The methodologies of economic evaluation II To show preferences for environmental assets 1. METHODS BASED ON THE CURVE OF QUESTION: classification 2. THE METHOD OF THE TRIP COST 3. THE METHOD OF THE EDONIC EVALUATION METHODS BASED ON THE CURVE OF QUESTION: The curve of question can be reconstructed On the base of the preferences declared by the individuals On the base of the already finished choices on the market (revealed preferences) Methods of preferences reveal THE METHOD OF THE TRIP COST It allows to reconstruct the curves of individual question for The recreational places (forests, parks, lakes, etc.) and to determine accordingly the value The “cost” of a visit to a place of recreation include essentially (besides the possible entry rate) the cost of the trip , that can be easily reconstructed noticing the place of origin of the visitors. If the cost of the trip is considered and the number of annual visits affected by every visitor is known, they have all the elements to build a curve of questions! Generally, the visitors who come from near places - lower cost of the trip do more visits than those who come from far places - high cost of the trip - and therefore, the curves of questions are tilted negatively But the question is not influenced only by the price. They also count: - The income - The number of available alternatives for every visitor - The personal preferences for a practice or recreational activity These added factors require adjustments to the price-number of visits relationship that allows the estimation of question curve The total economic value of the place can be estimated individualizing the paid cost and the visits affected by the visitor, quantifying his average expenses and multiplying it by the total number of visitors. Problems Time Costs Multiple visits during the trip Substitutive places Decision of a residence acquisition Visitors that do not pay Time Costs Are we sure that the only costs of a trip are the expenses of transportation (fuel etc)? The time also has a value that must be quantified As the trip is long, more time is lost if we do not consider this factor, the value is underestimated. But how can we evaluate the time ? There is no commonly approved methodology For some individuals contrarily the time consumed in transportation can have a recreational value or being a benefit that should be subtracted from the cost of the trip. ... But also in this case there is difficulty in evaluating the benefit related to the time of transportation. Trips with multiple visits If they visit more places during the travel, how can they divide the cost between the different places? Can happen that single room visit does not justify the cost of the journey. In such case the conventional approach is to ask the visitor to distribute the costs between the different places an innatural operation that introduce wide possibilities of error and arbitrariness SUBSTITUTIVE PLACES The fact to cross x km and sustaining the corresponding costs can be associated to contexts of very different choice according to the available alternatives for the individuals. The recreational value attributed by an individual that chooses a place between many available and another that doesn't have alternatives evening but this method is not able to discriminate between the two situations! ACQUISITION OF A RESIDENCE It is possibile that the individual who like a place acquire a residence in it, with consequent low costs. In such case the recreational value would be notably underestimated How to reach a comparable evaluation to that of the ‘pendulum-like’ visitors ? VISITORS THAT DO NOT PAY There are visitors who for different reasons don't bear costs of travel and that can attribute a very elevated recreational value to the place! CONCLUSION The validity of the method of the trip costs is based on the hypothesis that high costs furnishes a reliable respect of the recreational value Very less this is true, very more the method results are unreliable requiring corrections that can distort some results with arbitrary adjustments. THE EDONIC EVALUATION METHOD This method based on a criterion of evaluation (typical of the real estate market) that decomposes property in a certain number of characteristics giving each its “edonic” weight In the real estate market, the environmental quality is certainly an edonic factor of relief, it becomes possible to use the data of market as indirect source of respect of the environmental quality Away from the non-environmental edonic conditions - number of rooms, surface, number of services, accessibility etc. - the difference of quotation of market of two buildings will be in fact due to the differences of environmental quality. In the first case, the estimation of the damage is naturally equal to the loss of the real estate value suffered by the interested area PROBLEMS The applicability of the method is conditioned from its need to prepare detailed data that influence the real estate prices The method is based on the hypothesis of the free choice of every possible data from the users based on the income If so it was not the prices that could not reflect the evaluation of every characteristic carefully But the prices of real estate suffer from a notable distortions of physical, financial, technical (not all the possible combinations are productable in every context), and institutional nature But if it is so, the edonic evaluation should not care about some structure of the question only, but also of the offer, with notable complications!