Constitution Article I. Name Article II. Purposes

Article I. Name
Section 1.
The University of West Georgia Sociological Collective
Article II. Purposes
Section 1.
The purpose of this organization shall be:
1. To further educate students about sociology and the career options that
are offered with a degree in sociology.
2. To encourage students to become activity involved with community
3. To promote expansion of the sociological imagination through
community involvement.
4. To inform students about career opportunities in sociology following
Article III. Membership and Dues
Section 1.
Section 2.
Membership in this organization shall be open to all State University of
West Georgia students and faculty members.
Membership shall be maintained by the payment of dues, which are
established by the executive committee, by membership or there shall be
no dues.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1.
Section 2.
Section 3.
The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer.
Duties and Powers:
a.) The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings.
b.) The duties of the Vice President shall be to perform all duties of the
president in her/his absence and to serve as the program chair.
c.) The duties of the Secretary shall be to keep an accurate, permanent
record of the minutes and proceedings of the organization and to make
necessary reports.
d.) The duties of the Treasurer shall be to keep and accurate and complete
record of all monetary transaction, to collect club dues, etc. The
Treasurer must disburse fund money in accordance with the
regulations of the University.
e.) Any other officers may be appointed a position as decided by the club.
a.) the officers shall be elected at the next to the last meeting of the
academic school year.
b.) Any qualifications to hold an office shall be stated.
c.) The current members of the organization shall nominate officers.
d.) The majority of votes cast shall determine who will hold the position.
e.) A community services liaison will work in conjunction with the
President and Vice President in all efforts to organize and coordinate all
community outreach and service events.
Article V. Fiscal Agent/Advisor
Section 1.
The selection of a faculty consultant is required of the organization.
Section 2.
All registered student organizations that receive student fees are required to
have a fiscal agent. The fiscal agent is selected in accordance with
University regulations.
Article VI. Meetings
Section 1.
The University of West Georgia Sociological Collective shall meet biweekly or at least once per month as decided by the members of the
executive board.
Article VII. Quorum
Section 1.
2/3 of the members of this organization shall constitute a quorum to
transact business.
Article VIII. Amendments
Section 1.
Section 2.
Proposed amendments shall be in writing and read at a regular meeting
and shall be acted upon at the following meeting.
The constitution may be amended by a majority vote of 2/3 of those at the
Article IX. Ratification
Section 1.
A 2/3 majority of those present at the first meeting of the newly formed
organization will be necessary to ratify her/his constitution.