Outdoor Education Seminar Tentative Schedule for Spring 2008: A number of presentations are pending and dates will be announced when confirmed, updates will be listed at www.d.umn.edu/~tbeery. Date: 1/28 2/4 2/11 Presenter: Tom Beery Lisa Reeves, UMD Student Student Services Associate Nick Olson, MEd candidate 2/18 Sarah Sinks, Med candidate 2/25 Bekah Dalen and Paul Smithson, Interpretive Naturalists—Warner Nature Center Ken Gilbertson, UMD Associate Professor Ken Gilbertson, UMD Associate Professor 3/3 3/10 3/17 SPRING BREAK 3/24 Mark Zmudy, UMD Assistant Professor 3/31 Pat Kohlin, MEd candidate 4/7 Shayna Sellars, MEd candidate 4/14 Dean Einerson, MEd candidate Topic: Meeting; Ref Works ePortfolio training Start-Up Manual for FarmBased Education Programs The Difference in Student Learning in an Outdoor Setting vs. an Indoor Setting Nature Play Terve! Travels Through Finnish Wildlands Sustainability of Nature-based Tourism in Protected Nature Areas of Finland. A Tour of Farm Based Education Adventure Education: Occupational Socialization of Teachers, Ecology, and Participation Styles of Children Factors Influencing an Undergraduate's Choice Between a Career in Adventure Education and Physical Education Integrating Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center's "Climate and Phenology" and "Energy and CO2" Classes Into the Formal Classroom Identification of Behavior Intervention Strategies Utilized in Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Programs 4/21 Guy Merolle, Med candidate 4/28 Tiffany Smith, MEd Candidate 5/5 Kerry Hadiaris, MEd candidate A Sustainable Consumption Curriculum for the Middle Grades Creation of a Spiraling, Interdisciplinary K-6 Curriculum for South Terrace Outdoor Learning Center Assessing the Usability of the University of Minnesota Extension's Best Practices for Field Days Guidebook