Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 University of Missouri at St. Louis COURSE SYLLABUS Geography 1002 – Y02 – TR. Evenings (5:30-6:45) Geography 1002 – Y01 – MW Mornings (8:00-9:15) World Regions REVISED 01/04/2016 Joseph Naumann TERM: Spring, 2016 This syllabus is subject to change if conditions warrant it. Check your course announcements regularly to check for possible changes. “I didn’t know . . . “ is not an acceptable reasons for missing something. 1. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will explore several frameworks for thinking geographically. It will examine a variety of geographic concepts and specializations within the study of world regions. 2. LEARNING OUTCOMES: The student will: a) explain the five themes of geography as a structure for examining and understanding the differences which can be observed in different regions of the world. b) apply the five themes framework to study the geography of a country or region. c) use the spatial perspective to examine the interactions which occur within places and among places. d) apply Barry Commoner’s four laws of ecology to the human use of the earth. e) explore the relationship between physical and cultural (or human) geography. 3. SCHEDULE OF READINGS, CLASS ASSIGNMENTS, LECTURES/DISCUSSIONS, STUDENT PROJECT, QUIZZES AND EXAMS. Note: Quizzes and tests will be over the chapters indicated plus any notes and/or readings since the previous quiz or test. MLK Day Holiday – Monday, January 18– no classes Class Suggested Schedule of class topics & Readings Online Study Week of -- Introduction – Nature of Geography/ Ch 1 & 2 Jan. 18 (MLK Structures for geographic study Atlas Introduction no class – Five themes View PPT – Why Monday) Study Geography? Week of – North America Ch 3 Jan. 25 – North America Atlas – North America Week of – North America Ch 4 Feb. 01 – Latin America Atlas - South America 1 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 Week of Feb. 08 Week of Feb. 15 – Latin America – Latin America – Central America – Central America Week of Feb. 22 Week of Feb. 29 Week of Mar. 07 –Europe – Europe – Europe – Europe – Russia – Russia Week of Mar. 14 Week of Mar. 21 – Russia – Africa – – Africa N. Africa & SW Asia Week of Mar. 28 Week of Apr. 04 Week of Apr. 11 Week of Apr. 18 Week of Apr. 25 Week of May 02 Week of May. 09 SPRING BREAK SPRING BREAK – N..Africa & SW Asia – N. Africa & SW Asia – N. Africa & SW Asia – Central Asia – Central Asia – East Asia – East Asia – South Asia – South Asia – Southeast Asia Ch 5 Ch 8 Atlas (Middle America from North America Section) Ch 8 & 9 Atlas - Europe Ch 9 Ch 6 Atlas – Europe & Asia Ch 6 & 7 Atlas - Africa Ch 7 Atlas - Asia Ch 10 Atlas Asia Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 FINAL EXAM WEEK May 09-12 Final Exam will be given in the OTC (online testing center) between 5/09/16 and 5/12/16 be sure to make an appointment early – DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE – FAILURE GO GET AN APPOINTMENT WILL RESULT IN NO FINAL EXAM SCORE BEING POSSIBLE FOR YOU. Since the final is OPTIONAL, you many not need to take it, unless you want to or missed one of the other tests.. 2 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 Special Bonus Points Opportunities: If an appropriate activity such as the Fall Technology conference or the Korean Culture Night becomes available, you will be notified. Check my Bonus Opportunities Page on my web site for other options. You will find directions and examples there. NO BONUS WORK WILL BE COUNTED AFTER APRIL 24. OFFICIAL Online Internet Test/Quiz Schedule Item Day available 1/27 Time Quiz 1 Where test is taken or meeting is held Anywhere Time 8 a.m. Day removed 1/30 Quiz 2 Anywhere 2/04 8 a.m. 2/07 8 p.m. Test 1 Testing Center by appointment 2/13 2/23 Quiz 3 Anywhere 2/26 OTC opening time 8 a.m. OTC closing time 8 p.m. Test 2 Testing Center by appointment 3/09 3/17 Quiz 4 Anywhere 4/06 OTC opening time 8 a.m. Test 3 Testing Center by appointment 4/14 4/24 Quiz 5 Anywhere 4/26 OTC opening time 8 a.m. Test 4 Testing Center by appointment 5/02 Required Readings Test Optional Final Exam Anywhere (one time only) First day of class Testing Center by appointment 5/09 2/29 4/08 4/28 8 p.m. OTC closing time 8 p.m. OTC closing time. 8 p.m. OTC 5/09 opening time. Any time April 24 OTC closing time 11:59 p.m. OTC opening time OTC closing time 5/12 USING THE OTC; There is one OTC on North Campus in the JC Penny Building. When you schedule your appointments for tests, the days that the center is open will be in blue. The final word on this is not the dates above, but the days that show in blue on the OTC scheduling site. Print a copy of your confirmation email and take it with you plus your UMSL picture ID. 3 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 This chart will be completed once the homework has been set up in Mastering Geography (before classes begin) Homework assignment Opening day Due (final) day Homework 1 Intro to Mastering Geography 1/25/15 1/29/15 (orientation) Homework 2 Intro to multi-media 02/01/15 02/06/15 Homework 3 Ch 9 02/19/15 02/24/15 Homework 4 Ch 6 03/10/15 03/16/15 Homework 5 Ch 7 03/16/15 03/22/15 Homework 6 Ch 11 04/18/15 04/23/15 Registering for Mastering Geography: Go to to set up your account. You will need the code you received on the Mastering Geography card. Then you will need the code for enrolling in my class – I will supply that code in the Announcements setion of MyGateway as soon as I have set up the classes in Mastering Geography (before classes begin) Purchasing the book and/or registration card online may mean that you won’t be prepared when the classes begin and will lose some of the homework points. 4. RESOURCES: PowerPoint lectures and printable slides Text Used: Globalization and Diversity 4th ed.) by Rowntree – published by Prentice-Hall An up-to-date atlas such as the Goode’s World Atlas (22nd or newer ed.) Rand McNally The atlas is very useful in a regional geography course and is highly recommended. You may be able to locate all the places on the study guides by using the Internet and a good search engine like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. The Internet is a great resource, so don’t overlook it. Other useful atlases you might consider o Concise World Atlas (Sixth Edition) Hardcover – by DK (Author o Oxford Atlas of the World by Oxford University Press o Essential World Atlas (Eighth Edition) Paperback – by DK Publishing (Author) o National Geographic Global Atlas: A Comprehensive Picture of the World Today With More Than 300 New Maps, Infographics, and Illustrations Hardcover – by National Geographic (Author) o National Geographic Collegiate Atlas of the World, 2nd Edition Hardcover – by National Geographic Society (Author) Smaller Atlases – less expensive but may be adequate o Essential World Atlas 7th Edition - by Oxford University Press o Student Atlas, 8th Edition Hardcover – by DK (Author) The textbook in the Triton Bookstore is packaged with access to Mastering Geography (homework will be online in Mastering Geography). If you purchase a used textbook, you will need to go to Pearson/Prentice-Hall and 4 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 purchase the access code separately. Purchasing the book and/or registration card online may mean that you won’t be prepared when the classes begin and will lose some of the homework points. You are expected to come to class prepared on the first class session – possessing the textbook, the access code for Mastering Geography, and an I<Clicker 2. Reading the textbook is essential, as quiz and test questions will rely heavily upon the textbook. Lectures will supplement the textbook and may not cover all the points from the book that may be tested and may contain information not found in the textbook, so taking notes is highly recommended for those attending the morning or evening sections that meet on campus. It is assumed, and highly recommended, that students read the textbook and ask questions (in class or on the discussion board) if some points aren’t clear. 3D glasses to view the PowerPoint presentations with 3D pictures – the bookstore may have ordered some. They can be purchased online at fairly low prices. A “Clicker” (I<Clicker 2) must be purchased at the student bookstore – this is an absolute necessity for the face-to-face classroom sections (Y01 & Y02) – 200 points of your grade will depend on you coming to class and using your clicker. Missing class frequently will result in missed clicker points and possibly the lowering of your grade. Regular attendance is expected. REQUIRED READING: Three readings can be downloaded from the Required Reading Page on my web site. The internet – Other internet sources are given in the textbook and on my web page The textbook package is available at the Triton Bookstore in the MSC. 314-5165763. 5. IMPORTANT NOTES Regular attendance is expected, and a record of attendance will be maintained. Students are expected to arrive on time – tardiness is disruptive, rude, and does not give the impression that you take your education seriously. You will record your attendance by using the clicker. I will usually be available for assistance before the class period in Tower 303, as well as during my office hours 6. Registering your clicker: It would be ideal if you were registered before the first class. In MyGateway, go to my class and then select TOOLS – scroll down to the bottom of the list and you will see an icon for I>Clicker registration. Click on it and follow directions. 5 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 7. No make-up work will be allowed for missed tests, quizzes, homework or a project if one is assigned. Earning bonus points can help fill the gaps left by missed work as long as the amount missed is not excessive. 8. Special Bonus Points Opportunities: If an appropriate activity such as the Fall Technology conference or the Korean Culture Night becomes available, you will be notified. Check the Bonus Point Opportunities page on my Web site for directions, samples, etc. There are many bonus point activities described there. All have directions that can be downloaded and some have examples of successful projects that you may view. The limit on bonus points is 150 points – the most anyone can earn. The home page for my web site is: The final day for which bonus point activities of any kind will be accepted is 11:59 PM on April 24, 2016 9. QUIZZES WILL BE TAKEN ON-LINE IN MYGATEWAY: Quizzes will be taken electronically in MyGateway. You will be given 6 opportunities to take the quiz and you will be assigned the highest of the grades. Go to the Docs & Assignments section and select the Quiz listed in the folder. If the folder is empty, then there is no quiz available . The quiz will become available at 8:00 AM on the scheduled day and remain available until the scheduled closing date (check the schedule on page 3 to be sure). After that, the opportunity to take the quiz will be gone. You will have better luck taking it on campus If you do not successfully submit the quiz, you may be locked out and prevented from taking it again – this is less likely to happen if the quiz is taken on an UMSL computer. If for some reason you are “locked out,” e-mail me immediately, and I will unlock it and e-mail you that you will be able to try it again (don’t wait until the last minute to take it and don’t wait a day or two to check for my reply because your “window of opportunity” may have closed). TESTS MUST BE TAKEN BY APPOINTMENT IN THE ONLINE TESTING CENTER ON NORTH CAMPUS. Tests will be found in the Docs & Assignments folder. It is best to make appointments online or in person because doing it by phone or by e-mail may take longer and might be more likely to be unintentionally messed up. Be sure to check and print your appointment confirmation. The dates on the schedule on page 3 show the dates I have made the tests available in MyGateway. The final word on when it is available will be the scheduling site of the OTC. The test will be available only on the dates shown in blue. The tests will appear in the Assignments Folder, just like the quizzes; however, you cannot take tests at home because you need a secret password to access the test. The staff at the OTC has that password. Make your appointments early. Tests will be available at 8:00 a.m. (or whenever they open for the day) on the starting date indicated on the schedule and will remain for approximately 10-11 days, ending at the closing of the OTC for the final day. “I couldn’t get an appointment,” will not be an acceptable excuse for missing a test. The only exception would be if the OTC informed me that the power was cut off at 6 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 that time. Trying to make an appointment at the last minute may be a very unfortunate choice – one I wouldn’t recommend making. Special emergency situations will be considered individually: hospitalization, death, etc.. Don’t wait until the last minute to make an appointment. You may be out of luck – make the appointment before the test becomes available. During the last week of classes and the final exam week, there may be a large number of students trying to schedule appointments. If you wait too long to make the appointment, there may no longer be any openings available. If you are irresponsible and wait until the last minute and cannot make an appointment. You can go to the OTC and if there is an available computer, they may take you as a walk-in, but don’t count on it. Location: The North Campus OTC is on the ground floor of the J.C. Penny Building. Campus Map site; Test on the last week and final week: Practically every instructor on campus will be giving tests in those weeks (some at the OTC). You may not be able to get an appointment at the last minute in those weeks, even if you could for the previous tests. So, you’ve been forewarned at least two times. Contacting me or leaving messages: 1. Students may leave messages in my mailbox in SSB408. You may call 5164147 and leave a message if I’m not in. E-mail will probably get a faster response – I check my e-mail at least once a day. I am only in the office on Monday through Thursday – rarely am I there on Friday or Saturday and never on Sunday. If you call after 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, I probably won’t get the message until Monday morning around 6:30 a.m. 2. My e-mail address at home and at school is or -- this address is the My Gateway e-mail address. You should check your MyGateway e-mail account daily and check MyGateway for announcements and for course materials. If you let your mailbox become full, you will not receive any e-mails until you make room. “I didn’t get the e-mail” will not be an acceptable excuse for your missing something. If you are having trouble finding information to answer study guide questions, check the Discussion Board in My Gateway (you get bonus points for using the discussion board) and/or e-mail me with your problem. I am happy to help. 3. If you don’t know where to find something: Do not email me to ask questions like “Where can I find the required readings?” If you are looking for a test or quiz, go to MyGateway and open “Docs and Assignments” The test and quiz folders are in that file. If you are looking for course materials (PowerPoints, bonus modules, required readings, study guides, the syllabus) go to MyGateway and open “Helps and Resources) and you will find the links to those materials in that file. If you think a quiz should be available to you and it isn’t, first check the the Quiz-Test schedule (chart) at the beginning of the syllabus. If these actions do not solve your problem, then email me. If there 7 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 should be a real problem, I want to fix it, so do email me after you’ve taken the above actions to help yourself. 4. Office Hour: Monday-Thursday, in Tower 303 (Official hours in RED) a. Monday – 6:30-7:30 a.m. and 9:20 a.m.-noon b. Tuesday – 3:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m. & after class by appointment c. Wednesday 6:30-7:30 a.m. & after class by appointment (at least one Wednesday out of four, I have an appointment and must leave immediately after class. Wednesday is also a good day to schedule doctor appointments) d. Thursday – 10:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. & 3:30-5:00 p.m. & after class by appointment e. NOTE: I will always (except for emergencies) be there for the hours in red. I will usually be there in the hours in black but there is no guarantee unless you’ve made an appointment with me during those hours. Using MyGateway: You will find links to important documents and helps in the Help & Resources Folder. Check My Gateway or go directly to my web site for printing up the power point slides – you can take notes on them in class. The printouts should be very helpful. It would be a serious mistake not to print them out. Check My Gateway Course Documents for study guides for tests and quizzes, supplementary readings, free software downloads, and power point slides. Also check My Gateway discussion board for the forums. You can use that to ask each other for help. I will check it periodically and offer help. You can earn up to a total of 35 bonus points for the semester for using the discussion board (2 pts for asking a question and 5 pts for supplying an answer that is at least 50% correct). There will be a graphic sharing forum also (extra 10 bonus points possible there). This forum will be for submitting a MS Word document with at least one good picture illustrating something we have studied or will be studying – there should be at least one paragraph explaining the photo and how it relates to our class. You may earn bonus points by posting in the Study Tips Forum and the Geographic Links Forum in the Discussion Board. Using the Discussion Board is the key to success – the key to having the correct answers to study on your study guide. To not post on the discussion is a very foolish and unwise decision to make. Supplementary Materials: These can be found on my web site. Start with the Geography 1002 page (World Regions). These may help you understand some of the topics better. You should check to see what is available. This is not required material, but extra material that may help you if the class lecture and/or textbook leave some things unclear for you. Helpful Note: To print the PowerPoint slides, use a computer at UMSL (if you have a phone modem at home, it takes forever). When you print, select “handouts” not “slides.” The default is 6 slides per page of handout. If you do have problems, the student workers in the computer labs can help you figure this out – the lab on the first floor of 8 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 SSB is a particularly good place to go for help (it’s the headquarters for instructional computer support on campus). EXTRA CREDIT: No extra-credit work will be assigned or accepted other than the bonus point opportunities listed on my web site – be sure to check them out. The link is in MyGateway in “Helps and Resources.” 6. EVALUATION (general guidelines: a) Quizzes (five are given & one is dropped(a blue square will appear in your grades): 80 points b) Four tests (800 points) c) The Required Readings Quiz (60 points) d) Clicker use (to be explained later) (200 points) e) Mastering Geography Homework (116) f) Total of 1256 points is possible g) Optional final exam: 200 points -- If you miss an exam, you may take the optional comprehensive final exam available at the OTC on the days scheduled for the final exam. If you have not missed an exam, you may also take the optional comprehensive exam. Your grade then will be based on your four best exam scores. If you are pleased with your grade based on the 4 quizzes and 4 tests, there is no need to take the final – the decision is yours. 1) The optional final will be 200 questions – approximately 50 questions from each of the four tests. Grades (to be adjusted for homework later) A 1135-1256 points A1130-1134 This syllabus is subject to change at B+ 1125-1129 the discretion of the instructor. B 1010-1124 The student is responsible for being B1005-1009 aware of changes; therefore, regular C+ 1000-1004 attendance and/or daily checks of C 885-999 MyGateway (including e-mail) is C880-884 necessary. Keeping aware of any D+ 875-879 necessary changes is the D 755-874 responsibility of the student. D750-754 Grading System: A - Superior B - Above Average C - Average D - Below Average (Undergrad Only) F - Failed S - Satisfactory (Undergrad Only) U - Unsatisfactory (Undergrad Only) DL - Delayed Grade EX - Excused AU - Audit FN- Non attendance F 9 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 Points: B+ = 3.3 grade pts per hr C+ = 2.3 grade pts per hr D+ = 1.3 grade pts per hr A = 4.0 grade pts per hr B = 3.0 grade pts per hr C = 2.0 grade pts per hr D = 1.0 grade pts per hr F = 0.0 grade pts per hr A- = 3.7 grade pts per hr B- = 2.7 grade pts per hr C- = 1.7 grade pts per hr D- = 0.7 grade pts per hr Classroom Responsibilities Faculty Responsibilities The instructor: (When a valid exception exists, it should be explained by the instructor and students should be informed in a timely manner.) Shows respect for students and other faculty. Does not discriminate against any student for any reason. Sets standards for excellence in student work. Encourages student participation in discussion, when appropriate. Is open-minded and responsive to student questions and comments. Uses effective examples in class to aid students’ understanding. Uses a variety of teaching methods to address different learning styles. Makes effective use of the instructional technology available at the university. Is available before class and outside of class for consultation. Is prepared for each and every class. Shows enthusiasm about the subject material. Demonstrates knowledge of the subject. Shows interest in students’ success outside the classroom. Begins and ends each class on time. Uses textbook(s) as an integral part of the course, if a text is required. Develops a clear syllabus with an explicit description of course requirements and grading policy. Adheres to the syllabus or clearly explains any changes. Develops a clear and fair attendance policy, in accordance with university policies. Provides timely feedback on tests and/or papers and projects. Develops tests and assignments, which fairly and accurately assess the knowledge gained in the course. Maintains involvement in his professional field. Student Responsibilities The student: (When a valid exception exists, it should be discussed and okayed by the instructor.) 10 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 Makes education one of his/her top priorities. Prepares for each class by completing all readings and/or assignments. Attends class regularly. Comes to class on time. Remains until class is over. (Leaving early is bad manners and is unacceptable behavior) o Exceptions: Sudden, uncontrollable need for the restroom. Student has informed instructor before class of a special circumstance. Special medical needs of which the instructor has been informed. Asks relevant questions in class for clarification or seeks help outside of class, if necessary. Pays attention during class (sleeping is rude and unacceptable). Studies approximately 2 hours per week for each credit hour taken (undergraduates) or 3-4 hours (graduates.) Practices policies regarding academic honesty. Submits complete assignments on time, according to instructor’s requirements. Informs the instructor of any special circumstances in a timely manner. (e.g. athletics, ADA accommodations, etc.) Participates in relevant class discussion using language appropriate to a university classroom. Shows respect for other students and instructor in the classroom. Shows respect for alternative points of view. Spring Semester begins with the first day of class. It is expected that you plan your schedule to attend the first class and all scheduled classes. 2016 Spring Academic Calendar Date Weekday Event January Monday Martin Luther King Holiday 19 January Tuesday Classes Begin, 8:00 a.m. 20 January Last day Registrar's Office will automatically move students from the wait Monday 26 list to open sections January Monday Last day any student may enroll (enter a course for credit) 26 February Monday Last day to drop a course or withdraw from school without receiving a grade 16 February Monday Last day any student may place a course on Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis 16 March 21 Saturday Spring Recess Begins, 5:00 p.m. 11 Geography 1002 Revised 01/04/2016 Date Weekday Event March 30 Monday Classes Resume, 8:00 a.m. Last day student may drop a course. Instructor's approval is required. A April 20 Monday grade of EX or F will be assigned. Last day a student may withdraw from school. Instructors' and Deans' April 20 Monday approvals are required. Grades of EX or F will be assigned for each course. May 9 Saturday Classes End, 5:00 p.m. May 11 Monday Final Examinations Begin May 16 Saturday Spring Semester Closes, end of day May16 Saturday Spring Commencement May 17 Sunday Spring Commencement 12