Download RFP

University of Missouri System
Intellectual Property Fast Track Funding Program
Office of Research and Economic Development
309 University Hall
Columbia, MO 65211
Request for Proposals
In 2008, the UM Office of Research and Economic Development piloted a one-time
funding program designed to enhance the university’s research discoveries by moving
them further down the commercialization pipeline. From the projects funded under the
program, numerous patent applications and license agreements resulted, as well as the
raising of more than one million dollars in research funding and investment capital. Due
to this success, the Vice-President for Research and Economic Development has
committed $500,000 for a second round of funding under the Fast Track program.
Funding Opportunity
The UM Office of Research and Economic Development will provide funding up to
$50,000 per proposal to support prospects from each of the UM campuses. Funding under
this program is to allow recipients to focus on development, testing, or prototype
construction, and/or conduct specific market research. This evaluation may lead to
industry collaboration, licensing, the formation of a new company, or the abandonment of
the technology for commercial application. Funds received are not to be used for basic
research, but to evaluate the commercial potential of existing research. The funding
request should be the lowest cost proposal to complete the work.
Request for Proposals
By means of this request, the UM Office of Research and Economic Development will be
allocating one-time funds to focus on moving intellectual property in a quick and costeffective manner from the drawing board into production. Please use the attached form
to submit a proposal to your campus research office. The budget may include only direct
project expenses. The proposals submitted will be ranked by the campus research officer
and then all proposals will be forwarded to the UM Office of Research and Economic
Development. A final technical and financial report is to be submitted at the completion
of the project and an award impact report submitted one year following completion of the
funding period.
Proposal Review Committee
A five to eight member review panel consisting of both technical and business expertise
will review the proposals. The review panel will make a recommendation to the Vice
President for Research and Economic Development on the top applications. The review
panel will take into consideration the technology’s novelty, commercial potential,
intellectual property position, and the expected outcomes of the work.
January 17, 2013
Request for proposals distributed to campus research office
February 18, 2013
Deadline to submit a proposal to the campus research office for
review and ranking. (UMSL proposals should be submitted to
Tamara Wilgers,, 341 Woods Hall, by 5
p.m. on Feb. 18.)
March 25, 2013
Campus research officer forwards all proposals to UM Vice
President for Research and Economic Development (VPRED)
April 29, 2013
UM VPRED announces awards
For questions regarding this program please contact:
Ashley Wilson, Funding Programs Assistant
Office of Research and Economic Development
University of Missouri System
(573) 882-1714
University of Missouri System
Intellectual Property Fast Track Funding Program
Application Form
Principal Investigator (last, first, middle):
Funding Amount Request:
Employee ID:
Degree (s):
Mailing Address:
Position Title:
Telephone and Fax (Area code, number and
E-Mail Address:
Title of Project:
Project Start Date:
Project Duration (months):
Past and/or Current Funding Related to the Project (use
separate sheet if necessary):
Matching Funds Available (use separate sheet if necessary):
Collaborator Information (last, first, middle) (use separate
sheet if necessary):
Employee ID:
Position Title:
Mailing Address:
Previous Invention Disclosures to the university technology
transfer office relevant to this technology:
Previous patents applied for or allowed regarding this
BY FEBRUARY 18, 2013
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Project Information
Project Description (explain the purpose of the project, the need for and planned use
of the funds) (500 words or less):
Project objectives, goals, and expected outcomes (i.e. what you hope to achieve)
(250 words or less):
Budget Information (250 words or less):
For questions regarding this program please contact:
Ashley Wilson, Funding Programs Assistant
Office of Research and Economic Development
University of Missouri System
(573) 882-1714
BY FEBRUARY 18, 2013
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