Test Four

Geography 1001: test 4 – Study Guide
Chapters 11, 12, & PowerPoint – Global Challenges
J. Naumann
1. On the map above, locate these trouble spots in the world: Rwanda, Bosnia &/or
Kosovo, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kashmir
2. What is an area that is organized into a sovereign political unit called?
3. What is a group of people who occupy a particular area and have a strong sense of
unity based on a set of shared beliefs called?
4. Over the past half century, how has the number of sovereign states in the world
5. What are some of the strong centripetal forces operating in the USA?
6. What are some of the strong centrifugal forces operating in the USA?
7. What are some of the features that distinguish or give identity to a nationality?
8. The concept that nationalities have the right to govern themselves is called what?
9. Where in the world did the use of the nation-state concept first occur?
10. Which shape most easily fosters the establishment of effective internal
communications for a smaller state?
11. Boundaries were redrawn in much of Europe after World War I according to what
basis or guidelines?
12. What political geography term best describes the political situation in which the
Kurds find themselves?
13. Following the end of World War II, millions of people were forced to migrate
because of what?
14. What caused the breakup of Yugoslavia during the 1990s?
15. A is the term for a state which places most power in the hands of a central
16. Why have an increasing number of states have adopted a federal form of
17. What is frequently, the only truly national, or most nearly national, organizations in
the states of Africa?
18. What are some countries that come close to embodying the concept of a nationstate?
19. When one sees the national media as the building-block of a nation’s cultural
integration, it is interesting to note that the only country in the world in which
commercial television broadcasting preceded public programming was which
20. The world’s largest undefended border is found between which two countries?
21. What are examples of a prorupt state?
22. Norway is a relatively good example and Chile is an excellent example of which
shape category of countries?
23. The foundations for the idea of the “social Contract” was land by which Swiss
24. Who was responsible for spreading democratic ideas and the idea of the nationstate across Europe in the early nineteenth century?
25. Europeans often used the native rulers in a colony as intermediaries between
themselves and the majority of the inhabitants of the colony. What is this form of
governance is called?
26. In East Asia, which state is the least ethnically homogeneous?
27. Many Protestant religions are rooted in specific nations or nation-states. For
example, in which countries is Lutheranism rooted?
28. Globally, what is the most widely used communications source for receiving
29. Poland and Zimbabwe are examples of which type of state according to the shape
30. What type of government does the USA have, with internal unitary subdivisions?
31. What is a territorial claim made by one country on another country called?
32. There are many instruments used for nation building. Enculturation is part of which
of the instruments or institutions?
33. Geopolitics included ideas that advocated what about the territorial nature of
34. What is a government by an elite group, military or civilian, called?
35. What is the term for the value of total outputs of goods and services in a year in a
36. In 1995, the per capita GNP in Sudan was $420; what dies this about Sudan?
37. What are examples of primary sector activity?
38. Compared to relatively developed countries, developing countries have a higher
percentage of workers in which sector of the economy?
39. Tertiary sector jobs involve doing what?
40. In relatively developed countries, employment is increasing in which economic
41. People are more productive in relatively developed countries mainly because they
have access to what?
42. In developing countries, consumer goods such as telephones, televisions, and
motor vehicles are owned by which people in the countries?
43. What is Japan’s principal asset in promoting development?
44. A society in which a majority of the workers are engaged in the tertiary sector is
described by what term?
45. In contrast with the modern non-communist First World and the modern communist
Second World, what conditions describe many Third World countries?
46. Japan invests in factories in less developed countries to manufacture items that are
low in the value-added scale. Name some of these countries?
47. What would be some of the decisive locational determinants for manufacture of
computer disk drives, a high-value product, in Singapore?
48. Canada’s vast northern regions are almost empty of population but are exploited for
what products?
49. There has been a transportation revolution in the USA called just-in-time inventory,
what kinds of savings does this afford businesses?
50. In 1980, which countries were part of the Second World?
51. Laissez-faire capitalism, or at least the economic system that comes the closest to
it, emphasizes what kind of relationship between the business community and
52. What trend seens to have grown the fastest in recent years among the peoples and
countries of the world?
53. Which is the more meaningful is a more meaningful measure of development gross
national product or GNP per capita.
54. True or false: Raising the GNP of a country means an automatically higher standard
of living for everyone in that country.
55. GNP and GDP are very similar economic measures – define them and show how
they are different.
56. Which economic indicators are useful to determine the level of development of a
57. True or False: According to the authors, if natural resources were treated as assets,
statistics would demonstrate that protecting the environment is in the country’s
best interest
58. Explain the term Gross Sustainable Product.
59. Societies with the bulk of their employment in the primary sector are referred to by
what economically descriptive term?
60. The system found in some Asian countries where the government does not own
much capital outright, but it does plan and regulate the economy is called what?
61. Japan’s has had economic success despite its lack of raw materials – what does
this illustrate about the process of becoming a developed country?
62. Typically, the poor countries in the world today export primarily what kinds of
63. In the past, it was a general rule of economic geography that manufacturing located
close to sources of raw materials – why was this so?
64. Although steadily falling prices are harmful to national economies, erratic swings in
the prices of commodities rarely have any effect.
65. In what way may the World Trade Organization (WTO) influence economically
irresponsible member countries?
66. What percentage of the workforce is found in agriculture in these parts of the
world? Anglo-America (US & Canada); Sub-Saharan Africa; Western Europe
67. The European Union has had what effect on Europe?
68. How did the end of the Cold War affect the arenas of competition among nations?
69. Which of the European countries were divided into four occupation zones by the
victorious allies after World War II?
70. Which was the second-most-powerful Union Republic in the USSR?
71. Why will much of the railroad infrastructure throughout the European Community
(EU) will require modification?
72. In what areas of social policy will specific European Community actions have to be
taken to ensure eventual uniformity?
73. Name the republics of the former Soviet Union that are located in Central Asia,
74. Puerto Rico, obtained from Spain by the USA in 1898, currently holds what political
status in the USA?
75. What policies or events had to do with the breakup of the USSR?
76. NAFTA leads the EU in which areas (economic & physical)?
77. NAFTA has had what net effect on the number of jobs in the USA?
78. If NAFTA expands, which country of the western hemisphere is mentioned most as
the next possible member?
79. Which countries are members of NAFTA?
80. Which of the countries are permanent members of UN Security Council?
81. Which of the following branch or organ of the UN exercises the most power in the
82. What effect is the EU having across much of Western Europe?
83. What interest group has been least in favor of limiting carbon dioxide production
from burning fossil fuels?
84. Which city seems to have the worst problems with pollution (hint: it is in NAFTA)?
85. WhenThe Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic
united in 1990 what was the united government’s position on all territorial claims
to the east of present borders?
86. What was the purpose of the Marshall Plan which was implemented by the USA in
1947 in war-shattered Europe?
87. What was the military alliance formed by the western powers following World War
88. What effects has restructuring Eastern European industries to make them more
competitive had on either employment rates or the general economy in those
former communist countries?
89. Why have Eastern European countries suffer from a high degree of environmental
90. How do the political, institutional, and cultural bases for forming a United States of
Europe compare with those that existed to form the USA?
91. What is the eventual goal of the EU?
92. The EU’s goal of economic integration includes free movement what economic
93. How have farmers benefited from the EU’s farm policies?
94. How will the evolution of one continental market in Europe probably affect the EU
and its member countries?
95. Why have a few members had trouble with the acceptance of a single currency and
central bank for the EU?
96. The Single Europe Act commits the countries “to strengthen economic and cultural
cohesion,” what has this been interpreted to mean?
97. How are the goals of NAFTA different from those of the EU?
98. In what areas has NAFTA outstripped the EU?
99. Which country is Canada’s leading trading partner?
100. Which country is the USA’s leading trading partner?
100. Why did Canadian labor unions fight the free trade agreement between the USA
and Canada?
101. Which member of NAFTA will be the most difficult to integrate into the system?
102. What are Maquiladoras?
103. What is the Mexican record for cleaning up pollution near the USA border?
104. Which has progressed farther, World political integration or world economic
105. At its peak in 1900, the British Empire covered what part of the Earth’s land
106. What is Pan-Arabism?
107. How can landlocked states gain access to the sea?.
108. True or False: Flying aircraft have an unrestricted right under international law to
pass over any portion of the Earth’s surface. Explain
109. Compare the energy efficiency of the average developed country with the average
developing one.
110. How much international cooperation has there been to deal with the problem of
ozone depletion?
111. Both Chile and Norway are examples of the same two state types based on their
shape. Name the two types of shape they represent well and explain why each
of them fits both definitions.
112. In what ways are the federal systems of Canada and the USA similar? In what
ways are they different?
113. Explain the difference among subsistence (similar to traditional), commercial
(market), and planned (command) economies on the basis of how the basic
economic questions are answered.
114. Explain why NATO may be at a “crossroads” as a result of the changes occurring
in Europe since 1990.
115. Explain this statement: The economies of most countries can best be labeled
“mixed economies.” Use three very different countries to illustrate and provide
support for the statement.
116. Explain why planned economies (command economies) have been decreasing in
numbers very significantly in the period 1990-2000.
117. Explain the effect the EU has been having in Europe since the changes which
occurred in Eastern Europe in the 1990s.
118. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the UN as an international organization
to keep world peace and an international forum for countries and nations.
119. Support this statement: While the state of technology, the environment, economic
development, and social problems (issues) seems to require that some type of
world governing body be created, the likelihood of that happening in the next 25
years does not seem to be very great.
120. Explain why the U.S. is not only the largest source of foreign direct investment, but
also its largest recipient.
121. Explain why it is risky and unwise for countries to depend too heavily on one
product for their foreign exchange revenues.
122. Explain the significance of a United Germany agreeing in 1990 to seek no
changes in its boundaries, particularly east of the current boundary.