RECOMMENDATIONS APPROVED BY THE FACULTY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 16, 2012 1. Program Elimination Faculty Council recommends that, if and only if a program from COSS must be offered for possible elimination, that the B.A. program in Political Science be the one to offer. 2. Pre-requisites for Special Topics and Independent Studies Faculty Council recommends that the Administrative Council members submit any changes their departments may like to propose in the pre-requisites for special topics courses and independent studies, so that these can be made en masse rather than on an ad hoc basis. 3. “College for a Day” Faculty Council recommends that COSS initiate a “College for a Day” event similar to that conducted by the COSM (see: 4. COSS Strategic Plan Faculty Council recommends that the latest draft of the COSS strategic plan be adopted, with the following modifications: a. That Action Step 2.c. be rewritten as follows: “To explore innovative program options to enhance RPG rates” b. That the phrase in Action Step 3.e. “COSS labs” be rewritten as “labs in COSS” c. That the phrase in Action Step 4.c. “COSS labs” be rewritten as “labs in COSS” d. That an Action Step 5.e. be added, as follows: “To cultivate relationships with the local, regional and national media markets to enhance the reputation of COSS and UWG.” 5. Faculty Support Faculty Council recommends that COSS support the research of its tenured and tenure track faculty by providing $75 per year for each faculty member toward the purchase of any books, electronic or multi-media items authored or edited by another faculty member in COSS. 6. Fair Trade Practice Faculty Council recommends that COSS support “Fair Trade” practices in its selection of coffee for all functions of the college and its departments. FOR INFORMATION 1. Faculty Council approved its operating procedures for the process of the awarding of Faculty Research Grants, which is scheduled for November 30, 2012. 2. Faculty Council approved all proposed course modifications and the proposed Psychology program modification. 3. Faculty Council announces that Dr. Krystal Perkins has won the special election for the vacancy for the COSS rep on the Faculty Senate’s Academic Policies and Procedure Committee. 4. Faculty Council will next meet on November 30, as a special meeting solely for the purpose of awarding Faculty Research Grants. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be in January 2013. All proposed course and program modifications should be posted to the web site by January 11, and all other agenda items should be sent by that same date to Chris Aanstoos (