Kashmir Conflict Background



By Yash Desai

Information About Kashmir

Map of Kashmir

Kashmir is located in Northern

Part of India

It borders with Pakistan and


Located in the valley of

Himalayas, Himalayas is shared by four countries

Known as crown of India current conflicts in other words

I will tell you how the one of the beautiful place in the world is turned into hell



Kashmir is the part of country which is widely diverse one of the example of the diversity is the languages spoken.

In India we have about 15 government recognized languages to name a few they are Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati and English

And each one has its own grammar and vocabulary and they differ from each other like

English differ from French

Unity in Diversity

Picture of Lake in Kashmir

People Working in Kashmir

Beautiful scenery of Kashmir

Another picture

A Lake in Kashmir

Himalayas Range

Current picture

Map of Kashmir

Current Conflicts

India divided in three parts in 1947

Because of Mohammad Ali and few other activists

It got divided in three parts India, East

Pakistan (today's Bangladesh) and West


When India got independence all the kings and state got join either in India or Pakistan

Current Conflicts

But the Hari Singh the king of Kashmir undecided

So India and Pakistan makes a standstill agreement and he gets help from both countries.

Pakistan violates agreement on 22 nd October 1947 and holds the supplies and attacks Kashmir

He writes a letter to the governor general of India

(sd). Lord Mountbatten stating that Pakistan has attacked his territory and he needs Indian support

India said sign the instrument of accession and we will supply you with army.

Current Conflicts

October 27 th 1947

October 27 th 1947 Indian army enters

Kashmir to defend against Pakistani troops

December 31 st ,1947

On December 31 st ,1947 a highly unconstitutional offer of plebiscite was made by prime minister Nehru

January 1 st 1948

India under Nehru declares unilateral cease-fire under article 35 of the U.N. chapter, India files complains against pakistan

Since that day there are two parts of



POK (they call it Azad (independent)

Kashmir that’s 2/5 of the state


3 wars

1 st war when they entered Kashmir against Pakistani military.

In 1971 creation of Bangladesh

In 1999 Kargil War

Link to the civilian casualty in Kashmir

 http://www.armyinkashmir.org/civilian


Last but not the least

One of the beautiful in the world is turned into hell, by the terrorism by Pakistan and nobody is doing anything

To let my audience know how beautiful

Kashmir is and what is going on there

My purpose of choosing this topic was to inform people what Kashmir is and why are we fighting over a small piece of land over last 50 years in my next speech I will tell you what I think about it

Work cited

The Instrument of Accession of Jammu and

Kashmir state: A Historical Perpective. armyinkashmir. 08 July 2003


