Full Description and application

School of Education
Conrad and Virginia
in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education
The Klee Fellowships are merit-based and include a full-tuition scholarship
and a stipend of $4,475 per semester for three semesters.
Soc Sec #:
Phone (day):________________________________
A personal essay (5-10 double-spaced pages including references) must be attached which
addresses your teaching philosophy as specifically informed by research on learning and your
interest in (a) working as a teaching assistant in grade 7-12 classrooms, and (b) contributing to
educational research in science or mathematics, both as a Klee Fellow and future teacherpractitioner.
Selection Criteria
The Donor has established this assistantship to benefit Master Of Arts in Teaching Science and
Mathematics students. The School of Education mathematics and science educators will select
appropriate recipients based on the following criteria and guidelines:
Matriculated Master of Arts in teaching students enrolled in the Science or Mathematics
teacher education programs
First preference will be given to Broome County residents or graduates of Broome County
high schools returning to the area to live. Second preference will be given to Tioga County
residents or Tioga County high school graduates returning to the area to live .
Have demonstrated interest in and capacity to: (a) provide classroom level assistance to
grade 7-12 teachers and students, and (b) contribute to both research-informed practice
and educational research.
Demonstrated interest in working in Broome County as a Science or Mathematics teacher
upon graduation.
Fellowship Commitments
Recipients will work with "master" teachers in Broome County schools (8-10 hours per week) and under
the tutelage of the SOE science or mathematics educators on professional development projects and
research (for an additional 5-10 hours per week). The focus of their work in the school setting will evolve
over three semesters from:
1. initial observations to become familiar with the physical, emotional and cognitive
developmental levels of the students and the "culture" of the classroom and school to,
2. targeted instructional assistance including (a) diagnostic assessments (e.g., clinical
interviews, development of pre-instruction questionnaires related to research-identified
misconceptions, etc.,) and (b) tutoring "at-risk" students to
3. development of lessons and draft curriculum modules that would be co-taught with the
"master" teacher from an "action research" perspective.
Students applying for the Klee Fellowships must submit the application and essay by March 30, 2009.
Applications may be returned to the SOE Dean's Office, AB-133, mailed to Klee Fellowship Committee,
School of Education, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000, Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, or submitted
electronically to pbrunner@binghamton.edu.
Finalists will be interviewed prior to the awarding of the fellowships.
School of Education
Binghamton University
PO Box 6000
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000
Phone: 607-777-7329
Fax: 607-777-6041
E-mail: soe@binghamton.edu
Last updated 2/3/09