Department Minutes September 12, 2013

Department Minutes
September 12, 2013
Brenda O’Beirne (chair), Krista Kim, Jennifer Betters-Bubon, Dave Van Doren, Jeff Cook, Anene Okocha,
Cindy Anderton (recording), Laura Pressley were present.
The meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m.
Positive experiences with teaching were shared by faculty/instructors
Approval of minutes with slight changes – motioned by Jennifer and seconded by Krista
Additions to the agenda were called for
Updates on EMS, call for feedback on the Department Website, and Student Tracker was shared
by Brenda – faculty need to look at advisees in student tracker and make sure that any students
who have graduated or are no longer in the program are no longer in student tracker. Send
names if necessary to Alicia to take out of student tracker.
Discussion of needs for assessments by Brenda and faculty need to forward any needs we might
have regarding assessments to Brenda by Monday (September 16) mid-afternoon so she can
forward to the provost.
Faculty need to put up office hours on our doors.
Update on student who did not complete her undergraduate program and thus cannot be in the
program. She was scheduled to meet with Jennifer and did not show and will be meeting with
Brenda and will be encouraged to reapply.
Faculty shared how we are fostering/encouraging a positive energy in our classrooms and
encouraging students (including new students) to engage with each other.
Faculty discussed one credit courses with edits and noted additional minor edits. Motion to
approve all of the one credit courses by Dave Van Doren and seconded by Anene. Faculty to do
final revisions on one credit modules due by faculty meeting next Thursday (9/19/13)
CMHC certificate was discussed by faculty in regards to core classes to be included, internship,
and electives. Issues regarding equivalency and the courses students bring in from other
programs were also discussed. Brenda to work on final revisions and language to put forth to
curricular committee
ePortfolios were discussed and problem with releasing comments/feedback on D2L. Faculty are
to email students they reviewed and check in with them to ensure they received our electronic
comments from D2L for their 3rd submission.
Brief discussion on Praxis exam dates was discussed. Jeff will contact internship supervisors and
let them know about the Praxis website and advising their school students about the website.
Advising checklist was discussed by faculty regarding the following:
a. The advisee checklist was updated and revised and this checklist needs to be in the
advisees file and filled out/updated by advisors with the dates items were completed
b. For practicum hours the clinical director (Jeff Cook) will gather the data on students for
individual and group hours and forward to the advisees.
c. For internship placement and hours the clinical director (Jeff Cook) will forward this
information at the end of the year to advisors.
d. Advisors need to ensure that informed consent forms are in the files and currently the
informed consent forms are coming in through different pathways (to Alicia, to advisor,
and at orientation).
e. Copies of updated forms will be distributed to advisors and the information will need to
be copied to the new forms.
Clinical/practicum updates were discussed:
a. Meetings for internship faculty were set for September 25th and 26th in Winther Hall
3002 at 4:15 – 5:00 p.m.
b. Plans for supervision summit were briefly discussed by Jeff.
c. Updates on practicum was given by Krista
d. EMS system is recording and Brenda might be moving section at Annex back to Winther
e. Coverage on Thursdays at the Annex was discussed
Updated agenda for fall orientation, held at 4:15 to 5:00 today (9/12/2013), was handed out by
Spring Schedule was discussed and 733 is not listed on WINS for spring. After this spring 733 will
only be offered in the fall on odd years. We have 16 students registered for that course and
Brenda is working on faculty coverage for 733 and 731 for this spring. It was proposed that 733
be taught on Monday nights and the second section of 731 will also remain on Monday nights.
Brenda will get updated copies of spring schedule out to faculty.
Updates on the Professional Development Workshop for fall were provided by Anene. Theme:
Facilitating Career Development of Veterans and Military Service Members. When Anene gets
the electronic version of the flyer she will forward to faculty to help with marketing of the
Faculty are to bring calendars next week to schedule information sessions.
Student Concerns were discussed by faculty
Meeting adjourned at 11:36
Respectfully submitted
Cindy Anderton