University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies MINUTES September 9, 2014 2:00 p.m., LT 4219 Call to Order. Crista Lebens, Chair, called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. in LT 4219. Roll Call. Present: Chris Calvert-Minor, Dave Cartwright, Michael Guẻno, Tracy Hawkins, Crista Lebens, Debby Piper, Alyson Prude, David Reinhart, and David Simmons. 1. Welcome and Thank You. Crista Lebens welcomed Tracy Hawkins, our new Liberal Studies Coordinator, and thanked Dave Cartwright, outgoing Chair, for his service mentioning his many highlights which he graciously accepted. The Religious Studies faculty were also thanked for their outstanding World Religions Audit and Review. 2. Approval of Minutes from 1/28/14. Moved, seconded (Calvert-Minor/ Cartwright) and carried that the Minutes from January 28, 2014 be approved. 3. New Course Proposal. Crista reported that a computer ethics class is being considered. Tracy Hawkins is interested in developing such a course as she could incorporate her research with teaching. A lengthy discussion followed. Further consideration needs to be given for coding, level, and title. NOTE: New course proposals for fall 2015 are due in the Dean's Office by November 19. 4. Assessment. Crista Lebens stated that we now need to think about assessment plans for World Religions and Liberal Studies. She has been working on a project to track data on student objectives and distributed a sample report for online tracking. Changes to this report could be made if we feel the need to do so. 5. Announcements: Debby distributed individual spring schedules and asked faculty/staff to contact her if they have any questions or concerns. She also reported that the new Ricoh copier has been programed and is ready for use. Training will take place on Monday, September 15. David Simmons announced that Phase 1of WOI's/GENED Program assessment is underway. He will keep us informed as to the status of Phase 2. He also announced that Marjorie Rhine is now the WOI's Coordinator. David Simmons also reported that Department Standards for Promotion and Tenure Standards will be reviewed at the first College of L&S meeting of the semester, then sent on to the Provost. Philosophy Club News: Chris Calvert-Minor is the new Philosophy Club Advisor. RSSO Club News: Alyson Prude announced that RSSO is planning a field trip to a Hindu Temple in Pewaukee in the near future. RSSO club meeting dates have not yet been determined. 6. Adjourn. Moved, seconded (Simmons/Calvert-Minor) and carried to adjourn at 3:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Debby Piper, Secretary