COLLEGE OF DENTISTRY DEPARTMENT OF MAXILLOFACIAL SURGERY DIAGNOSTIC SCIENCES [MDS] ORAL DIAGNOSIS – II [331 MDS] STUDY GUIDE 1 Message from the Dean Assalamualaikumwarahamatullahiwabarakatahu It is my pleasure to welcome you to the College of Dentistry - Zulfi at Majmaah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. College of Dentistry aims to improve the dental health of the people in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through providing the students with excellent clinical training, supporting research and learning environment. Towards this goal the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery & Diagnostic Sciences has prepared a study guide in Oral Diagnosis – II for the benefit of the students. I have read this study guide and would like to assure you that the team has done an excellent job in addressing all the questions a student will have at the start of the course. This guide also contains all the schedule of lectures and practical classes. I would like to congratulate the teamfor coming up with this guide. I am happy to be the Dean of the College of Dentistry and I am sure that the assurance from the dedication of our energetic and benevolent faculty and staff prompts you to be skilled and knowledgeable in attaining high standard of education. Best wishes Dr. Abdur Rahman Al Atram 2 Message from the members of the committee Dear Students, We are delighted to welcome you to the course of Oral Diagnosis II. This is a course which you will be studying in 3rd year 1st semester; this study guide will inform and update you about the various topics to be covered in the course. The topics covered in this course are highly relevant and have clinical implications which will be of great help in your professional life. This subject is one of the very important foundation courses in clinical dentistry as it stands at the door step of the dental hospital, it not only welcomes the patient but also allays their fear from the dentist and his treatment and hence builds a positive attitude of the patient towards the dental surgeon. Hence we the committee suggest you to use this guide to prepare yourself during the course and gain maximum benefit. Best wishes & Good luck SDS Dr. Mohd Malik Afroz RDS Course Director Dr. Rupak Sethuraman Oral Teaching Assistant Diagnosis MDS PDS Best Wishes Members of Committee 3 APPROVAL FOR THE COURSE This course has been reviewed, revised and approved by: The Department of Maxillofacial Surgery and Diagnostic Sciences College Curriculum Committee College Council 4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No 1 Message from the Dean 1 2 Message from the members of committee 2 3 Approval of the course 3 4 General course information 6 5 Course description 7 6 General course objectives 8 7 Course contents 8 7 Detailed objectives of lectures 13 8 Detailed objectives of practicals 17 9 Student additional private study hours per week & student support 21 10 Teaching & learning resources 22 12 Facilities required 23 13 Students Assessment 24 14 Course evaluation & Improvement process 24 5 GENERAL COURSE INFORMATION Course Title Oral Diagnosis – II Course Code 331 MDS Course components & Credit Hours Theory First semester 1 Clinical Total 1 2 113 ANA; 113 PSL; 213PHL; 211 PDS;242 MDS Prerequisites Basic Knowledge of biology, oral pathology and general facial landmarks Corequisites Anatomy of head and neck, oral pathology, oral radiology and microbiology Year / Level In 3rd year 1stsemester of dentistry. General Course Description This course is a continuation of the previous oral diagnosis course 242MDS. It deals with the advanced history taking and managing of different patients that approach the dental clinics. Studentswill be trained to tackle the questions of the patients and their attendants and allay their fears regarding the dental treatment. This course is completed in 3rd year 1st semester with 1 hour theory and 2hours practicals, hence has 3 contact hours and 2 credit hours. 6 General Course objectives At the end of the session students will be able to – a. This course intends to take the students forward in terms of understanding of various methods of diagnosing oral infections. b. Students will be trained in understanding different lesions of oral cavity and its approach towards adequate diagnosis. c. Students will be trained in building the attitude of asking about the specific lesions and improve the approach towards the questioning related to the lesions and hence rule out the negative symptoms to come to final diagnosis. PROCEDURE TO CHECK PULSE 7 COURSE CONTENTS: A - Lectures: 15 S.No List of topic 1 Introduction Detailed content 2 Diagnosis of salivary gland lesions 3 Inflammatory Hyperplasia– 1 No of Contact weeks hours 1 It introduces the students 1 to the course Teaches them the importance of this course. Helps them understand the protocol to be followed for this course Various disorders 1 affecting the salivary glands. How to arrive at a diagnosis of a salivary gland disorder based on the symptoms and signs 1 1 1 Different inflammatory hyperplasias occurring in the oral cavity. Clinical presentation and distinguishing features among some important inflammatory hyperplasias. 4 Inflammatory Hyperplasia– 2 Clinical presentation and 1 distinguishing features among some more important inflammatory hyperplasias occurring in the oral cavity. 1 5 Forensic Odontology-1 Introduction to Forensic 1 Odontology Bite Marks and its importance in forensic odontology 1 8 6 Forensic Odontology-2 Lip prints and other 1 methods of detection used in forensic odontology. 1 7 Orofacial Pain –1 Definition of pain and 1 pain pathway. Various conditions causing orofacial pain. 1 8 Orofacial Pain –2 How to diagnose various 1 orofacial pain conditions with particular importance for trigeminal neuralgia and burning mouth syndrome. 1 9 Examination of Temporo Mandibular Joint Anatomy of the Temporo 1 Mandibular joint along with the different movements possible at the joint. Detailed Procedure of examination of the Temporo Mandibular joint. 1 Midterm exam 1 Diagnosis of Important disorders 1 Temporo involving the Temporo Mandibular Mandibular joint. Joint Disorders How to diagnose the above disorders. 1 1 10 11 Oral Manifestation s and Investigations of Medically Compromised Dental Patient-1 Meaning of the term 1 Medically Compromised Dental Patient. Oral Manifestations and Investigations in patients with Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. 1 9 12 13 14 Oral Manifestation s and Investigations of Medically Compromised Dental Patient-2 Oral Changes in Geriatric Patient Diagnosis Space Infections of 1 1 Oral Manifestations and Investigationsin patients with Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Renal Failure. Meaning of the term 1 Geriatric Patient with important changes in the oral structures in these patients. 1 Various space infections 1 and their clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of the various space infections. 1 Meaning and importance 1 of patient follow up. 1 15 Patient follow up Final exam 1 1 Digital photographs of the palpebral conjunctiva of four patients with hemoglobin concentrations of (a) 7.3, (b) 12.7, (c) 14.0, and (d) 14.5 g/dL 10 B - Practicals: 15 S.No List of topic 1 Introduction 2,3 and 4 Diagnosis of odontogenic pain 5,6 and 7 Diagnosis of Periodontitis 8 Diagnosis of Pericoronitis 9 and Provisional 10 Diagnosis of common dental Detailed content No of Contact week Hours s 1 Importance of the course 1 and understanding of its components 1 Demonstration in detail 1 regarding the examination of such a patient and how to arrive at a diagnosis. Exercise for examination on a patient based on the demonstration. 1 Discussion and 1 demonstration in detail regarding the methods of examination, recognizing the signs and symptoms of periodontitis and how to arrive at a diagnosis. Exercise for examination on a patient based on the demonstration 1 Discussion and 1 demonstration in detail regarding the methods of examination, recognizing the signs and symptoms of pericoronitis and how to arrive at a diagnosis. Exercise for examination on a patient based on the demonstration. Discussion to Know what is meant by provisional 1 diagnosis Discussion to co – relate 1 11 diseases 11 and 12 13 and 14 the history and the clinical appearance to the most relevant disease Differential Diagnosis to complex dental lesions Investigation Discussion to Know what 1 is meant by differential diagnosis. Discussion to co – relate other diseases relevant to provisional diagnosis based on their clinical appearance. 1 Discussion to Know the 1 different investigations available in the clinic The students will be trained to understand the importance of advising proper investigation. Procedure to write the investigation 1 Detailed Objectives of the Content – LECTURES Lecture 1 – Introduction At the end of the lecture students will be able to know – It introduces the students to the course Teaches them the importance of this course. Helps them understand the protocol to be followed for this course 12 Lecture 2 – Diagnosis of salivary gland lesions At the end of the lecture students will be able to know – Various disorders affecting the salivary glands. How to arrive at a diagnosis of a salivary gland disorder based on the symptoms and signs Lecture 3 – Inflammatory hyperplasia – 1 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know – Different inflammatory hyperplasias occurring in the oral cavity. Clinical presentation and distinguishing features among some important inflammatory hyperplasias. Lecture 4 – Inflammatory hyperplasia – 2 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know – Clinical presentation and Distinguishing features among some more important inflammatory hyperplasias occurring in the oral cavity Lecture 5 –Forensic Odontology-1 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know – Introduction to forensic odontology Importance of bite marks in forensic odontology Lecture 6 –Forensic Odontology-2 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know Importance of lip prints Other methods of diagnosis used in forensic odontology. Lecture 7 – Orofacial Pain – 1 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know13 Definition of pain and pain pathway. Various conditions causing orofacial pain. Lecture 8 – Orofacial Pain – 2 At the end of the lecture students will be able to know How to diagnose various orofacial pain conditions Particular importance for trigeminal neuralgia and burning mouth syndrome. Lecture 9 –Examination of Temporo Mandibular Joint At the end of the lecture students will be able to know Anatomy of the Temporo Mandibular joint along with the different movements possible at the joint. Detailed Procedure of examination of the Temporo Mandibular joint. Lecture 10 – Diagnosis of Temporo Mandibular Joint Disorders At the end of the lecture the students will be able to know – Important disorders involving the Temporo Mandibular joint How to diagnose the above disorders Lecture 11 – Oral Manifestations and Investigations in Medically Compromised Dental Patient-1 At the end of the lecture the students will be able to know Meaning of the term Medically Compromised Dental Patient. Oral Manifestations and appropriate investigations in patients with Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus. Lecture 12 – Oral Manifestations and Investigations in Medically Compromised Dental Patient-2 At the end of the lecture the students will be able to know – Oral Manifestations and Appropriate Investigations in patients with Bronchial Asthma and Chronic Renal Failure 14 Lecture 13 –Oral Changes in Geriatric Patient At the end of the lecture the students will be able to know – Meaning of the term Geriatric Patient with important changes in the oral structures in these patients. Lecture 14 – Diagnosis of Space Infections At the end of the lecture students will be able to know– Various space infections and their clinical manifestations. Diagnosis of the various space infections. Lecture 15 – Patient follow up At the end of the lecture students will be able to know– Meaning and importance of patient follow up How to maintain the records of the patients to be used by other doctor Clinical – I Clinical1 – Introduction At the end of the session students will be able to – Know the protocol for entering into the clinical practice Importance of better presentation of himself How he has to be ready and attentive in the clinic to manage any eventuality 15 Procedure to be followed – Students will be introduced to the protocol to be followed in the clinic They will be told to use specific dress code for entering in the clinic They will be further trained in maintaining the general clinical infection control Clinical2,3and 4 – Diagnosis of odontogenic pain At the end of the session students will be able to – Recognize the signs and symptoms of odontogenic pain Know various conditions causing odontogenic pain. Know how to arrive at a diagnosis of various conditions causing odontogenic pain. Procedure to be followed – Students will be trained to ask the relevant questions to the patient for getting the information about his complaint of pain Students will be told to read the information given in the clinical manual and to ask the questions They will be guided with patient language translation where ever necessary They will be trained in differential diagnosis based on the examination of the site of pain Clinical5, 6 and 7 – Diagnosis of Periodontitis At the end of the session students will be able to – Recognize the signs and symptoms of periodontitis Know how to arrive at a diagnosis of periodontitis Procedure to be followed – Students will be trained to use the periodontal instruments They will be trained to understand the physiologic appearance of the periodontal apparatus Individual demonstration will be given to the students regarding periodontal examination Clinical8 –Diagnosis of Pericoronitis At the end of the session students will be able to – Recognize the signs and symptoms of pericoronitis 16 Know how to arrive at a diagnosis of pericoronitis Procedure to be followed – Students will be trained to understand the clinical signs and symptoms of pericoronitis. Individual demonstration will be given to the students regarding examination of pericoronitis. Clinical 9and 10 – ProvisionalDiagnosis – At the end of the session student will be able to – Know what is meant by provisional diagnosis Know how to co – relate the history and the clinical appearance to the most relevant disease Know how to enumerate the different clinical presentations in the patient in an order for organization of the treatment Procedure to be followed – Depending on every case students will be trained to co – relate the history and clinical appearance to the most probable name of the disease Students will be given different situations based on the same case in order to train them to think different other lesions with similar lesions Clinical 11 and 12 – Differential Diagnosis – At the end of the session students will be able to – Know what is meant by differential diagnosis. Know how to suggest differential diagnosis based on the provisional diagnosis. Procedure to be followed – Students will be asked to suggest different lesions having similar clinical appearance There will be group discussions to suggest the different lesions which can have similar clinical appearance 17 Clinical 13 and 14 – Investigations At the end of the session students will be able to – Know the different investigations available in the clinic Procedure to suggest relevant investigation Procedure to write the investigation Procedure to be followed – Students will be trained to write the requisition for taking radiograph They will trained to enter the information in the exact software for the requisition Each student will be trained to write similar requests for investigations Student additional private study hours per week & student support: In Additional to the credit hours in the college hours the student is expected to put in 5 hours of private study/learning hours per week. (This is an average for the semester not a specific requirement in each week). The students are encouraged to interact with the tutors of the course for any additional help required during the course. The staff members are instructed to inform the students regarding the office hours when they can approach the faculty for their help After each class the faculty member allocates a few minutes to clear the doubts of the students if needed 18 The power point presentation of each class is uploaded on the faculty member’s website from where the students can easily retrieve it and come prepared for the lecture. Group of three students are allotted to one faculty member, who is their mentor, the students can even approach their respective mentors if they have any additional problems with the subject. Teaching and learning resources: 19 Students will be shown power point presentations, quiz, and essay competition. During the practicals students will be shown microscopic slides, models and casts to give them in depth knowledge and understanding of the subject. Use of more teaching aids during classes with special emphasis on the applied aspects of the structures, impromptu questions asked during the class would also aid in developing cognitive skills. In addition we would design quizzes and assignments in such a way that the students would have to correlate the various topics and information given to them. The students will be asked oral questions, debates, group discussions group tasks will be designed so that the students learn to interact with their batch mates. In addition project work will be assigned to small groups so that they learn to take up the responsibility and complete it. Recommended text books: Textbook Principles of Oral Diagnosis; 8th edition – 2012 Author – Coleman Textbook Text book of General And Oral Medicine 5th edition – 2011 Author – Crispian and Scully 20 Reference book Recommended books Shafer’s Text book of Oral Pathology – 6th edition 2006 Principles of Oral Diagnosis; 8th edition 2012 Author – Coleman Website www.oral diagnostic Lab guide Oral And Maxillofacial Medicine – 5th edition – 2011 Author – Crispian and Scully Facilities Required: Theory: A class room with a seating capacity of atleast 30 students, equipped with a projector and smart board. Practical: A well equipped clinical department with a dental chair, doctor chair equipped with diagnostic instruments and basic chair side investigation tests. 21 A record maintenance room Physical examination room having basic equipment like height and weight checking machine; apparatus for Blood Pressure, Pulse and respiratory rate examination. An emergency room with an ambulance should be available to tackle with any untoward eventuality. Student Assessment: Evaluation & assessment of students: By Oral and Written examination, periodic assessment through assignments, evaluation of the projects and group tasks. Assessment of student communication skills will be through the seminars and term papers. The oral skills will be tested in the oral exams. 2nd Semester Assessment IN COURSE ASSESSMENT – 60% FINAL- 40% Behavior/Attitude Presentation Research Quiz Mid Term Theory Mid Term Practical Weekly Practical assessment Oral Exam Final Exam Theory Final Practical Exam THEORY-50% AND PRACTICAL50% Percentage 5% 2% 2% 1% 20% 10% 10% 10% 30% 10% 100% SEMINARS A. Guidelines for seminar sessions: 1. One seminar per student is scheduled during the semester. 2. Duration of each seminar will be of 15 minutes. 22 3. The students will be given the topics for seminar atleast two weeks in advance. The topics will be selected randomly by the students by a picking a slip (lottery method). 4. The student is expected to prepare a powerpoint presentation for the seminar. They can take the help of a staff member in preparing themselves for the presentation. 5. After each sessiongroup discussion will be allowed. 6. The tutor (faculty member incharge) will give his comments and feed back about the presentation. 7. All the students are expected to be present during the seminars and also prepare themselves by reading about the topic of presentation so as to have an active and productive group discussion. 8. Seminars grading will be grouped under the theory assignment B. Topics of Seminar S.No Name of topic 1. Xerostomia 2. Sialolithiasis 3. Mucocele 4. Pleomorphic adenoma 5. Mucoepidermoid carcinoma 6. Mumps 7. Oral fibroma 8. Oral lipoma 9. Hemangioma 10. Epulis 11. TNM Staging for oral cancer 12. Toluidine blue staining 13. Trigeminal Neuralgia 14. Burning mouth Syndrome 15. D/D of orofacial pain 23 16 Examination of TMJ 17. Myofascial Pain Dysfunction Syndrome 18. Examination of parotid and submandibular salivary glands 19 Anterior Disc Displacement with and without reduction 20. Dental Management of hypertension 21. Dental management of Diabetes Mellitus 22. Dental management of bronchial asthma 23 Dental management of chronic renal failure 24. Dental management of geriatric patient Course Evaluation and Improvement Process: The students will be given a feedback form, which can be submitted to the course director or to the dean which will help in improvement of the subject teaching. The head of the department or the Dean has informal meetings with groups of students to discuss the contents of the course, method of teaching to evaluate the course and the instructor. Meetings will be conducted every week in the department to update the status of each student and the difficulties felt by the colleague will be resolved accordingly. The dean randomly attends lectures to assess the instructor. The power point presentation of each lecture is distributed to all the staff members of the department for evaluation and suggestions for improvement. Teachers will be subjected to go for up gradation of knowledge by attending the relevant conferences and will be encouraged to carry on a self improvement. Other staff members are invited to attend the seminar presentation of students to verify the standards of student learning and their work. 24