ECE 3235 Electronics II Experiment # 11 Oscillators 1. Wien Bridge Oscillator The circuit shown in Figure 9.1(a) is a well-known and widely used oscillator circuit. Figure 9.1(b) is a non-inverting OpAmp circuit used to implement the gain block (shadowed) of Figure 9.1(a). Wire up the circuit, using nominal values of 9.1(a): R1=R2=10 K, C1=C2= 0.01 F, and Ra = 10 K. Use a 50 K potentiometer for Rb. Measure all component values. The power supplies should be set to + 15 Volts. Figure 9.1 Simple Wien Bridge Oscillator Circuit. (a) Wien Bridge Oscillator, (b) Amplifier Circuit With a 1V peak-to-peak sinusoid signal source connected to terminal x, observe the waveform at node y with an oscilloscope. Adjust Rb so that a nondistorted sinusoid is present at y. Now vary the frequency of the signal source, and locate the frequency at which the sinusoid at terminal y is exactly in phase with the one at terminal x. Record its exact frequency (as measured with your frequency counter). Now adjust Rb until the two amplitudes are exactly equal. Then remove the signal source and connect terminal x to terminal y with a conductor. The circuit should oscillate. If it does not, repeat the last step (with a source connected to x, and y disconnected from x), adjusting Rb so that the voltage at y is 5% or 10% larger than that at x. Then reconnect x and y. Record the frequency of oscillation using your frequency counter connected at the OpAmp output. Sketch the waveforms at Vo and VF, and record their peak-to-peak values. Also, carefully measure the value of Rb without disturbing its settings. (Simply disconnect one terminal from the circuit to measure). 2. Automatic Gain Control (AGC) After performing part one of this experiment, you should be convinced that the output waveform of the Wien Bridge oscillator is somewhat distorted. This is because the circuit poles must be placed just a bit to the right of the imaginary axis for oscillation to build up. The amplitude then builds up until the nonlinearity of the amplifier reduces the small signal gain sufficiently to move the poles back to the left half plane. This part of the experiment will be concerned with using an FET in the VCR (voltage controlled resistance) region in a circuit, which automatically senses the output voltage peak level and adjusts the gain to just precisely place the poles on the imaginary axis. Figure 9.2 shows a circuit which you will use to replace the one of Figure 9.1(b), and hence the gain block of Figure 9.1(a). Figure 9.2 Automatic Gain Control Circuit. Wire the circuit, using 50 K potentiometers for Rb and the output-sampling voltage divider circuit labeled Rx and R-Rx. Let Ra=10 K, RG=100 K, and C=0.1 F. The FET should be an N channel small signal device. A 2N5486 will function well. It has the pin configuration shown in Figure 9.3 (when you look at the flat side of the transistor). Figure 9.3 Pin-out for 2N5486 N Channel JFET Wire up the oscillator circuit of Figure 9.1(a) using the circuit of Figure 9.2 for the gain block labeled A. Adjust the R, Rx potentiometer so that the movable contact is close to the bottom. Note that you can remove the top and movable connections and measure the resistance with your DMM in its ohmmeter function. The resistance between the movable contact and ground should be a low (a few hundred ohms). Then adjust Rb for oscillation with a minimum amount of distortion. Measure its amplitude and frequency. Now, slowly change Rx and observe Vout with your scope. You should be able to adjust Vout to any desired value between 2V or 3V peak-to-peak and approximately 30 V peakto-peak. The output should be an almost undistorted sinusoid of constant frequency. Measure the peak-to-peak value of Vout, the peak-to-peak value of Vf, and the value of Rx for 4 or 5 values between the two extremes (minimum and maximum values of Vout). Now, replace C with a larger capacitor in the 5F to 10F range. Repeat the previous procedure. With Vout adjusted to approximately 15 Volts peak-to-peak, quickly turn the Rx potentiometer to decrease Vout. (The idea is to approximate a step change as best you can.) The output should “ring”, that is the sinusoidal peak-to-peak value should vary around its steady state value and gradually settle to that value. Increase C and/or RG and repeat the above experiments. For some values of RGC time constants, you might get a steady state, low frequency variation of the peak-to-peak amplitude. 3. Astable Multivibrator Figure 9.4 OpAmp Astable Multivibrator. Construct the circuit depicted in Figure 9.4. Multivibrator, generating a square-wave output at Note that the positive and negative levels at the negative saturation levels of the OpAmp (+Vmax, levels are not necessarily equal in magnitude. This is an astable (free-running) a frequency in the order of 450 Hz. output are equal to the positive and -Vmin), respectively; these saturation Using DC coupling on your oscilloscope, sketch the voltage waveform at the output showing key voltage levels and times. Measure its frequency with a frequency counter connected across the 4.7-K load. Additionally, sketch on the same set of axes the voltage waveforms at points x and y, showing key voltage levels and the time relation between these two voltages. In this case, also, the input couplings to your oscilloscope should be on DC to allow you to measure the actual magnitudes of the various voltage levels involved. Remove the 0.1-uF capacitor from your circuit. Theoretically, its output should go to zero (think about it!). To verify this, observe the output with Channel 1 of your oscilloscope (Channel 2 should be disconnected, at this time); it should be zero. Now, connect Channel 2 at point x to allow you to observe the voltages (if any) at the inverting input terminal of the OpAmp and at the output, reality though, your multivibrator will be operating again, generating a triangular output at a much higher frequency in the order of 130 kHz or so. Measure this frequency. Can you justify this seemingly odd behavior? Explaining it should illustrate the effect of the input impedance of your oscilloscope at higher frequencies while reinforcing your understanding of the operation of your astable multivibrator. Before taking your circuit apart, label the three resistors R1, R2, and R3 as shown in Figure 9.4, and then measure their actual resistance as well as the actual value of C for later use. 4. Cadence Simulation Simulate the circuit in Figure 9.1 and 9.4 in Cadence and compare with your measured results. Note: make sure you give some initial voltage or noise to start the transient response in Simulation. For example, a sin noise in the range of micro volts. Simulate for an appropriate time duration to display the output waveform. Compound Problems (A) Derive the loop gain T(s) for the circuit of Figure 9.1(a) in terms of R1, C1, R2, C2, and A. Evaluate for s=j, and find the frequency 0 at which . Then find the required value of voltage gain A. Now, using your measured values of R1, C1, R2, and C2, evaluate these values numerically. Compare the theoretical value of fo = o/2 with the experimental value. Do the same with A. Note that the experimental value for A can be obtained two ways: by taking the ratio of Voutp-p to Vfp-p, as measured, and from 1 + (Rb/Ra), as measured. (B) Derive the peak output amplitude from the Wien Bridge oscillator with the automatic gain control as a function of Rx. Assume that the peak detector is ideal, that is VG=Vout(peak) is a DC voltage (this is equivalent to assuming that the RGC time constant is very large compared with the period of oscillation). Also assume that the diode is ideal and recall that RDS = RDS(on)/[1-(VGS/VP)]. Draw a graph of Vop-p versus Rx for both your theoretical and your experimental results (for the data you obtained with C = 0.1 F). (C) If your results in point (B) are not so good, try assuming a constant drop across the diode (experiment with various values between 0.2 and 0.7 volts to get the best fit). Is your experimental gain block voltage gain (A = Vout-p/Vfp-p) a constant, independent of Rx? What is its value? Is it close to the theoretical value derived in part (A) above? (D) Analyze the circuit of Figure 9.4 for the waveforms at the output, and those at points x and y. More specifically, derive general expressions (one for each half-cycle of the output) for the voltage at point x, assuming “large” slew rate and that the magnitudes of the positive and negative op-amp saturation voltages (+Vmax, -Vmin) are different. From these equations, derive an expression for the frequency of the output voltage. Calculate the theoretical value of this frequency, using the output voltage levels observed and the values of R1, R2, R3, and C measured in part 9.3. Compare this analytical value with the actual value of the frequency of your astable multivibrator.