Language Independent Methods of Clustering Similar Contexts (with applications) Ted Pedersen University of Minnesota, Duluth EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 1 The Problem A context is a short unit of text often a phrase to a paragraph in length, although it can be longer Input: N contexts Output: K clusters Where each member of a cluster is a context that is more similar to each other than to the contexts found in other clusters EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 2 Language Independent Methods Do not utilize syntactic information No parsers, part of speech taggers, etc. required Do not utilize dictionaries or other manually created lexical resources Based on lexical features selected from corpora No manually annotated data of any kind, methods are completely unsupervised in the strictest sense Assumption: word segmentation can be done by looking for white spaces between strings EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 3 Outline (Tutorial) Background and motivations Identifying lexical features Context representations Singular Value Decomposition Clustering methods First & second order Dimensionality reduction Measures of association & tests of significance Agglomerative & partitional techniques Cluster labeling Evaluation techniques Gold standard comparisons EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 4 Outline (Practical Session) Headed contexts Headless contexts Name Discrimination Word Sense Discrimination Abbreviations Email/Newsgroup Organization Newspaper text Identifying Sets of Related Words EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 5 SenseClusters A package designed to cluster contexts Integrates with various other tools Ngram Statistics Package Cluto SVDPACKC EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 6 Many thanks… Satanjeev (“Bano”) Banerjee (M.S., 2002) Amruta Purandare (M.S., 2004) Founding developer of SenseClusters (2002-2004) Now PhD student in Intelligent Systems at the University of Pittsburgh Anagha Kulkarni (M.S., 2006, expected) Founding developer of the Ngram Statistics Package (2000-2001) Now PhD student in the Language Technology Institute at Carnegie Mellon University Enhancing SenseClusters since Fall 2004! National Science Foundation (USA) for supporting Bano, Amruta, Anagha and me (!) via CAREER award #0092784 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 7 Practical Session Experiment with SenseClusters Has both a command line and web interface (above) Can be installed on Linux/Unix machine without too much work Has some dependencies that must be installed, so having supervisor access and/or sysadmin experience helps Complete system (SenseClusters plus dependencies) is available on CD EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 8 Background and Motivations EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 9 Headed and Headless Contexts A headed context includes a target word Our goal is to collect multiple contexts that mention a particular target word in order to try identify different senses of that word A headless context has no target word Our goal is to identify the contexts that are similar to each other EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 10 Headed Contexts (input) I can hear the ocean in that shell. My operating system shell is bash. The shells on the shore are lovely. The shell command line is flexible. The oyster shell is very hard and black. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 11 Headed Contexts (output) Cluster 1: My operating system shell is bash. The shell command line is flexible. Cluster 2: The shells on the shore are lovely. The oyster shell is very hard and black. I can hear the ocean in that shell. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 12 Headless Contexts (input) The new version of Linux is more stable and better support for cameras. My Chevy Malibu has had some front end troubles. Osborne made on of the first personal computers. The brakes went out, and the car flew into the house. With the price of gasoline, I think I’ll be taking the bus more often! EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 13 Headless Contexts (output) Cluster 1: The new version of Linux is more stable and better support for cameras. Osborne made one of the first personal computers. Cluster 2: My Chevy Malibu has had some front end troubles. The brakes went out, and the car flew into the house. With the price of gasoline, I think I’ll be taking the bus more often! EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 14 Applications Web search results are headed contexts Web search results are often disorganized – two people sharing same name, two organizations sharing same abbreviation, etc. often have their pages “mixed up” Term you search for is included in snippet Organizing web search results is an important problem. If you click on search results or follow links in pages found, you will encounter headless contexts too… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 15 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 16 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 17 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 18 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 19 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 20 Applications Email (public or private) is made up of headless contexts Short, usually focused… Cluster similar email messages together Automatic email foldering Take all messages from sent-mail file or inbox and organize into categories EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 21 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 22 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 23 Applications News article are another example of headless contexts Entire article or first paragraph Short, usually focused Cluster similar articles together EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 24 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 25 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 26 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 27 Underlying Premise… You shall know a word by the company it keeps Meanings of words are (largely) determined by their distributional patterns (Distributional Hypothesis) Harris, 1968 (Mathematical Structures of Language) Words that occur in similar contexts will have similar meanings (Strong Contextual Hypothesis) Firth, 1957 (Studies in Linguistic Analysis) Miller and Charles, 1991 (Language and Cognitive Processes) Various extensions… Similar contexts will have similar meanings, etc. Names that occur in similar contexts will refer to the same underlying person, etc. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 28 Identifying Lexical Features Measures of Association and Tests of Significance EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 29 What are features? Features represent the (hopefully) salient characteristics of the contexts to be clustered Eventually we will represent each context as a vector, where the dimensions of the vector are associated with features Vectors/contexts that include many of the same features will be similar to each other EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 30 Where do features come from? In unsupervised clustering, it is common for the feature selection data to be the same data that is to be clustered This is not cheating, since data to be clustered does not have any labeled classes that can be used to assist feature selection It may also be necessary, since we may need to cluster all available data, and not hold out some for a separate feature identification step Email or news articles EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 31 Feature Selection “Test” data – the contexts to be clustered Assume that the feature selection data is the same as the test data, unless otherwise indicated “Training” data – a separate corpus of held out feature selection data (that will not be clustered) may need to use if you have a small number of contexts to cluster (e.g., web search results) This sense of “training” due to Schütze (1998) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 32 Lexical Features Unigram – a single word that occurs more than a given number of times Bigram – an ordered pair of words that occur together more often than expected by chance Consecutive or may have intervening words Co-occurrence – an unordered bigram Target Co-occurrence – a co-occurrence where one of the words is the target word EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 33 Bigrams fine wine (window size of 2) baseball bat house of representatives (window size of 3) president of the republic (window size of 4) apple orchard Selected using a small window size (2-4 words), trying to capture a regular (localized) pattern between two words (collocation?) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 34 Co-occurrences tropics water boat fish law president train travel Usually selected using a larger window (7-10 words) of context, hoping to capture pairs of related words rather than collocations EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 35 Bigrams and Co-occurrences Pairs of words tend to be much less ambiguous than unigrams “bank” versus “river bank” and “bank card” “dot” versus “dot com” and “dot product” Three grams and beyond occur much less frequently (Ngrams very Zipfian) Unigrams are noisy, but bountiful EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 36 “occur together more often than expected by chance…” Observed frequencies for two words occurring together and alone are stored in a 2x2 matrix Throw out bigrams that include one or two stop words Expected values are calculated, based on the model of independence and observed values How often would you expect these words to occur together, if they only occurred together by chance? If two words occur “significantly” more often than the expected value, then the words do not occur together by chance. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 37 2x2 Contingency Table Intelligence !Intelligence Artificial 100 400 300 100,000 !Artificial EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 38 2x2 Contingency Table Intelligence !Intelligence Artificial 100 300 400 !Artificial 200 99,400 99,600 300 99,700 100,000 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 39 2x2 Contingency Table Intelligence !Intelligence Artificial !Artificial 100.0 000.12 200.0 298.8 300 300.0 398.8 99,400.0 99,301.2 99,700 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 400 99,600 100,000 40 Measures of Association G 2 (observed (w , w ) * log expected(w , w ) ) i , j 1 X 2 observed ( wi , w j ) 2 2 i , j 1 i j i [observed ( wi , w j ) expected( wi , w j )] j 2 expected( wi , w j ) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 41 Measures of Association G 750.88 2 X 8191.78 2 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 42 Interpreting the Scores… G^2 and X^2 are asymptotically approximated by the chi-squared distribution… This means…if you fix the marginal totals of a table, randomly generate internal cell values in the table, calculate the G^2 or X^2 scores for each resulting table, and plot the distribution of the scores, you *should* get … EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 43 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 44 Interpreting the Scores… Values above a certain level of significance can be considered grounds for rejecting the null hypothesis H0: the words in the bigram are independent 3.841 is associated with 95% confidence that the null hypothesis should be rejected EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 45 Measures of Association There are numerous measures of association that can be used to identify bigram and co-occurrence features Many of these are supported in the Ngram Statistics Package (NSP) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 46 Measures Supported in NSP Log-likelihood Ratio (ll) True Mutual Information (tmi) Pearson’s Chi-squared Test (x2) Pointwise Mutual Information (pmi) Phi coefficient (phi) T-test (tscore) Fisher’s Exact Test (leftFisher, rightFisher) Dice Coefficient (dice) Odds Ratio (odds) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 47 NSP Will explore NSP during practical session Integrated into SenseClusters, may also be used in stand-alone mode Can be installed easily on a Linux/Unix system from CD or download from I’m told it can also be installed on Windows (via cygwin or ActivePerl), but I have no personal experience of this… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 48 Summary Identify lexical features based on frequency counts or measures of association – either in the data to be clustered or in a separate set of feature selection data Unigrams usually only selected by frequency Language independent Remember, no labeled data from which to learn, so somewhat less effective as features than in supervised case Bigrams and co-occurrences can also be selected by frequency, or better yet measures of association Bigrams and co-occurrences need not be consecutive Stop words should be eliminated Frequency thresholds are helpful (e.g., unigram/bigram that occurs once may be too rare to be useful) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 49 Related Work Moore, 2004 (EMNLP) follow-up to Dunning and Pedersen on loglikelihood and exact tests Pedersen, 1996 (SCSUG) explanation of exact tests, and comparison to log-likelihood (also see Pedersen, Kayaalp, and Bruce, AAAI-1996) Dunning, 1993 (Computational Linguistics) introduces log-likelihood ratio for collocation identification EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 50 Context Representations First and Second Order Methods EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 51 Once features selected… We will have a set of unigrams, bigrams, cooccurrences or target co-occurrences that we believe are somehow interesting and useful We also have any frequency and measure of association score that have been used in their selection Convert contexts to be clustered into a vector representation based on these features EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 52 First Order Representation Each context is represented by a vector with M dimensions, each of which indicates whether or not a particular feature occurred in that context Value may be binary, a frequency count, or an association score Context by Feature representation EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 53 Contexts C1: There was an island curse of black magic cast by that voodoo child. C2: Harold, a known voodoo child, was gifted in the arts of black magic. C3: Despite their military might, it was a serious error to attack. C4: Military might is no defense against a voodoo child or an island curse. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 54 Unigram Feature Set island black curse magic child 1000 700 500 400 200 (assume these are frequency counts obtained from some corpus…) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 55 First Order Vectors of Unigrams C1 C2 island 1 0 black 1 1 curse 1 0 magic 1 1 child 1 1 C3 0 0 0 0 0 C4 1 0 1 0 1 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 56 Bigram Feature Set island curse black magic voodoo child military might serious error island child voodoo might military error black child serious curse 189.2 123.5 120.0 100.3 89.2 73.2 69.4 54.9 43.2 21.2 (assume these are log-likelihood scores based on frequency counts from some corpus) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 57 First Order Vectors of Bigrams C1 black magic 1 C2 island military serious voodoo curse might error child 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 C3 0 0 1 1 0 C4 0 1 1 0 1 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 58 First Order Vectors Can have binary values or weights associated with frequency, etc. May optionally be smoothed/reduced with Singular Value Decomposition More on that later… The contexts are ready for clustering… More on that later… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 59 Second Order Representation Build word by word matrix from features Must be bigrams or co-occurrences (optionally) reduce dimensionality w/SVD Each row represents first order co-occurrences Represent a context by replacing each word with an entry in the word by word matrix with its associated vector Average word vectors found for the context Due to Schuetze (1998) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 60 Word by Word Matrix magic curse might error child black 123.5 0 0 0 43.2 island 0 189.2 0 0 73.2 military 0 0 100.3 54.9 0 serious 0 21.2 0 89.2 0 voodoo 0 0 69.4 0 120.0 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 61 Word by Word Matrix …can also be used to identify sets of related words In the case of bigrams, rows represent the first word in a bigram and columns represent the second word In the case of co-occurrences, rows and columns are equivalent Matrix is asymmetric Matrix is symmetric The vector (row) for each word represent a set of first order features for that word Each word in a context to be clustered for which a vector exists (in the word by word matrix) is replaced by that vector in that context EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 62 There was an island curse of black magic cast by that voodoo child. magic curse might error child black 123.5 0 0 0 43.2 island 0 189.2 0 0 73.2 voodoo 0 0 69.4 0 120.0 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 63 Second Order Representation There was an [curse, child] curse of [magic, child] magic cast by that [might, child] child [curse, child] + [magic, child] + [might, child] EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 64 There was an island curse of black magic cast by that voodoo child. C1 magic curse might error child 41.2 63.1 24.4 0 78.8 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 65 First versus Second Order First Order represents a context by showing which features occurred in that context This is what feature vectors normally do… Second Order allows for additional information about a word to be incorporated into the representation Feature values based on information found outside of the immediate context EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 66 Second Order Co-Occurrences “black” and “island” show similarity because both words have occurred with “child” “black” and “island” are second order cooccurrence with each other, since both occur with “child” but not with each other (i.e., “black island” is not observed) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 67 Second Order Co-occurrences Imagine a co-occurrence graph Word network First order co-occurrences are directly connected Second order co-occurrences are to each connected via one other word program in Ngram Statistics Package finds kth order co-occurrences EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 68 Summary First order representations are intuitive, but… Can suffer from sparsity Contexts represented based on the features that occur in those contexts Second order representations are harder to visualize, but… Allow a word to be represented by the words it cooccurs with (i.e., the company it keeps) Allows a context to be represented by the words that occur with the words in the context Helps combat sparsity… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 69 Related Work Pedersen and Bruce 1997 (EMNLP) presented first order method of discrimination Schütze 1998 (Computational Linguistics) introduced second order method Purandare and Pedersen 2004 (CoNLL) compared first and second order methods First order better if you have lots of data Second order better with smaller amounts of data EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 70 Dimensionality Reduction Singular Value Decomposition EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 71 Motivation First order matrices are very sparse Word by word Context by feature NLP data is noisy No stemming performed synonyms EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 72 Many Methods Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) SVDPACKC Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) Principal Components Analysis (PCA) Independent Components Analysis (ICA) Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) etc… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 73 Effect of SVD SVD reduces a matrix to a given number of dimensions This may convert a word level space into a semantic or conceptual space If “dog” and “collie” and “wolf” are dimensions/columns in a word co-occurrence matrix, after SVD they may be a single dimension that represents “canines” EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 74 Effect of SVD The dimensions of the matrix after SVD are principal components that represent the meaning of concepts Similar columns are grouped together SVD is a way of smoothing a very sparse matrix, so that there are very few zero valued cells after SVD EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 75 How can SVD be used? SVD on first order contexts will reduce a context by feature representation down to a smaller number of features SVD used in creating second order context representations Latent Semantic Analysis typically performs SVD on a word by context representation, where the contexts are reduced Reduce word by word matrix SVD could also be used on resultant second order context representations (although not supported) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 76 Word by Word Matrix apple blood cells ibm data box tissue graphics memory organ plasma pc 2 0 0 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 body 0 3 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 1 disk 1 0 0 2 0 3 0 1 2 0 0 petri 0 2 1 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 lab 0 0 3 0 2 0 2 0 2 1 3 sales 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 2 0 0 linux 2 0 0 1 3 2 0 1 1 0 0 debt 0 0 0 2 3 4 0 2 0 0 0 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 77 Singular Value Decomposition A=UDV’ EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 78 U .35 .09 -.2 .02 .63 .20 -.00 -.02 .08 -.09 -.44 -.04 -.6 -.02 -.01 .41 -.22 .20 -.39 .00 .03 .09 .83 .05 -.26 -.01 .00 .29 -.68 -.45 -.34 -.31 .02 -.21 .01 .43 -.02 -.07 .37 -.01 -.31 .09 .03 .31 -.00 .08 .05 .08 .08 -.00 -.01 .30 -.07 -.49 -.52 .14 -.3 -.30 .00 -.07 .05 -.49 .59 .35 .13 .52 -.09 .40 .44 .39 -.60 .31 .08 -.45 .25 -.02 .17 .72 -.48 -.04 .46 .11 -.08 .24 -.01 .39 .56 .25 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 79 D 9.19 6.36 3.99 3.25 2.52 2.30 1.26 0.66 0.00 0.00 0.00 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 80 V .21 .08 -.04 .28 .04 .86 -.05 -.05 -.31 -.12 .03 .04 -.37 .57 .39 .23 -.04 .26 -.02 .03 .25 .44 .11 -.39 -.27 -.32 -.30 .06 .17 .15 -.41 .58 .07 .37 .15 .12 -.12 .39 -.17 -.13 .71 -.31 -.12 .03 .63 -.01 -.45 .52 -.09 -.26 .08 -.06 .21 .08 -.02 .49 .27 .50 -.32 -.45 .13 .02 -.01 .31 .12 -.03 .09 -.51 .20 .05 -.05 .02 .29 .08 -.04 -.31 -.71 .25 .11 .15 -.12 .02 -.32 .05 -.59 -.62 -.23 .07 .28 -.23 -.14 -.45 .64 .17 -.04 -.32 .31 .12 -.03 .04 -.26 .19 .17 -.06 -.07 -.87 -.10 -.07 .22 -.20 .11 -.47 -.12 -.18 -.27 .03 -.18 .09 .12 -.58 .50 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 81 Word by Word Matrix After SVD apple blood cells ibm data tissue graphics memory organ plasma pc .73 .00 .11 1.3 2.0 .01 .86 .77 .00 .09 body .00 1.2 1.3 .00 .33 1.6 .00 .85 .84 1.5 disk .76 .00 .01 1.3 2.1 .00 .91 .72 .00 .00 germ .00 1.1 1.2 .00 .49 1.5 .00 .86 .77 1.4 lab .21 1.7 2.0 .35 1.7 2.5 .18 1.7 1.2 2.3 sales .73 .15 .39 1.3 2.2 .35 .85 .98 .17 .41 linux .96 .00 .16 1.7 2.7 .03 1.1 1.0 .00 .13 debt 1.2 .00 .00 2.1 3.2 .00 1.5 1.1 .00 .00 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 82 Second Order Representation • I got a new disk today! • What do you think of linux? apple blood cells ibm data tissue graphics memory organ Plasma disk .76 .00 .01 1.3 2.1 .00 .91 .72 .00 .00 linux .96 .00 .16 1.7 2.7 .03 1.1 1.0 .00 .13 These two contexts share no words in common, yet they are similar! disk and linux both occur with “Apple”, “IBM”, “data”, “graphics”, and “memory” The two contexts are similar because they share many second order co-occurrences EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 83 Clustering Methods Agglomerative and Partitional EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 84 Many many methods… Cluto supports a wide range of different clustering methods Agglomerative Partitional K-means Hybrid Average, single, complete link… Repeated bisections SenseClusters integrates with Cluto EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 85 General Methodology Represent contexts to be clustered in first or second order vectors Cluster the vectors directly, or convert to similarity matrix and then cluster vcluster scluster EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 86 Agglomerative Clustering Create a similarity matrix of instances to be discriminated Results in a symmetric “instance by instance” matrix, where each cell contains the similarity score between a pair of instances Typically a first order representation, where similarity is based on the features observed in the pair of instances (X Y ) (X Y ) EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 87 Measuring Similarity Integer Values Matching Coefficient X Y Jaccard Coefficient X Y X Y Dice Coefficient 2 X Y X Y Real Values Cosine X Y X Y EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 88 Agglomerative Clustering Apply Agglomerative Clustering algorithm to similarity matrix To start, each instance is its own cluster Form a cluster from the most similar pair of instances Repeat until the desired number of clusters is obtained Advantages : high quality clustering Disadvantages – computationally expensive, must carry out exhaustive pair wise comparisons EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 89 Average Link Clustering S1 S1 S2 S3 S4 3 4 2 2 0 S2 3 S3 4 2 S4 2 0 S1S3S 2 S1S3S2 S4 1.5 1.5 1. 5 2 1 1 S4 S1S3 S1S3 S2 3 2 2.5 2 S4 2 1 1.5 2 S2 S4 3 2 2.5 2 2 1 1.5 2 0 0 1.5 1.5 1. 5 2 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 90 Partitional Methods Select some number of contexts in feature space to act as centroids Assign each context to nearest centroid, forming cluster After all contexts assigned, recompute centroids Repeat until stable clusters found Centroids don’t shift from iteration to iteration EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 91 Partitional Methods Advances : fast Disadvantages : very dependent on the initial placement of centroids EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 92 Cluster Labeling EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 93 Results of Clustering Each cluster consists of some number of contexts Each context is a short unit of text Apply measures of association to the contents of each cluster to determine N most significant bigrams Use those bigrams as a label for the cluster EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 94 Label Types The N most significant bigrams for each cluster will act as a descriptive label The M most significant bigrams that are unique to each cluster will act as a discriminating label EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 95 Evaluation Techniques Comparison to gold standard data EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 96 Evaluation If Sense tagged text is available, can be used for evaluation But don’t use sense tags for clustering or feature selection! Assume that sense tags represent “true” clusters, and compare these to discovered clusters Find mapping of clusters to senses that attains maximum accuracy EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 97 Evaluation Pseudo words are especially useful, since it is hard to find data that is discriminated Pick two words or names from a corpus, and conflate them into one name. Then see how well you can discriminate. Baseline Algorithm– group all instances into one cluster, this will reach “accuracy” equal to majority classifier EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 98 Evaluation Pseudo words are especially useful, since it is hard to find data that is discriminated Pick two words or names from a corpus, and conflate them into one name. Then see how well you can discriminate. me.html EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 99 Baseline Algorithm Baseline Algorithm – group all instances into one cluster, this will reach “accuracy” equal to majority classifier What if the clustering said everything should be in the same cluster? EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 100 Baseline Performance S1 S2 S3 Totals C1 0 0 0 0 C2 0 0 0 C3 80 35 Totals 80 35 S3 S2 S1 Totals C1 0 0 0 0 0 C2 0 0 0 0 55 170 C3 55 35 80 170 55 170 Totals 55 35 80 170 (0+0+55)/170 = .32 (0+0+80)/170 = .47 if C3 is S1 if C3 is S3 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 101 Evaluation Suppose that C1 is labeled S1, C2 as S2, and C3 as S3 Accuracy = (10 + 0 + 10) / 170 = 12% Diagonal shows how many members of the cluster actually belong to the sense given on the column Can the “columns” be rearranged to improve the overall accuracy? Optimally assign clusters to senses S1 S2 S3 Totals C1 10 30 5 45 C2 20 0 40 60 C3 50 5 10 65 Totals 80 35 55 170 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 102 Evaluation The assignment of C1 to S2, C2 to S3, and C3 to S1 results in 120/170 = 71% Find the ordering of the columns in the matrix that maximizes the sum of the diagonal. This is an instance of the Assignment Problem from Operations Research, or finding the Maximal Matching of a Bipartite Graph from Graph Theory. S2 S3 S1 Totals C1 30 5 10 45 C2 0 40 20 60 C3 5 10 50 65 Totals 35 55 80 170 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 103 Analysis Unsupervised methods may not discover clusters equivalent to the classes learned in supervised learning Evaluation based on assuming that sense tags represent the “true” cluster are likely a bit harsh. Alternatives? Humans could look at the members of each cluster and determine the nature of the relationship or meaning that they all share Use the contents of the cluster to generate a descriptive label that could be inspected by a human EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 104 Practical Session Experiments with SenseClusters EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 105 Experimental Data Available on Web Site Available on CD Data/SenseClusters-Data SenseClusters requires data to be in the Senseval-2 lexical sample format Plenty of such data available on CD and from web site EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 106 Creating Experimental Data NameConflate program Text2Headless program Creates name conflated data from English GigaWord corpus Convert plain text into headless contexts EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 107 Name Conflation Data Smaller Data Set (also on Web as SC-Web…) Larger Data Sets (also on Web as Split-Smaller…) Adidas - Puma Emile Lahoud – Askar Akayev CICLING data (CD only) Country - Noun Name - Name Noun - Noun David Beckham – Ronaldo Microsoft – IBM ACL 2005 demo data (CD only) Name - Name EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 108 Clustering Contexts ACL 2005 Demo (also on Web as Email…) Various partitions of 20 news groups data sets Spanish Data (web only) News articles each of which mention abbreviations PP or PSOE EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 109 Name Discrimination EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 110 George Millers! EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 111 Headed Clustering Name Discrimination Tom Hanks Russell Crowe EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 112 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 113 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 114 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 115 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 116 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 117 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 118 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 119 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 120 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 121 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 122 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 123 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 124 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 125 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 126 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 127 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 128 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 129 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 130 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 131 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 132 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 133 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 134 Headless Contexts Email / 20 newsgroups data Spanish Text EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 135 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 136 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 137 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 138 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 139 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 140 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 141 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 142 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 143 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 144 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 145 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 146 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 147 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 148 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 149 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 150 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 151 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 152 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 153 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 154 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 155 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 156 If you after all these matrices you crave knowledge based resources… Read on… EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 157 WordNet-Similarity Not language independent But, can be combined with distributional methods to good effect McCarthy, et. al. ACL-2004 Perl module Based on English WordNet Web interface EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 158 Many thanks! Satanjeev “Bano” Banerjee (M.S., 2002) Siddharth Patwardhan (M.S., 2003) Founding developer of WordNet-Similarity (2001-2003) Now PhD student at University of Utah Jason Michelizzi (M.S., 2005) Inventor of Adapted Lesk Algorithm (IJCAI-2003), which is the earliest origin and motivation for WordNet-Similarity… Now PhD student at LTI/CMU… Enhanced WordNet-Similarity in many ways and applied it to all words sense disambiguation (2003-2005) NSF for supporting Bano, and University of Minnesota for supporting Bano, Sid and Jason via various internal sources EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 159 Vector measure Build a word by word matrix from WordNet Gloss Corpus Treat glosses as contexts, and use second order representation where words are replaced with vectors from matrix 1.4 million words Average together all vectors to represent concept/definition High correlation with human relatedness judgements EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 160 Many other measures Path Based Information Content Based Path Leacock & Chodorow Wu and Palmer Resnik Lin Jiang & Conrath Relatedness Hirst & St-Onge Adapted Lesk Vector EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 161 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 162 EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 163 Thank you! Questions are welcome at any time. Feel free to contact me in person or via email ( at any time! All of our software is free and open source, you are welcome to download, modify, redistribute, etc. EuroLAN-2005 Summer School 164