Student ID _____________________________
Animal Physiology 2007
Exam I
Name ____________________________________
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
___________ (15)
___________ (15)
___________ (15)
___________ (15)
___________ (15)
___________ (10)
___________ (15)
Total ___________ (100)
Part I. Choose 5 of the following. If a person, name what their contribution was to muscle physiology. If an animals, name the physiological specializations and/or specific systems that they were used to illustrate. Please make sure you indicate which 5 you want graded (3 pts each)
1) toadfish
2) giraffe
3) Larry Rome
4) Clara Franzini Armstrong
5) giant earthworm -
6) weddell seal
7) lungfish
8) Alligator/crocodile
Student ID _____________________________
9) HE Huxley
10) AF Huxley
Part II)
1) a) In the table below, use an X to indicate what types of filaments would be present if you examined the cross section of a muscle sarcomere in the following areas (3 pts).
Sacromere zone
Thin filaments Thick filaments
A b) Thin filaments are made of the protein ___________________ and thick filaments are made up of the protein____________________. (1 pt each)
2) In the movie Animal House, a horse is found dead in Dean Wormer’s office. The horse is on its back with its leg straight up in the air. In this condition, the horse cannot fit through the door and the movie implies that the legs are going to have to be cut off prior to moving the horse.
Based on your knowledge of muscle physiology, could you propose to a solution that could allow the horse’s leg to be contracted/folded so it could be moved through the door without having to cut off its legs? a) what is name of the physiological state that causes the animal’s leg to be extended after death
(1 pt) b) how or why does this state occur (3 pts) c) what could you inject into the horse to allow its muscle to contract (1 pt ) d) if you observe a dead deer carcass, its legs will initially resembles the horse’s. However after a week, the legs are no longer straight up and have dropped to ground. Nothing has touched the carcass. Explain what is happening. (2 pts)
Student ID _____________________________ muscle Tonic Slow twitch Fast twitch oxidative
Fast twitch glycolytic
Mammalian neck
Lizard neck
Eagle wing
Chicken leg
Frog leg
3) Place an X in the column for the muscle type that is most prominent in each type of muscle (3 pts)
Part III)
1) Identify/define any two of the following six terms AND explain its role in muscle contraction.
Be specific. (3 pts each)
Cross bridge
Dihydropyridine receptors
2.0 µm
2) a) What type of curve is shown by the above figure (1 pt)
Student ID _____________________________ b) If you know the dimensions of the sarcomere, which portion of the curve still has to be experimentally determined and cannot be predicted (2 pt) c) Explain why there is a plateau for the maximum relative tension rather than a single peak ( 3pts
) d) What is the length of the thick filament in the above curve. (3 pts)
Student ID _____________________________
Part IV
Write in the name of the muscle in boxes A,B,C (3 pts)
What is the function of muscle A (2 pts)
Name three adaptations that allow muscle A to contract so rapidly ( 3pts)
2) During the War of the Worlds, several Martians were shot in the head. During subsequent investigation of their capsules, it was found that blood would spurt to the roof of the capsule it the martian was shot while standing but there was insufficient pressure in the martian blood to eject to the roof of the capsule if the martian was sitting. At full height, the top of the martian head is
1.5 m off the ground. In the sitting position, the top of the martian head is 1.0 m off the ground.
The capsule is two meters from floor to ceiling. What is the possible density range compared to mercury of martian blood. Martian blood pressure is 100/50. (7 pts).
Student ID _____________________________
Part V. Do 2 of the 3 questions 7.5 pts each
1) Explain the physiological differences between skeletal and cardiac muscle as shown in the above figure. What is the functional significance of this for heart contraction
2) Compare and contrast the undivided vs divided vertebrate heart in terms of output (volume) and pressure differential.
3) Compare and contrast the effects of epinephrine and acetlycholine on the heart. Be sure to identify the type of nervous system each one effects.
Student ID _____________________________
Part VI) True or False. If the statement is false, correct the entire statement. If the statement is true, draw the figure/graph that supports the statement Do 3 of 6. 3 pts each
+1 for three correct answers. Make sure you indicate which three you want graded
1) On the Power vs velocity muscle graph, velocity is zero both when there is isometric contraction and when the load is zero
2) When plotting muscle force vs velocity, Vmax corresponds to maximal muscle velocity
3) The proper flow of blood in a mammal is body to left atrium to right ventricle to lung to right atrium to left ventricle to body
4) Lock jaw or tetanus is caused by ingestion of wild poisonous mushrooms. It causes all the muscles in the body to relax.
5) The electrical activity of the heart is visible in a waveform called on ECG. Three peaks are visible. Atrial depolarization, ventricular depolarization and ventricular repolarization
6) The proper sequence of electrical conduction for the following terms in the heart is :
AV node to Purkinje fibers to SA node to bundle of His to nodal fibers
VII) Function flows from structure. Explain what this means in the context of the frog gastrocnemius muscle, the white muscle of the fish OR the toadfish sonic
Student ID _____________________________ muscle. Be sure to elaborate on any anatomical or physiological specializations that are contained in the muscle that you choose to describe. It is strongly suggested that you include graphs to support your answer. ( 15 pts)