hunter, Cathi Jenks, Kay Marden, Soo Moon, Brad Yates
1. Call to order 10:33 a.m.
2. Motion to approve minutes of 9-28-12 meeting; seconded; approved unanimously
a. Aanstoos gave an update on the COSS strategic planning process; the mission statement
is in draft form and we may suggest changes until final version is voted upon (see
Appendix of agenda)
i. Aanstoos announced a Town Hall meeting Tuesday, Oct. 23, to discuss the
ii. Aanstoos reported the Administrative Council accepted all of FC suggested
b. Program Elimination update: Master’s of Urban and Regional Planning (MURP) proposed
for elimination
i. Political Science Department asked Dean to help them fight for the program
ii. Aanstoos sent justification from FC; Dean and POLS Dept. Chair Bob Schaefer
extended their thanks and appreciation for justification
iii. It was noted that the proposal for elimination will be subject to a vote at the
Senate level, but the BOR can choose to eliminate programs even without the
recommendation of the Senate.
c. Aanstoos reported and reminded FC that is it possible to have half-semester courses
that may be scheduled during Session I and/or Session II
i. It was noted that the College of Education uses half semesters as does Foreign
ii. FC recommends advertising this option but all must be mindful of work load
d. Associate Dean Mbyae announced that COSS is sponsoring an Essence of Europe study
abroad course this summer (Maymester) that focuses on adversarial legalism
i. The course is aimed at Graduate students and advanced undergraduates
ii. Ideally would like 6 students; for every 6 students a faculty member’s trip
expenses are covered, but no summer salary
iii. Other COSS faculty can teach courses other than Essence of Europe course.
Leave May 14 for trip. Using online modules for academic content before trip,
journals during time of trip, and final wrap up/paper/project when students
return after 2 ½ weeks abroad
iv. Designed for students who never have been to Europe;
v. Students may earn up to 6 credit hours
e. Information item
i. Aanstoos reported that the Department of Psychology is in the process of
conducting its Chair evaluation
ii. Aanstoos noted the evaluation procedure is not well specified, and asked if the
FC wants to develop policy for chair evaluations to be voted on by the faculty
iii. Suggested by FC members to ask faculty colleagues if they want uniform
specificity for college or leave it up to departments to determine their own
iv. The Faculty Development sub-committee will receive feedback on the question
and report back in November to FC (COSS Bylaws section II.B.3.b. will be a
a. Proposed course and program modifications (see FC web site)
i. FC tabled the BA FORL program modification
ii. FC voted that each department would determine their preference for PWLA
credits that count in their respective programs
iii. Motion to approve modification that any 2 hours of PWLA courses (activity
courses included) may be used as elective credit for Sociology majors; approved
iv. Motion to approve modification that any 2 hours of PWLA 1600, only, may be
used as elective credit for Psychology majors; approved unanimously
v. Approved all COMM course modifications with minor editorial changes for five
courses and a “friendly amendment” to COMM 4481 and COMM 4485 to
rephrase “prerequisites TBA on a course-by-course basis”
vi. Question arose on whether “permission of instructor” would pass through at
the next levels easier that than “prerequisites TBA”
b. Consideration of a proposed “College for a Day”
i. FC members agreed there is a workload issue; members are in favor of the
proposal and support other COSS team members organize and execute the
ii. Aanstoos noted the College of Science and Mathematics has a model for College
for a Day
iii. FC members noted College for a Day is a way to sell COSS by promoting
academic content
iv. Academic Affairs Committee will develop policy for next meeting
c. Consideration of an Associate (A.S.) Degree in “Applied Social Science”
i. FC members noted a degree in Applied Social Science is a nice idea and may
increase revenue, but there is concern this may compromise academic mission
of departments;
ii. Academic Affairs Committee will develop a pro/con position document for the
FC to vote on next time
a. Consideration of procedures for awarding of Faculty Research Grants
i. Grant application and guidelines presented for review by Faculty Development
ii. Question raised about who may apply for grants; FC members agreed that
members of Council may apply
iii. Suggestion for blind review was accepted
iv. Merit of proposals and clear indication that project is a new project, not
currently funded, that may be launched as a result of FRG seed dollars
v. FC members agreed to strike the chair's approval on the application
vi. FC agreed to archive successful proposals as example on COSS web site for
future applicants
vii. FC agreed the maximum grant is $1000, but funding for proposals at amounts
less than $1,000 is possible.
viii. FC agreed Nov. 26 is the deadline for FRG applications
ix. FC agreed applications should be submitted electronically to Erin Brannon at
x. Grant awards will be announced November 30, and all funds must be spent by
the end of the Spring semester
xi. FC approved FRG application with edits (see Appendix 1)
b. Consideration of proposals for COSS’ Studies in the Social Sciences (tabled)
c. Consideration of formulating policy regarding non-tenure track faculty (tabled)
d. Consideration of formulating changes to Policies and Procedures regarding:
i. Promotion &Tenure Committee (tabled)
ii. Workload for supersized courses (tabled)
6. PLANNING COMMITTEE (Aanstoos, Jenks, Yates)
a. Special election for Academic Policies Committee of Faculty Senate
i. Nominee-Krystal Perkins
ii. Voting will be electronic
b. Consideration of formulating a policy for library privileges for graduate students over
the summer
i. Proposal by the Graduate Studies Committee that no additional fees should be
assessed for university graduate students to use the library over the summer
ii. Motion to approve support of GS Committee proposal; approved unanimously
c. Consider formulating policy with regard to the Technology Fee Committee
i. Tech Fee Committee must be half students (BOR requirement)
ii. There are inconsistent procedures on how faculty are appointed to the
Technology Fee Committee
iii. The current practice is that the Deans of the Colleges appoint members to the
committee, typically Associate or Assistant Deans; in the past the Senate
appointed faculty to the committee
iv. FC recommends that each College send an elected rep to the Senate as a
designee to sit on the Tech Fee Committee
7. Hunt reported that the Studies in the Social Sciences policies and procedures are still in
8. Next meeting is scheduled for November 19
9. FRG applications are due on Nov. 26 and FC will meet Nov. 30 at 10:30 a.m. to select grant
10. Meeting adjourned at 12:13 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Brad Yates
Appendix 1
Call for Applications
The program is designed to encourage, promote and help support faculty engagement in research.
All full-time regular tenured and tenure-track faculty and non-tenure track faculty who have an
appointment in a unit within the College are eligible to apply for the College of Social Sciences
Faculty Research Grant funding. Ineligible faculty includes adjunct and part-time faculty. These
funds are intended as seed grants for those projects not currently funded.
Funding Level
The amount of funding available in an academic year will vary, but the total funding available this
year is $10,000, one-half contributed by the Provost’s office, and one-half by the Dean’s. The
maximum award for any individual grant will be $1,000. Applicants may request or receive less than
the maximum amount.
Scope of Program
Requests for any activities and/or purchases that support research efforts will be considered.
Applicants may request funding for supplies, services, travel, equipment, software, and other
expenses essential to the research project.
 Travel to archival collections or museums, to learn new research techniques, or for
collaborative research activities will be supported.
 Requests for travel to attend to conferences or workshops will NOT be supported.
 Requests for assistance with publication expenses will NOT be supported.
Submission Process and Deadlines
Electronic submission to: ebrannon@westga.edu no later than November 26, 2012, 5:00 pm.
Proposals meeting the stated guidelines will be evaluated by the COSS Faculty Council. Proposals
will be ranked for significance, quality, and likelihood of successful completion. Funds will be
awarded by November 30, 2012.
All money must be expended by May 1, 2013.
Proposal Format
Each proposal packet shall be divided into sections as specified below. The proposal shall be typed in
a 12 point font and double spaced with a minimum of 1 inch margins.
Proposals must be 4 pages or less, in addition to a cover sheet. Make sure your name and department
is identified only on the cover sheet, as the evaluation will in every case be done by a blind review
1. Cover sheet (provided at the end of this announcement)
2. Description of research project, significance, and research methods
3. Outcome of the project (e.g. Submission for publications, Submission for presentation)
4. Detailed budget / Justification for each budget item (including travel), clearly explaining why each
item is essential for the proposed project. Include all relevant costs including:
a. Travel: break out airfare, mileage, per diem, lodging, etc.
b. Supplies and Materials: specify quantities and unit costs of each item.
c. Consultants1
d. Student Research Assistants2
5. If research involves human or animal subjects, a copy of a completed application to the University
IRB (http://www.westga.edu/orsp/index_17303.php). Funding may be delayed or rejected
pending IRB approval.
Reporting Requirements
COSS Faculty Research Grant recipients must submit the following items to the Dean’s office at the
end of the fiscal year of the award date (June 30, 2013 for this grant period):
1. Final report detailing work accomplished and a description of academic product, if any.
2. Itemized financial report of how research funds were spent.
Archival File
All approved grant applications will be archived on the COSS Faculty Council website.
1. When at all possible, use UWG-based consulting services.
2.UWG currently provides funds to support student research outside of the FRG and faculty are
required to first seek funding for student workers from other sources, especially the UWG SRAP
SUBMITTED BY: ________________________________________________________________
DEPARTMENT: __________________________________________________________________
TITLE OF PROPOSAL: ___________________________________________________________
TOTAL FUNDS REQUESTED: $____________________________________________________