October 1, 2014

Meeting Minutes
Highs and Lows
Sreemoyee likes her/ NO LOWS
John -- discovers major?/RodCouncil is da bes
Dasha -- Low: frustrated with MedHackathon emails/ CavDaily story !
Sam-- low: uh/ high: hump day
Patrick -- fell off train tracks (bad at traversing); snaps for shoes
Matt -- low: not running in past 3 days/TLP putting on “hackathon” for first years,
made a smart porta-potty
Ben -- no one wants to play board games with him/getting the game
Mike -- social chair, low: turned down for three :(( jobs; high: camping this
weekend! :D :D :D
Garrett-- midterm every week (omg!); lots of free meals this week
Kelly--housing SUCKS; high: bakes coool brownies for NAVEED
Joey--low: missed breakfast; high: midnight taco bell and ice cream
Catherine-- low: no responses; high: chris cai coming to her house giving her ice
Nipun--low: two test tomorrow, no car; high: hosting first party
Amy--low: cs; high: volunteer at the Y / GOT DUMPLINGS!!!
Steven--low: cs test this afternoon; high:
Gage--low: continual cycle in physics; high: eating lots of food (dumplings & food)
Alisha--low: tripped on the floor and got stared at; high: worked at an indian
dance event at UVA
Naveed--lows: housing plans; highs: TSWIZZLE NEW ALBUM OUT FOR
Chair Updates
A. Academic
1. Not present
2. Wilson wants to set up volunteering opportunities
B. Advising
1. Advisor/Advisee olympics
a) Prizes: Elzey ironsides picture poster autographed, notebooks
2. Majors speed-dating
a) Lots of first-years interested in systems and mech...but lots of
BME and CS previous years
b) Five to ten minutes for each person
3. Grad school social
a) Brainstormed a list of professors
(1) How to get in contact?
(a) Emails can go unread
(b) VIP-esque invitations?
b) One from each department
c) Two weeks after RodCouncil (Thursday? 11/8)
C. Communications
1. Update officers (remove Aaron)
2. Previous newsletter
a) 4 or 5 stories
3. Next newsletter
a) Monthly
(1) Scholarships
(2) Research/Conferences
b) PUBLISH newsletters!
c) Questions for upperclassmen
(1) classes
(2) housing
(3) idk whatever your heart desires
d) Some “historian” perspective
(1) summary of social events
(2) maybe just classes you like
4. Feedback mechanism
a) Elzey thinks its a “hip” design problem
b) make a survey for EVERYONE
c) make it swanky
d) Wants feedback because he gets push from deans because we’re
a recruiting tool for E-school
(1) Wants to know more about what we do
(2) Loses touch with us after first year
(3) Can provide guidance for our later plans
(4) ~Data~
(5) Providing info for alumni
D. Entrepreneurship
1. Communicating opportunities
a) Set a calendar of events, shared with communications
(1) Can put in newsletter (look three weeks out when writing
2. RodSem
a) Food truck startup?
b) Sort people by levels of intensity
c) Kickstarter/crowd sourcing campaign
(1) Contact in law school
d) Funding
(1) Startups, Cville business council, similar to hackathon
(2) Getting money from university probably tough
e) Pick up on projects leftover from STS 2500
(1) Catherine got the contacts
3. Panels?
a) Collect stories from Rodmans who have worked in a startup
1. Letter writing campaign
a) Jenny in alumni hall: find addresses
2. Working with communications
a) Find combination of info and data to inform alumni, get interest
3. Alumni seminar day
a) date ??
b) Invitation to them to get them to let us know what they’re doing
c) Networking
d) Young alumni would be nice
4. Networking skills
a) Bobbe Nixon? person for BME and ChemE
b) Search Thornton
1. Camping
a) Mike got camping equipment
b) Reserved 20 sleeping bags and 6 tents
c) Seems like good turnout
d) Events
(1) Sport activities during daylight
(2) BBQ/cookout for dinner
(3) $108 down payment for equipment
(4) Sending out an email again soon for FINAL word on
2. RodFest
a) Organizing rides after camping
First year reps
1. Updates to come
Second year reps
1. Mario and Garrett put together google forms for interest in events and
best scheduling
2. Events probably after fall break
3. Coming out later this week or next
Research Chair
1. Survey monkey was sent out...low number responses
2. Work with URN on compiling a sheet
a) Work with communications on best medium for dissemination
b) Due dates, contact info
Fourth year reps
1. Lawn progressive this Friday
2. Lots of camping participation
1. Sreems is working on alumni report
a) Expect it by next week for edits
2. Elzey got approval from Dean Aylor on honoring the founding members of
a) Make it a big event!
b) Design and innovation challenge/ competition?
c) Have founders be judges
d) Elzey really liked it
3. Communications with Echols board and E school rep to StudCo
a) Requests to StudCo, let John and Sreems know
(1) Anything they can do for us
(2) Not CIO...so maybe just connecting with them