
Second midterm exam (Skl 001)
Majmaah University
Study Skills (skl 001)
Preparatory year
College of Engineering
Academic Number:
Time allowed: 45 min.
Question #1:
(6 marks)
1) Your writing will be easier, if you break writing tasks down into … several
stages …..with their own deadlines. This is easier than trying to write the
perfect ………essay or report first time.
2) Your writing skills develop whilst at university, what else can be improving?
 ------------ Spelling ------------------------------------------ -------------- Vocabulary ---------------------------------------3) In note-taking and writing, if you keep everything electronically, do not
forget to make …backup……………………………
4) In planning your assignment task, use the word limit .. and the assignment
title to guide you in how much you need to read of each book and article
Question #2:
The three main ways of taking notes are:
(6 marks)
Sequential or linear note taking …………………
Summary note taking……………………………………………………….
outline note taking and mind mapping
Second midterm exam (Skl 001)
Question #3:
(8 marks)
Select the correct answer(s):
1. If you need to reduce information come from seminars, lectures, written
texts, journals, or the Internet you need to apply:
a) listening skills
c) good note-taking skills
b) reading quickly
d) skimming and scanning
2. If you are concentrating, you are more likely to ..
a) forget the useful information
c) get behind the class
b) feel sleepy during the lecture
d) understand what you are reading
3. Sequential or linear note taking is
a) by using numbered headings, lots of sub headings, and indentations.
b) by drawing diagrams of the subject material you are learning about.
c) by take down notes in our own words on what we have been reading.
d) by photocopy all the documents related to the subject.
4. In note taking, writing on writing means
a) Write over each word in the text.
b) Highlight the important phrases’ in the book.
c) Write down the title of the topic you are covering.
d) Write on and annotate those texts only if they belong to you.
Good Luck
Dr. SaMeH