IN PARTNERSHIP WITH: Confluence Life Sciences Donald Danforth Plant Science Center Saint Louis University Washington University in St. Louis University of Missouri-St. Louis SPONSORED BY: Office of the Chancellor-UMSL….. Saint Louis University….Washington University in St. Louis…..St. Louis Symphony….DuPont Nutrition and Health….Saint Louis Zoo… Monsanto Company….Academy of Science of St. Louis….Easter Seals Midwest… St. Louis Children’s Hospital….UMKC School of Medicine….Missouri Botanical Garden….BioSTL MANDATORY UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded MONDAY JUNE 13 TUESDAY JUNE 14 WEDNESDAY JUNE 15 8:30 – 8:55 “Student Introductions” Continued DR. KEN MARES 8:00 – 8:30 REGISTRATION & CO N T I N E N T A L B R E A K F A S T “Test Questions” 104 Stadler Hall, UMSL North Park in Garage #52 on West Drive Dr. CHARLES GRANGER 104 Stadler 8:30 – 10:45 WELCOME, ORIENTATION, INTRODUCTIONS DR. KEN MARES DR. CHARLES GRANGER DR. HEIDI HOPE 104 Stadler 11:00 – 12:00 LABORATORY SAFETY and COMPLIANCE TRAINING DDPSC and SLU – 104 Stadler CLS/AB and WUSTL – 115 Benton UMSL – 240 Benton 12:15 – 12:50 BUFFET LUNCH Millennium Student Ctr. (MSC) Century B and C – Third Floor 1:00 1. ST UD E NT P HOT O S 2. LAB C O AT FIT T I NG S 3. UMSL ID CARDS You MUST Bring Your Current Photo ID to Room 190 4. BU Y $2 5 M ET RO PA S S Ro o m 238 – Ca sh ie r 5. Ad jou rned R E S E A R C H 9:00 – 9:55 “Neuroscience” DR. ERIK HERZOG Professor Department of Biology Washington University 104 Stadler THURSDAY JUNE 16 R E S E A R C H 10:00 – 11:20 “Medical Ethics Lecture” DR. IRA KODNER Colorectal Surgeon Director of the Washington Univ. Center for the Study of Ethics and Human Values 104 Stadler 11:30 – 12:15 BUFFET LUNCH Students meet their Research Mentors at their respective campus MSC Century C Students meet their Research Mentors at their respective campus YOU ARE REQUIRED TO E-MAIL THE TITLE AND A 1-2 SENTENCE DESCRIPTION OF YOUR RESEARCH PAPER TO YOUR ADVISOR BY NOON TODAY RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor FRIDAY JUNE 17 5:30 -7:45 SO CI A L EV E N T Bowling & Pizza Tropicana Lanes 7960 Clayton Rd. (314) 781-0282 WEEK TWO Mandatory UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded MONDAY J U NE 2 0 T U E S DA Y J U NE 2 1 8:00 – 8:25 Research Paper Update DR. HEIDI HOPE 104 Stadler 8:30 – 9:30 “Overview - Selective College Admissions Lecture” MS. CHRYSTAL OKONTA Admissions Officer Undergraduate Admissions Washington University 104 Stadler 9:35 – 10:30 “Ecology of Invasive Species in Missouri: Who Does What to Whom” DR. ROBERT MARQUIS Professor – Dept. of Biology Director – Whitney R. Harris World Ecology Center University of Missouri-St. Louis 10:30 – 11:25 “Urban/Suburban Biodiversity” MS. SHEILA VOSS Vice President, Education Missouri Botanical Garden 104 Stadler 11:35 - 12:00 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century B and C RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor R E S E A R C H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor W E D NE S DA Y J U NE 2 2 8:30 – 9:25 “College Essay Writing Lecture” MS. TORI NEASON Admissions Officer Undergraduate Admissions Washington University 104 Stadler 9:35 – 10:50 “Protecting Wildlife through Conservation Medicine” SHARON DEEM DVM, PhD, DACZM Institute for Conservation Medicine St. Louis Zoo 104 Stadler 11:00 – 11:50 “The Fascinating World of Bees“ DR. GERALD HAYES, JR. Beeologics Commercial Lead Monsanto Company 104 Stadler 12:00 – 12:30 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century B and C RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor THURSDAY J U NE 2 3 F R I D AY J U NE 2 4 YO U A RE RE Q UI RE D TO SE N D AN E -M AI L GI VIN G THE R E S E A R C H I NT R O D U C T I O N S TA R T & RE FE RE N CE S FO R YO U R RE SE AR CH PAPE R TO YO UR AD VI SO R AND ME N T OR OR ME N TO R DE S I GNE E BY NOON TODAY RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor SOCIAL EVENT 7:30 PM Live and Let Die: A Symphonic Tribute to Sir Paul McCartney Powell Hall 718 N. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, MO WEEK THREE Mandatory UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded M ON DA Y JUNE 27 T U E SD AY JUNE 28 “St. Louis' Bioscience Innovation Ecosystem” “Nerve Injury Lecture” AMY MOORE, MD Asst. Professor, Surgery Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Center Department of Surgery WUSTL School of Medicine 104 Stadler 11:15 – 12:00 Washington University Undergraduate Program MS. ARIEL SAUL Admissions Officer MR. CHRIS KROEGER Assoc. Dean, School of Eng. Washington University 104 Stadler R E S E A R C H DR. DAN ORY Professor of Medicine WUSTL School of Medicine NANETTE TARBOUNI Director, College Counseling John Burroughs School 104 Stadler 10:00 - 11:30 ’The Soloist’ “A Study of Paranoid Schizophrenia and Other Mental Health Issues” DR. DEANNA BARCH Chair, Dept. of Psychology Washington University MR. ADAM CRANE Vice President for External Affairs St. Louis Symphony MR. EDDIE SILVA External Affairs and Publications Manager St. Louis Symphony R E S E A R C H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Mentor 104 Stadler 12:10 - 12:30 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Pilot House – 1st Floor F RI DA Y JULY 1 “Facts and Fiction The Interviewing Process for College Admissions” 8:30 – 9:45 9:50 – 11:05 T H U R SDA Y JUNE 30 8:30 - 9:50 8:00 – 8:25 Research Paper Update DR. HEIDI HOPE 104 Stadler MR. DONN RUBIN President and CEO BioSTL 104 Stadler W ED NE S DA Y JUNE 29 11:45 - 12:15 Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century B and C SOCIAL EVENT St. Louis Galleria RESEARCH RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Movie & ice cream after! Details TBD YOU ARE REQUIRED TO E-MAIL TO YOUR ADVISOR AND MENTOR OR MENTOR DESIGNEE BY NOON TODAY ADDING MATERIALS AND METHODS WHILE CONTINUING TO WORK ON INTRO & REFERENCES. RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor WEEK FOUR Mandatory UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded M ON DA Y JULY 4 T U E SD AY JULY 5 W ED NE S DA Y JULY 6 T H U R SDA Y JULY 7 F RI DA Y JULY 8 8:00 – 8:25 Paper Q & A With Your Advisor 104 Stadler / Hamper - Woerndle Meisel - Niederschulte 201 Stadler / H. Hope – Krul 244 Stadler / Kidd - Weinberg 245 Stadler / Berger - M. Hope 248 Stadler / Burnette - Granok 301 Stadler / Kaul - Stillwell 304 Stadler / Humphries - Spingola “Nanoscience and Medicine” H O L I D R E S E A R C H 8:30 – 9:15 DR. TOM GEORGE Chancellor and Professor, UMSL 9:15 – 10:00 DR. YOUNG-SHIN JUN “Nanoscience and the Environment” Associate Professor Energy, Environ. and Chem. Engineering Washington University 10:00 – 10:45 DR. GEORGE GOKEL Distinguished Professor Director, Ctr. for Nanoscience, UMSL 104 Stadler 11:00 – 11:50 “University of Missouri - St. Louis Undergraduate Opportunities” MR. DREW GRIFFIN Director of Admissions – UMSL MR. JOE SOUTHERLAND Academic Advisor - UMSL 12:00 - 12:30 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century C A Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor RE S E ARC H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Y BASEBALL (Section 235) 5:00 Leave for Union Station for dinner there on your own. 6:45 Meet at Union Station Metrolink Station (top of the stairs) to ride to the game as a group 7:15 CARDINALS vs. PIRATES R E S E A R C H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor YOU ARE REQUIRED TO E-MAIL TO YOUR ADVISOR AND MENTOR OR MENTOR DESIGNEE B Y N OO N TOD A Y A D DI NG T H E S T A RT O F Y O UR RE S U L T S A N D DI S C US S I O N WHILE CO NT I NU I NG T O WORK ON OTHER S E CT I O NS . RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Mandatory UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded M ON DA Y JULY 11 T U E SD AY JULY 12 8:00 – 8:25 Paper Q & A With Your Advisor 104 Stadler / Hamper - Woerndle Meisel - Niederschulte 201 Stadler / H. Hope – Krul 244 Stadler / Kidd - Weinberg 245 Stadler / Berger - M. Hope 248 Stadler / Burnette - Granok 301 Stadler / Kaul - Stillwell 304 Stadler / Humphries - Spingola 8:30 – 9:50 “Subversive Science: Sustainability and Architecture” MR. BRUCE LINDSEY Dean and Des Lee Professor College of Architecture Washington University 104 Stadler 10:00 - 11:55 “Autism: What is it? Who is affected? What is being done?” MS. JEANNE MARSHALL Vice President, Autism Services Easter Seals Midwest “Finding Kansas: Living and Decoding Asperger’s Syndrome” MR. AARON LIKENS Author 104 Stadler 12:10 - 12:45 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century C RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor W ED NE S DA Y JULY 13 WEEK FIVE T H U R SDA Y JULY 14 8:30 – 9:25 M AN D AT O R Y! “Living and Dying with Oxygen: Driving Forces Behind the Origin of Eukaryotes, Sex and Aging” R E S E A R C H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor DR. JACK KENNELL Professor and Assoc. Chairperson Department of Biology Saint Louis University 104 Stadler 9:30 – 10:30 “The Great Big World of Tiny Microorganisms: An Exploration of Microbiomes” DR. BLYTHE JANOWIAK Assistant Professor, Biology Dept. Saint Louis University Saint Louis University 10:35 - 11:50 “Saint Louis University Undergraduate Admissions” MS. HEATHER BROCK Assistant Director Office of Admission Saint Louis University 104 Stadler 12:00 - 12:30 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century C 12:30 – 1:30 (FOR INTERESTED STUDENTS) “UMKC Six-Year Medical School” Mr. Brian Steele Admissions Coordinator UMKC School of Medicine MSC Room 313 RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor F RI DA Y JULY 15 R E S E A R C H Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor YOU ARE REQUIRED TO E-MAIL YOUR RESEARCH PAPER (INCLUDING ABSTRACT) TO YOUR ADVISOR AND MENTOR OR MENTOR DESIGNEE BY NOON TODAY RESEARCH Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor Mandatory UMSL Campus Activities are Shaded M ON DA Y JULY 18 T U E SD AY JULY 19 8:00 – 8:25 Paper Q & A With Your Advisor 104 Stadler / Hamper - Woerndle Meisel – Niederschulte 201 Stadler / H. Hope – Krul 244 Stadler / Kidd - Weinberg 245 Stadler / Berger - M. Hope 248 Stadler / Burnette - Granok 301 Stadler / Kaul - Stillwell 304 Stadler / Humphries - Spingola 104 Stadler 9:30 – 9:55 PHOTOGRAPHS Entire STARS Group & By High School Research Building Back Steps 8:30 – 9:45 “How to Make a Good Presentation” DR. DAN RUZICKA Research Scientist Monsanto Company 10:00 – 11:30 PRESENTATION PRACTICE With the Advisors MENTOR 104 Stadler 10:00 – 11:30 “Getting Ready for a Career in Medicine” 10-10:30 NIHARIKA RATH, MD 2nd year, Resident Physician 10:30-11:30 Ms. PATTI MCCARTY Sr. Coordinator, Mktg. & Comm. St. Louis Childrens’ Hospital 104 Stadler 11:45 – 12:15 BUFFET LUNCH MSC Century C 12:15 – 1:15 (FOR INTERESTED STUDENTS) Science Fair Competitions DR. BRUCE HAMPER Honors Fair Chairman Asst. Teaching Professor, UMSL MS. PEGGY NACKE Director Special Projects/Events Academy of Science STL MSC Room 313 MENTOR PAPER PRESENTATION Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor W ED NE S DA Y JULY 20 8:45 – 9:15 CO NFI RM ATI ON C ER EM O N Y R EH E AR S AL PAPER PRESENTATION Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor 101 Benton 104 Benton 115 Benton 116 Benton 240 Benton 241 Benton 446 Benton 445 Benton 104 Stadler T H U R SDA Y JULY 21 WEEK SIX F RI DA Y JULY 22 8:00 - 11:55 R E S E A R C H RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATIONS TWO, STAPLED copies of your COMPLETE research paper must be given to your advisor this morning. MUST INCLUDE THE SIGNED MENTOR APPROVAL SHEET. 101 Benton 104 Benton 115 Benton 116 Benton 241 Benton 240 Benton 445 Benton 446 Benton 104 Stadler 12: 0 0 – 1 2: 45 LUNCH ON YOUR OWN B U F FE T L U NC H MSC Century B and C 1:00 – 2:15 12:15 – 3:30 PRESENTATION PRACTICE (continued) With the Advisors 101 Benton 102 Benton(not open in AM) 104 Benton 115 Benton 116 Benton 240 Benton 241 Benton 445 Benton 446 Benton 104 Stadler (only until 1:30) You may depart at the discretion of your Advisor Your schedule is based on the discretion of your Research Mentor RESEARCH PAPER PRESENTATIONS (continued) 101, 102(not AM), 104, 115, 116 Benton 240, 241, 445, 446 Benton 104 Stadler 2:20 - ALL students board bus 2:30 - Bus departs for Touhill 3:00 – 4:00 CONFIRMATION CEREMONY Challenge Speaker: Dr. Holden Thorp, Provost Washington University ( Rec ep ti on F oll o ws ) Touhill Performing Arts Center E. Desmond and Mary Ann Lee Theater – UMSL