Major: English with Concentration in Global Culture Year Fall Spring Summer 1 No required first-year course; follow recommendations below: (cannot declare major as a freshman) No required first-year courses; follow recommendations below: Recommended (Internship, additional coursework, research opportunities, etc.): Recommended courses: -WRIT 111 -Introductory course in cognate area -Gen Ed -Exploratory Elective Recommended courses: - Another C or J course -Introductory course in cognate area -Gen Ed -Exploratory Elective ***Declare major*** Major courses: -Core course at 200 level (227,228,270) -Core course at 200 level (227,228,270) Major courses: -Core course at 200 level (227,228,270) -ENG 320 Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Exploratory elective Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Exploratory elective Major courses: -ENG 310 -Course in Contestation of Nations (see department listing) Major courses: -Course in Global Cultural Productions (see department listing) -Upper-level course Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Elective Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Elective Major courses: -Upper-level course -Upper-level course (including Department Internship RHET 495) Major courses: -Upper-level course -Upper-level course (including Department Internship RHET 495) Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Elective Other recommended courses: -Course in cognate area -Elective 2 3 4 -Join campus clubs and/or organizations -Volunteer/intern in an area of interest Recommended (Internship, additional coursework, research opportunities, etc.): -Active role in campus club or organization -Volunteer in an area of interest -Participate in shadowing externship (ex: LACE) -Consider study abroad -Look for internship opportunities Recommended (Internship, additional coursework, research opportunities, etc.): -Active role in campus club -Volunteer in an area of interest -Participate in shadowing externship (ex: LACE) -Study abroad -Internship -Begin professional or graduate school prep: research schools, discuss with your favorite professor, etc. Recommended (Internship, additional coursework, research opportunities, etc.): -Leadership role in campus clubs or organization -Volunteer in an area of interest -participate in shadowing externship (ex: LACE) -Internship -Professional or graduate school application