Department of Special Education Graduate Meeting 11-14-12

Department of Special Education
Graduate Meeting 11-14-12
In attendance: Casey, Katy; Gordon, David; Jewell, Kelly; Kolb, Sharon; Lindahl, Lynn;
Robinson, Rowand; Schultz, Tia; Stevens Griffith, Amy; Stuart, Shannon; Toms, Ozalle;
Troemel, Eileen
1. Announcements
a. Meeting etiquette – time limits and keeping an eye on the clock
2. Business
a. ABA Certificate- Shannon, Lana, & Tia
i. Tia has made a proposal
ii. Met with John Stone
iii. Go through committees
iv. Two new online courses
v. Lana did significant changes to 701 – stronger in single subject design
vi. We are looking at taking the 15 credit certificate and launching that into a
BCBA proposal
vii. 5 course sequence – using what we already offer
1. Grads will take online
2. No field component – but long term we would like a practicum for
3. Starts in the summer
4. Each class builds on the previous
5. Each summer the beginning and ending class will be offered
6. First step towards BCBA
viii. Will this count towards continuing ed
1. Up to the districts
b. BCBA possible proposal- Tia
i. BCBA has to be a five course sequence that has to be approved
ii. Once enrolled you can begin accruing your hours
iii. Once course work and hours are done you can sit for the exam
iv. Our ABA courses have been made with shifting to this in mind
v. Calls every week asking for BCBA program
vi. How many faculty have to have BCBA certified
1. Not everyone teaching has to have BCBA but practicum has to be
supervised by someone with BCBA certification
vii. Tia would be the certificate coordinator for the ABA or BCBA
c. Graduate students who are foreign nationals
i. Saudi need in person classes
ii. Doesn’t cover summer institute or student teaching
iii. Shannon has a list of suggested courses that will work for the Saudi’s
iv. Need 18 credits in 700 level
v. Grad advisors have leeway to put them into any classes that they want but
remember the requirements
vi. Can we put in some of the EDFOUND classes – EDFOUND 740 is a good
vii. Is there overlap between 524 and 700 – probably not and they are spread
apart so if there is some overlap but not dramatic
viii. Would like them to do specfld 585.
1. The international students want to see how we do it here in the US
2. Security clearance is an issue
3. Working with Janet Green is difficult because we have specific
requirements so can’t be just a generic placement
4. We asked specifically because of the challenges for speced so we
were given permission to set up our own
5. Tremendous amount of PR involved
6. O&P type placement – not a graduate level for this though
7. 700 level workshop for immersion into the US schools
8. They want models of inclusion so Lakeland would not be a good
placement of them
9. The other issue is transportation as many of the women don’t drive
10. Do they want field where they do the teaching or where they have
limited teaching – maybe offering a variety of experiences
11. They might benefit more from something that would provide some
cultural connections
12. We can’t drop the expectations, while we can accommodate them
for some things we need to make sure there is some accountability
13. We have about 18 students who are Saudi, we need to do
something to address their needs
14. Exploring some fieldwork class that is 700 level seminar - maybe
survey students to see what their needs and wants are
15. We need to be conscious of our resources
d. 2013 Summer Institute- Amy
i. Becky Heinz from University of Central Florida – writes Teach
1. She teaches about using technology at undergrad and grad levels
for special education
2. Trying to get iPads for people to use
e. 2014 Summer Institute- Amy
i. Start thinking about the next topic
ii. Listen to what teachers are saying in field
iii. Behavior management ?
iv. PBIS with Kathleen Lane just a couple of years ago
3. edTPA
a. we are leaps and bounds ahead of the other departments
b. Met with Robin Fox and Ann Durst and EDFOUND are moving towards this
starting in spring
c. C&I will be starting the process soon
d. 4 students are going to test this out so we can see how they handle the process
e. Kelly may be the supervisor for all 4 of these students but we need to work that
out as Kelly has release in the spring
f. Friday there will be a meeting on a logic model for rolling out the edTPA
g. Whitewater is participating at the state level. Melanie is on the state team.
h. Special Ed Manual before it was even made public
i. We are working with Pearson already
j. Our manual will not be completely done until next year. Our department will
have feedback on that manual.
k. Danielle Dounar, Grace McCauley, Malisa Schmidt,
l. Can we get a stipend for the people participating?
m. Live in fall 2015 through Pearson - $300 they have to pay
n. Some colleges who are further along are finding they have to change their
o. Pearson will be looking for specific words in their evaluations
p. The handbook will dictate what has to be in our curriculum
q. These students will not have had the revised field. We just revised it last semester
r. We need to update the graduate cross cat program as well
s. Will require some coursework revision for the grad level
t. How do the edTPA criteria pair up with our classes?
u. Curriculum mapping – CEC, NCATE are aligning with edTPA
v. The next submission will have to turn in our pass rates to DPI – these are getting
w. What are we going to do to catch students before they get to edTPA and what are
we going to do to coach them out?
x. Dropping the Praxis I and considering doing the ACT. They might be replacing
the Praxis II. Reading literacy goes live 2014.
y. If we have the Praxis II as an earlier criteria it would help us to coach out students
z. Perhaps 410 becomes the earlier predictor
aa. Trying to write a grant to get technology to help with the tracking of students
bb. Logic model –
cc. How will this model affect LOAD for faculty?
dd. Now is the time to write the grants
ee. We are going to push from below
ff. Five areas that the edTPA is going to use
i. Planning
ii. Instruction
iii. Assessment
iv. Analyzing teaching
v. Language and communication
vi. Video (engaging students)
vii. Positive classroom
gg. This meant to get them at the proficient level not an expert level
4. Questions