MINUTES Meeting of the Economics Department November 4, 2013, called to order at 3:40 P. M. Present: Ahmad (Chair), Guo, Winden, Heinrich, Tao, Marks, Kashian, Bashaw, Glosser, Ersal, Das, Teferra. 1. Minutes of the October 2013 approved: Motion – Dave/Jeff. 2. Announcements: a. Yamin: would like the tenured faculty to send him the annual face-to-face reviews. b. Jeff: reminded the house that registration for capstone course in econ for spring will appear this month and requested faculty to encourage students to take the course. c. Dave: The 8th Annual Seminar for high school teachers (economics) will be held on November 8th in Lake Geneva; 46 already registered. 3. Amanda Howell (Anderson Library, Business Librarian): a. Distributed a list of library resources for the Economics Department use. b. Gave a Power Point presentation of the library website. c. Explained various services available to faculty and students: i. Library use instruction; in class if necessary. ii. Course research guide and assistance and iii. Video tutorial for students. 4. Economics Library Allocation: Yamin - $1,500 allocated to the Department each year for materials. The Department considered using the money for access to databases. a. The consensus was to use the money for data base access; faculty can e-mail database needs to Yamin. b. Amanda Howell: The Library is willing to work with the Department if the money is going to be used for data base access. 5. Working Paper Series: Yamin demonstrated the Department’s working paper series and those who are working on papers can send him information so that people can have access to them through the working paper series. 6. Departmental Software Needs: Yamin would like to know the Department’s software needs (for faculty and student use) so that he can submit a budgetary request to the Dean. He would like to hear from the faculty before the end of the semester. 7. Submission fees & page cost for Journals: The Department’s Strategic Planning Committee will study the issue and present its policy recommendation. 8. High School Outreach Proposal (Dave & Eylem): The proposal was distributed and discussed at the meeting by the authors, who welcome inputs before they present the proposal to the Dean. 9. New Business: For the next meeting, Yamin a. Would like to know the Department’s opinion if students should attend our meetings. b. Would like to know what the components of the advisory board should be. 10. The Meeting was adjourned at 4:58 P. M. Motion: Matt/Nancy Respectfully submitted, Daniel Teferra