Communication Sciences and Disorders M A

Communication Sciences and Disorders
August 25, 2014
Date and Time
Faculty and Staff
1040 Roseman
Lunch meet and greet 12:00-12:30
I. Roll call at 12:30
II. Discussion and/or Approval Items
A. Minutes approval (go to T: Drive)
B. Administrative Updates 12:30-1:00pm
1. Search and Screen
a. Office: ADA, student hourly
b. Ding position S/S committee and draft
c. Adjuncts hires for academic year
2. Renovations
2. Department Strategic Plan and Mission
a. Review and provide feedback face to face
3. Assessment Scope and Sequence
a. Complete the table
b. Syllabus compliance
III. New Business Overview of the academic year
1. Strategic Priorities
Coordinators set agenda and completion dates
Coordinators will be held responsible in their annual review
Graduate program:
 Curriculum revision
 Reaccreditation and site visit (See file CAA assignments)
Undergraduate program:
Curriculum revision: minor
Program assessment
Undergraduate research
Search and Screen (Faculty)
Promotion and Tenure Standards
Probationary staff: make appts with dept Chair/Purple bk
2. CAA completion assignments
3. Department Service Responsibilities
(See file CAA assignments)
IV. Announcements
DePaul and Rule (see next page)
Other: Round Robin
Gilbertson: research projects/ clinical cases are for UGR
Communication Sciences and Disorders
Swanson: Overview of the clinical schedule and student
DePaul: Plan for taking minutes at meetings
Adjourn 2:00
August 25, 2014
Communication Sciences and Disorders
August 25, 2014
ANNOUNCEMENTS and/or Input Items from the summer
1. Odds & Ends from Mike and Roxanne
a. Executive Order #54 – All UW System Employees are Mandatory Reporters
b. “Code Word” to notify me / front office to call Police Services
2. Advising Assignments
a. Scott’s former students
b. New students
3. Grad Assistants
a. G.A.s are putting up a whiteboard for Work Requests - communication for requests
4. Overview of Technical Standards form – Beth
5. Calipso
6. Changing the COMDIS tag to something close to CSD?
7. Fall College Connections – Sept. 2nd at Winther Hall: Giuliana
8. Office 2013 is now available via self-service download
9. iCIT has a new website
10. 2014 Technology Open House
a. Time: Monday, August 25th from 2:00 – 5:00 p.m.
b. Location: University Center - UC275A/B @ The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater
c. Breakout Session Lineup
i. 2:15 - 2:30pm Office 2013 Tips & Tricks
ii. 2:45 - 3:00pm Utilizing Your Office Phone
iii. 3:15 - 3:30pm Video Conferencing - WebEx
iv. 3:45 - 4:00pm Google Docs - Sharing Docs Online
v. 4:15 - 4:30pm Intro
11. U of NE – Kearney Dept. of ComDis Online courses
12. 2014 Annual Diversity Award announcement
13. The Women in Higher Education Leadership event, Wed. Aug 27th
14. Lecture Series
a. African American Heritage
b. Latino Heritage
c. Native Pride
d. Southeast Asian Heritage
15. Diversifying Psychology Workshop at UNI – Sept. 19th
16. Future Students Admission Requirements – NCFDs
17. Non degree specials webpage
18. UW-Whitewater Driver Authorization form
19. Should passing Praxis be a requirement for graduation? Mandate Praxis in March?